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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Oh dear. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/57382//
  2. Sold out, they were intended as a limited edition for the Dorset Steam Fair which was cancelled due to Covid. Both are listed in the catalogue as going on sale next year in a different livery
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I can't remember doing anything stupid/foolish in my teenage years, if I did its best forgotten anyway. Unless you consider getting falling down drunk a couple of times. Tea is waiting to be poured so its be back later.
  4. Possibly from the same root. Jiggins could and was spelt Jiggens* or Giggins. *On one census both spellings were used on one street and the heads of family were brothers!
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When doing my family tree I looked up some of the more unusual surnames and thats how I found the French/Flemish ancestry. The surname was Jiggins (in various spellings) and apparently the name is derived from the French for a hearty fellow. It was almost exclusively an Essex surname dating back to the early 18th century when there was a mass migration of weavers from what is now southern Belgium/northern France.
  6. I see they've been suspended not for having the man cave but on fire/health and safety grounds.
  7. But when he gets home he'll find all his gear on the front path and the locks changed.
  8. Even the qualifying is getting predictable.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Apart from a quick trip out to Tess Coes for some comestibles I haven't ventured out today. I was born in Romford and spent the first half of my existence in and around the area. I certainly wouldn't want to go back there to live now. As for 'where did I come from' I know from studying my family tree that I am a mongrel, with Jewish, French/Flemish, Welsh, Scottish and Irish ancestry. No doubt if I could go back a lot further I might even find Roman ancestry . Flavio's right not to claim to be Roman in the ancient sense for it is the Romans, not the Jews who executed Jesus Christ. The evidence can be seen in every Christian place of worship. Tea has brewed so its be back later time.
  10. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Hopefully you can get a few logs out of that for the wood burner. No sign of any damage on my property but at the top of the stairs its a bit cold due to it being on an exposed (NE) corner. Thats even with the heating cranked up.
  11. Oops, nearly forgot, great to see Debs about.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sun here first thing but still blowing strong, enough to bring in a bit of cloud. The forecast is cold, wet and windy for this afternoon so I will probably stay indoors today. When I say indoors I include the garden as I will have to fix the holes that the foxes have dug, weather permitting. I have lived in my present house now for 32 years and will probably stay here until they carry me out in a box. If at any time I can no longer cope with the house there's some warden controlled housing down the road only about half a mile from the MRC. https://www.anchorhanover.org.uk/ When choosing a place to live/retire there's almost always a drawback that is not at all obvious. An aunt and uncle had retired to a bungalow near Thetford. They found one drawback due to the sandy soil. Dry sandy soil does not retain much heat and it cost a fortune to heat their bungalow (no mains gas either so oil fired). Now time to run a bath, be back later.
  13. I doubt it, Minic Motorway cars were way overscale, it might fit one of these though. https://www.asiatees.com/display?Miscellaneous-All-Parts-Hop-Ups-Upgrades&brand=Miscellaneous&model=All&id=175701&pid=1
  14. That shouldn't be a problem for me. I have a shoebox full of battered Cararama and Oxford cars picked up at swap meets for pennies so I should be able to find some suitable wheels.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I retired I seriously thought about moving to Ipswich, far enough away from the Smoke but with good local services and connections, also my sister lives at Kirby Cross not too far away. But in the end I stayed here, largely because of the network of old codgers as mentioned by Lurker.
  16. I can imagine what would happen if the lights went green just as the barriers were coming down. Some chancer would try to cross.
  17. There's six available, all listed separately, I've bid on one of them.
  18. I've just gone out to check that there's nothing amiss what with the wind blowing a hooley outside. The side gate which I mentioned has a small pile of bricks holding it shut and I've moved the garden wheelie bin close to the back of the house to stop it doing walkabout. At least the gutters on my house are pretty secure, they're thick concrete slabs (Finlock) it would take a lot of wind to shift them.
  19. I've looked for it in vain on e-bay. Can you give a link or item number please?
  20. Before making my last post I should have read the notice at the top. I met my friend in Tess Coes this afternoon, the first time in six months (though we have communicated by phone a couple of times each month). His daughter is now in a care home, fortunately not to far away in Billericay. One hears of young people like her being placed hundreds of miles away from their families and then being locked up 24/7, we treat murderers and rapists better.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Something weird going on, I switched on RMweb and I have it set to threads I have posted in. Only problem was Early Risers was nowhere to be seen on the listing despite re-loading the page. So I opened one of the other threads read it and came out but still no Early Risers and the same happened with the other threads. I then opened another RMweb tab and the same happened there. I then went into my notifications (on the second tab) and managed to get into Early Risers from there. I then went to the first tab and re-loaded and Early Risers re-appeared. It seems to be OK at the moment but I wonder if other threads are in hiding.
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