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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Especially as he's beginning to prove that he's not just there because of daddy's money.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much sleep last night, Arthur Itis was yelling at the top of his voice. A brace of ibuprofen did little to keep him quiet but a good application of voltarol ointment seemed to muffle him but by then it was three in the morning. Another muggatee then a try at catching up on the eyelid inspection, be back later.
  3. Camping coaches in general were not equipped with toilets. The campers generally had to use the facilities of the station where the coaches were placed. As the majority of coaches fitted with toilets flushed straight onto the track it would not be suitable for a static coach.
  4. I had difficulty in rating that I was shaking so much with laughter.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner has been eaten and now tea is brewing. Thankfully Farcebook has re-arranged the groups into the same order (more or less) that they were before its a lot easier, and quicker to check them. Now to get back to them to see whats doing.
  6. On the subject of camping coaches. Type A could be a bogie coach or a six wheeler. Type B could be four or six wheeled.
  7. I use Social Fixer as well.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have now blocked the spammer who was causing the problem on Farcebook. I also reported him to them but apparently they have not removed him, good old Farcebook double standards again. One thing I did notice that the groups are back in the original order, not the greatest but what I'm used too. The date of the accident that I witnessed that put me off of helicopter flying occurred was 15 May 1977. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5422f1bfe5274a131400038f/2-1978_G-AVSN_and_G-ANDE.pdf My brother was with me with his (then) young family and we had observed the helicopter doing the trips and were thinking about taking a trip ourselves. I was just parking the car when I heard a bang, it sounded like a collision between two cars. I just caught a glimpse of something falling into the next field. Then all hell broke loose and those of us in the car park were asked what we had seen as we queued for the show. I told them what I had seen and gave my name and address but I never heard anything else so I assume they had plenty of witnesses.
  9. I had to reset my password before I entered Farcebook. I had about a dozen messages from different people all with the same pornographic message. I have identified and blocked the culprit.
  10. I just opened my Farcebook account and I received a message that an attempt to hack my account had taken place and I had to change my sign in. This I did and everything is now OK. Apparently someone elses account has been hacked and pornographic messages have been sent. If your on Farcebook check your account and messages.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Working in Local Government you tend to know a few recipients of gongs and other awards, a (very) few well deserved but most you wonder why, such as the council leader who got an OBE. It was rumoured that it stood for Other Bu@@ers Efforts in his case. On the genealogy front I've obtained a few more snippets from distant relatives but more of that later.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about Debs Friend, hope they catch the bastard responsible. Been discussing the family tree with distant rellies on Farcebook managed to exchange a bit of information, I've gone back a couple of generations and found an ancestor born in 1519 which is about as far back as you can get unless your related to royalty. Now to get on with putting that information onto the family tree.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to get a few bits from Tess Coes that I forgot yesterday. I also found that the RM was in and I could have got that yesterday as well. Someone mentioned DC-3's, There was a super DC-3 with a stretched cabin, more powerful (piston) engines and a modified tail could one of these be what was meant? As for helicopters, no way would you get me in a helicopter other than in a dire emergency. This goes back to when I witnessed a fatal helicopter crash at Biggin Hill about 40 years ago. This was when a helicopter doing joyrides took off straight into a Tiger Moth coming into land. All on board perished but the Tiger Moth landed minus its undercarriage with the pilot shaken but unhurt. 1972! and it will be the BBC's centenary in 2022.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Q, I can think of another reason for the BBC Breakfast laptops being on show. At the moment they are doing a lot of interviews using the likes of Zoom and laptop cameras on the most part are hardly the best in the world. So its that the interviewee can see the interviewer. Forgot to get more eggs yesterday so breakfast was porridge made with oat 'milk' and it really tasted quite good.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes for a 'big shop' as I'd received a double points card recently I made the most of it. One purchase was a stollen cake though its debatable as to whether or not it will last until Christmas . When I got home Arthur Itis started kicking up quite a fuss, in fact I could barely move it was so bad but it stopped about an hour later when it started raining. Dinner to be got ready, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but predicted to cloud over with the odd shower later, but whatever its going to be chilly. Q, that strange screeching you heard could possibly be a hoopoe, one has been spotted in your part of the world recently. I could be completely wrong as I know very little about birds. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner was chicken and mushroom pie and chips, no use by date lottery tonight. My first overseas flight was with Dan-Air, in a Comet that went straight to the scrapyard when we got home. The captain informed us that it was that particular aircrafts last trip for Dan-Air. That was for a Musical Beds Club 18-30 holiday in Greece, for the sake of decency I will say no more . The next years holiday was to Malta, I can't remember what aircraft it was, possibly a Trident. The next year was the longest haul flight I had ever been on, 10 hours to Barbados in a Caribbean Airlines 707 though there was nothing Caribbean except the name on the outside as it was 'wet-leased' from BA IIRC. Only thing was there was no film for technical reasons and the flight was a bit boring. Which I am probably doing to you all so I'll be back later.
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