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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Most of the registrations appear to be Scottish.
  2. Just had a call from a solicitor. My late uncle has left me some property. I now have to find out where Sod Hall is.
  3. Transmission was just to the two inner axles, the coupling rods doing the rest. Axle weight would be less, (only one cab).
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The leak has almost stopped, perhaps my remembering to close the valve that pressurises the system is something to do with it. I will now wait for the engineer to call tomorrow as no way am I going to mess about with it. I had switched off the power as soon as I realised that I couldn't fix it myself. It looks like its going to be another hot one today, not as hot as yesterday but the cooler weather is on its way south but is not here yet. I once gashed my head like Mike did, about 25 years ago, I walked into the open tailgate of the car. It was Sunday afternoon which is always a busy time in A&E (Sunday league football injuries) and as the injury was only minor it was cleaned up (it had stopped bleeding) I was told to take a seat and wait. I ended up waiting 4 or 5 hours. There was 'entertainment' if you could call it that, a training film explaining how cancer spreads through the body from the initial cancer! Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Indeed that is the one, IIRC it was the only one made and the Army didn't keep it for long.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The water has stopped dripping from the filter unit but its dripped down into the airing cupboard. Fortunately the only things that got wet were some old sheets and towels kept for use as dust sheets etc, but some other stuff has been moved out of the way of any drips. I've dug out an old kettle (2 litres) so I'm boiling that up and adding about the same amount of cold water so I can have a good wash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae829mFAGGE
  7. I thought the Artex (on the wall behind the loco) was a bit out of place.
  8. Sentinels actually built a centre cab 0-8-0 which was basically two 0-4-0's sharing a single cab. It wasn't very successful as it didn't like some of the curves found on industrial railways.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped into Tess Coes just after lunch and again bread pudding was on offer. I was informed that it only becomes available when enough out-of-date bread is returned to make enough mix. I have noticed however that bread pudding appears on the shelves more often on Tuesdays than any other day of the week. So ChrisF if you are seeking bread pudding you have a better chance on Tuesdays. Seeing as its warm and sticky today people seem to be giving me plenty of social distancing.
  10. I had a Rascal van, on the front it read both Vauxhall and Bedford. The log book said Vauxhall though. Apparently thats how it left the factory, the Bedford name had been dropped but there were a few Bedford labelled bits to be used up. It was something similar with the Allegro estate I once had. Most of the interior was series III but it had the chrome bumpers of a series II.
  11. Back again, no bath this morning, no hot water! The boiler had shut down so I re-pressurised it but it only ran for a few seconds before shutting down again. A closer examination revealed a leak, not in the boiler itself but in the filter which is a separate item. I've managed to get some one in to fix it but not until Thursday.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The heat mentioned by Jamie is heading our way. It didn't quite top 30 yesterday but is predicted to do so today. Q mentioned the number of virus positives in North Norfolk, here and in Southend the figures are almost as low. This is despite the number of grockles pouring into Southend during the last hot spell. Perhaps those who may have caught it took it away with them. It would be interesting to see the figures from other resort locations such as Blackpool. GDB if I want to avoid using the ATM's I draw cash in the post office, the only drawback is if there's a queue. Now to run that bath, be back later.
  13. Perhaps the only answer is to stop the cars on the grid (in race order) and mechanically sweep the track.
  14. I'm having trouble posting as well.
  15. There seems to be a competition here to see who can get the most groans on a post.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to do a bit of gardening today until the heat called a halt. It also bought out the grasshoppers and a ladybird. There won't be much gardening done tomorrow but it will be cooler later in the week. I've installed the 'Old layout for Facebook' and they even have their own group (on Farcebook!) where they explain that the changes are taking place for mobile phone and tablet users.
  17. There was a fatal bin lorry crash in Kidbrook this morning:- https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-one-dead-child-11-22678924
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. This will ring a bell with many ER's:-
  19. Bridge bashing with a difference. Some of the wagons were loaded with cars.
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