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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have a couple of chairs of similar vintage. When the Elm Park estate, Hornchurch was being built from the mid 20's one of the first buildings was the church, St. Nicholas built in 1925/6. Twenty five years later it was decided that a new church was required and this was built alongside the old one. The pews of the old church were individual wooden chairs and these were sold off. At the time new furniture was still rationed so queues soon formed for these chairs as they made ideal dining/kitchen chairs. My dad and my grandparents obtained six of these chairs between them (they allowed only two chairs per person). I remember my dad removing some of the plywood boxes attached to the backs of some of the chairs that were there for the prayer books. I still have two of these chairs, a bit battered and with several coats of paint but still very much in use.
  2. Whatever dimension is correct its going to make a lot of money for the lawyers.
  3. 20 centimetres is a whopping 8 inches in old money. If that sort of discrepancy is common its no surprise that continental drivers and many younger drivers who have only been taught metric keep hitting bridges.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'd just come down this morning when I heard a noise in the back garden. It turned out to be a young fox looking for slugs and snails under some old scrap wood. As I have mentioned I spent some time talking to my niece yesterday evening and the conversation got round to the age of the properties family members have lived in. It turns out that her present home tops the lot as it dates from the early 1700's at least. The house that my grandparents owned in St. Leonards comes next, built in the early 1800's, then my cottage in Burnham-on-Crouch built in 1863 and then the house in which my mother was born in just over 100 years ago which dates from Edwardian times. Come to think of it it won't be long now before the classic 1930's semi's will be 100 years old.
  5. The LNER painted most of their camping coaches in the green/cream tourist livery. They were frequently moved about the system and placed in storage during the winter months as well so it would be quite legitimate to include one in a (goods?) train formation.
  6. It says 4 metres/13 feet on the bridge sign. 4 metres is 13 feet 1.5 inches. I wonder if some signs have even greater discrepancies.
  7. Forgot to mention. The gas engineer called this afternoon and confirmed as I thought it was the system filter unit. The bad news is that a new one is required and it will take a couple of days for a replacement. He will come and fit it on Monday, just as well we're social distancing.
  8. In Belgium I just ask for a Trappist.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this evening, I had a call from my niece and we ended up talking for over two hours. Tony, I had a couple of Unimog models, in yellow, 1/43 scale. I might have them somewhere, if I find them your more than welcome to one. Now to get on with Farcebook, be back later.
  10. There is the GER J15 and N7 classes. The former in particular was used on summer extra's right into the BR era often with a motley collection of four and six wheelers in tow. IIRC the GER had the greatest number of any company of four and six wheel stock at the grouping.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Will have to do any shopping this morning as I'll be waiting in this afternoon for the central heating engineer. Will be sorting out the airing cupboard and hanging out the items that got a bit damp to dry. Roundhouse, sorry to hear of the horticultural society being wound up, I fear many organisations are in the same boat, especially those that are 'nomadic', not having their own exclusive premises. By nomadic I mean those groups who rely on church halls and the like for their meetings and events. Even those that are well founded financially and membership wise might find it hard to keep going especially those with an older membership profile. I think that I'll have to up my exercise, I'm not putting on any weight but lack of exercise is causing the joints to stiffen up and the phlebitis to come back. Its surprising how much mileage one puts in just visiting model railway exhibitions and swap meets/toy fairs. The toy fair at Brentwood is a case in point, it is so large that it is easily a couple of kilometres walked if as I do you traverse the aisles two or three times as I often do (6 aisles 90-100 metres long X 3).
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The last of the bread pudding has been consumed, the fact that it lasted a bit over 24 hours from leaving the shelf at Tess Coes is a miracle in itself. Only down side is that I will have to lay off cakes and biscuits until the weekend at least, I've managed so far to keep my BG within limits as I certainly have no wish to stray into T2 territory. Bin day tomorrow so its time to get the bags ready, be back later.
  13. Why not have the models unnumbered and provide a decal sheet of numbers in the appropriate style for the livery?
  14. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3353631
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The by-pass for the new Farcebook seems to be working as apparently they do not offer the return to old Farcebook when they put you into the new one. I've also found that they also have a by-pass for Farcebooks sh!t order top posts which they will put you in whether you like it or not, I much prefer new activity. There's loads of other features that make it a lot easier to use Farcebook. Thats it for now, be back later.
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