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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Yes I'm using it, oldlayout.com . Apparently its not the only one, there are several others out there. I may have got this completely wrong but from what I understand is that many people as well as using redundant systems such as Windows XP they are also using older browsers. These browsers will not accept the new Facebook so Facebook have put something in (I think its called a patch) to enable people using these old browsers to carry on with the old Facebook. What these programs do is make Facebook think that you are using one of these old browsers when you are in fact using something like Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spent most of the day trying to sort out the mess that is Farcebook. Why do they have to make it so difficult to use? Time to get the dinner ready, be back later.
  3. Should lay off the curry.
  4. One of my favourite museums. Hope to go next year and take in the Long Shop Museum at Leiston on the way.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My first (and only) flights in a 747 was way back in 1979 to JFK. It was with BA and I must admit that the amount of space provided even in cattle class was very good but back then they only carried just short of 300 passengers. The only gripe was that they showed the same Star Trek film there and back. There was supposed to be a different film coming home but they had a problem with the new fangled video tape player. Bin day today, I heard the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon early on and its companions are audibly about. Tea to be drunk, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. We had a couple of dogs when I was younger but the last one, a boxer had to be put down at seven years old because she had cancer and was in constant pain. After that we decided not to have another dog. It wouldn't have been fair on any animal later as I live on my own and was out at work for most of the day.
  7. We all know that insurance companies are the epitome of philanthropy and public spiritedness. No doubt the delay was caused by the insurance company wanting to make sure that everything was just so. I've just woken up after a funny dream. I imagine there must have been a lot of horse trading going on between the insurance company, Network Rail and Norfolk County Council.
  8. Just to think that the little girl at the end is now a grown woman.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My niece and nephew addressed me as uncle when they were little but simply started addressing me by name as they became teenagers. The same applied to myself and my siblings when we grew older but not one of us would be able to say when it changed. Due to this Covid19 we at SEERS are having to work around it. I've been asked to deliver documents to a member who is not on the internet. I'm quite happy to do so. What interested me is that he lives only a couple of streets away from the first property that I had hoped to buy which was in Laindon not far from the station. Unfortunately the sale fell through but it had a room that was ideal for a layout, only eight feet wide but at least twenty five feet long.
  10. If you keep it for a few more years it might become a desirable classic.
  11. Thats how I spelt it in the first place and the spill chucker said Bronwyn.
  12. My mums cousins were always 'aunt' or 'uncle' as were my parents friends. We used to visit my mums cousin in Dalston several times a year and his son (first cousin once removed?), who was about five years older than me got me into model railways by giving me an old copy of Railway Modeller. I was only nine or ten at the time so he must have been only in his mid teens.
  13. Brazil? https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/57735/f1-rio-return-edges-closer-as-environmental-concerns-addressed/
  14. "Thats a marvellous idea Bronwen, hiding the gin in the teapot."
  15. Thats going to cost the insurers of the driver/vehicle who damaged the bridge a lot of money.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy silver wedding anniversary to Rick and Sharon. That takes me back to my own parents silver wedding when my sister, brother and myself organised a surprise 'do' for them. I'm not sure that my mum didn't suspect something as we had to ask her for contact details for other family. Just to think that was almost fifty years ago as they married in January 1946. Sadly over the years we have lost touch with most if not all of those friends and relatives, it makes me realise just how much my mum in particular networked with the family, when we didn't even have a telephone let alone the internet. My mum had about ten aunts and uncles on her mothers side alone but eventually the cousins moved away and we lost touch as well as some if they are still alive would be in their eighties or nineties. Enough of my ramblings, tea has to be drunk, be back later.
  17. There was also a six wheel road van on the I-o-W complete with a drovers compartment.
  18. Its the first time for most of us on Zoom and its like the blind leading the blind. Despite that we managed to have a satisfactory meeting.
  19. "That wasn't a hard biscuit with your tea it was the saucer."
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Zoom meeting went well. One slight snag though, I checked the time and it said 9 o'clock. I had just settled down to eat my dinner at 8 when Zoom burst into life. Apparently Zoom works on GMT only. As there's no meetings now until next month it shouldn't be a problem (for now). Now time to pour some tea.
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