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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have a book on the Liverpool tramways but I can't access it at the moment. When I do I'll have to check to see if there's any information.
  2. And some of them covered long distances and covered large areas.
  3. They weren't called crumpet catchers for nothing.
  4. The chances of getting caught navigating a small vessel on the open sea while under the influence must be very slim unless you have an accident and maybe not even then..
  5. A former Pacific Electric line now only used as a headshunt.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Gas engineer was here first thing and is busy removing the old boiler. I thought it was a simple one for one exchange but no, the old boiler is no longer made so alterations will have to be made to fit the new one including a re-positioned flue. The only thing is I didn't get to clean my teeth before the water was turned off and the mouth is feeling a bit yucky. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Heard something banging in the breeze out in the back garden this evening. Went out to investigate and found that the side gate bolt wasn't engaging. A quick look with the aid of a torch revealed an almost one inch gap between gate and post. I pretty certain that the gate has shrunk as it hasn't rained for ages around here so I've left a slab leaning against the gate to stop it rattling. Rain is predicted soon so I'll keep an eye on it but it looks as if I will have to move the bolt.
  8. Way back (late 60's) a pal of mine had an A40 Sport. The only thing wrong with it was the convertible top was rotten. As it was summer that didn't matter too much except after every ride out in it I had to wash my hair of all the dead insects. They used to hit the windscreen and were taken over the top of it by the slipstream.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spent this afternoon zapping the weeds that have sprung up since the last 'zap' on the front path. That was then followed by eyelid inspection. I couldn't help thinking that if some of those preparations were laid out as a buffet on Christmas Day a lot of people would be in A&E on Boxing Day with food poisoning. The one exception is the sausage Christmas tree if you have a dog or dogs.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Someone mentioned Farcebook this morning. When I switched on this morning there was a couple of membership applications for groups that I administer. All that happened when I went in to Farcebook was that it kept buffering. So I disabled the 'old system' and lo and behold it opened on the new system. I then switched the old system extension on again and reloaded and the old system came back. Over fifty years ago I worked with a chap the same age as me (21/22 at the time) who had a complete false set of dentures which quite frankly was appalling even back then. My dad lost all his teeth when he was in his forties due to a gum infection bought about apparently by his war service in Burma. Speaking of which, towards the end of the war, during the push on Rangoon his unit came across some escaped POW's. They had eluded their Japanese captors and had come across an abandoned pineapple plantation. Of course being starved by their captors they fell upon this bounty and as the Japanese were no longer pursuing them they stayed living on a diet of pineapple. When they were rescued and were given normal food their teeth started falling out. Apparently there is an enzyme in pineapple that has a detrimental effect on the teeth and gums. As mentioned above Farcebook seems to be reducing to the lowest possible denominator. The new system is aimed at those with the IQ of a gnat.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a call from my friend this evening. His daughter, the one with autism and learning difficulties is to be placed in sheltered accommodation. Hopefully they can find a place not to far away. I was wondering how the extension that enables you to stay on the old Farcebook works. Apparently there's some very old browsers about that cannot accept the new Farcebook and there's something set up so that they can still use the old system. So what the guy who set it up has done is moved it onto Google Chrome and Firefox as well. Farcebook are not happy but there's not much they can do about it other than take out the group(s) promoting it. This is what I understand to be the case but I've probably got it completely wrong.
  12. https://newsthump.com/2020/09/20/boris-johnson-insists-he-can-hold-back-the-second-wave-like-a-right-cnut/?utm_source=NewsThump+Newsletter+Subscribers&utm_campaign=c8f9e6e303-RSS_EMAIL_DAILYBRIEFING1&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7d11245827-c8f9e6e303-435921077&mc_cid=c8f9e6e303&mc_eid=53df6e2043
  13. For a minute I thought you meant a different Presidential election. Oh hang on......
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Well the gas engineer has been and gone and a new filter unit has been fitted. Problem was that the boiler still refused to start. It turns out that there is serious corrosion inside the boiler jacket and quite simply the boiler will have to be replaced. Luckily the gas engineer will be able to fit the new boiler on Wednesday but its going to be a couple of thousand modelling tokens. When I was a nipper we occasionally had rabbit but that all stopped when myxomatosis hit and rabbit virtually disappeared from the menu overnight.
  15. I had the Suzuki about 25 years ago and it was old even then, a 1983 registration. It was fitted with the bull bars from new. Incidentally it is still on the DLVA register but has been Sorned since just after I sold it. There are dozens of them still on the register but none currently on the road.
  16. Thats nothing compared to this:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-37481251 or this:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-46996559
  17. As long as the letterbox does not have a sharp spring. I've no doubt a few have been caught by such letterboxes.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The gas engineer is due this afternoon, then I can have a proper soak in the bath. I have managed to keep myself clean though but a long soak keeps Arthur Itis quiet. Biggest problem was washing my hair, just as well there's not a lot of it. My usual practice is to lean over the bath and rinse using the shower head to rinse which of course is not possible without running hot water, looking forward to not having to use bowls and jugs. Not having any children means no grandchildren but I have sort of adopted my friends young lad as a surrogate grandson. The lads own grandparents had gone before he was born so no toes are being trod on. There's only one little niggle, he never says please or thank you, he's never been taught to do so. If I was his grandfather I would pull him up on it but as I'm not I'm not sure that I should.
  19. Just watched the Ghan on BBC4. Couldn't help thinking when looking at the cloud formations about half an hour before the end that if anyone had painted the same on a backscene everyone would be saying that it was unrealistic.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tea has been poured now sitting down watching the Ghan.
  21. I went on holiday to Malta many years ago and while I was out there I hired a Japanese mini car. My own car at the time was a Nissan Prairie. When I got home the first time I got back into my car I nearly drove it into the wall opposite my drive because it took twice as many turns of the wheel to steer as the mini.
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