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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up with a wunny dose so not much will be done today. ChrisF, hotels are usually fully booked up for Christmas by now. I know because I tried to book a Christmas stay a few years ago a bit earlier in the year than now. Best bet is to sign up for the Travelzoo newsletter for last minute bookings and at bargain prices too.
  2. The last place they were in use was the Isle of Wight.
  3. Its now reported he is on oxygen. I sympathise as I would anyone in his condition but he's only bought it upon himself.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A few days ago we were talking about emigration to Switzerland. Here's another reason but I doubt if they'll let any of us in:- https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/geneva-introduce-the-worlds-highest-22787390#source=push Mind you the cost of living there will probably diminish that salary somewhat.
  5. Mine arrived this morning, the casting is a bit crude but should be able to be fettled. Now to find some suitable wheels, any suggestions?
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still haven't been able to dislodge the old lock and handle on the ex coal shed. So tomorrow its out with the heavy artillery, the electric drill and some special drill bits for drilling hard metals. I still have to fathom out how to remove the handle, I will probably have to use brute force and ignorance. On another subject, what to do with the old towels 'rescued' when the airing cupboard was emptied. Apparently the local PDSA want old towels so I've collected them and they will be delivered next week. Delivering them will not be a problem as I pass the PDSA on the way to Tess Coes.
  7. Just a thought, what happens if Donald Trump was to die between now and polling day?
  8. There is a photograph of one such working but I've searched the internet in vain for it. The photograph in question appeared in a late 30's edition of Railway Magazine and the caption stated that it was on a regular service being tested. Apparently it was common practice for Doncaster works to run brand new locomotives on the branch for testing. As I recall the locomotive was in Silver Link livery which might give a clue as to the date. The branch in question was IIRC closed long ago but was in easy reach of Doncaster works. Nevertheless one could always apply rule 1.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It certainly poured down last night and has only just stopped. Will have to venture out later for a few necessities but not much else to do but fit the catch to the ex coal shed door. I've found a problem with that in that I will have to remove the old catch and handle. There's probably a hidden screw or two somewhere and those that are visible are under several coats of paint. Time now for one more muggatee, be back later.
  10. Prototype for everything. In the 1930's Doncaster used to test new A4 class locomotives on local services and there is a photograph of a brand new A4 in service with a train of two or three four/six wheelers.
  11. Not necessarily so, the unit cost does not usually increase with the size of the item but with the complexity. The only complexity for a larger coach would be the bogies but then again the sliding centre axle on the six wheeler is just as complex if not more so. The thing that would make them more expensive would be to make them in 7 mm scale. The prices of RTR coaches in O scale really will make your eyes water.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Another day of doing sod all, well not quite, I've been sorting out a door catch for the ex coal store. The original does not hold the door shut tightly due to wear and if the door swung shut when I was inside I'd be trapped. I do usually pin the door back and I keep tools in the shed that can open the door but better the spring catch that I have lined up to go on the door. It might have been Bridgett Bardot who was 'encountered' in a revolving door. Time to get dinner ready, be back later.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a check on the Dawlish cam, heavy seas but no waves crashing over the railway line, I'll have another look later. Time for an eyelid inspection, be back later.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Storm Alex will mean that I will be staying in today. The G word is out of the question but if the forecast is anything to go by I might be watching the Dawlish beach cam, should be interesting. Kettle is on so its be back later.
  15. There were van and pick-up versions of the Vanguard produced (and an estate car). Many were used by the RAF and used overseas in places such as Malta and Cyprus. Series I. In RAF service. Series III with longer bed.
  16. It appears that the aforementioned beer festival is still on. https://stpancras.com/news-events/st-pancras-beer-festival-2020 I will not be going as I'm teetotal now but I wonder how accessible it is from Milton Keynes.
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