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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. There's still a lot of classic cars out there. They actually had a factory out there assembling the early Escorts alongside Mini's and 1100's back in the 60's and 70's. When I first went there in the 70's wartime Tilley's still abounded and there were still a few to be seen into this century.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just as well I got the TV listings otherwise I would have missed a couple of interesting archaeology programs this evening, one on BBC2 and one on Channel 4. By then the roads were much improved and greater speeds were possible. The old Maltese buses were soon to be withdrawn and though they were something of a tourist attraction they were a bit of an anachronism. Some of those pics demonstrate the problems with trolley retrievers on taller buses.
  3. Just poured the paint pot over it.
  4. Be very careful with what you use to remove the paint as some will turn the glazing frosty. Best is something like T-cut applied with a cotton bud. It will leave very fine scratches but these can removed by coating with clear acrylic varnish.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had to pop out as today's paper was delivered without the TV supplement and being the tightwad that I am I was not going to fork out for a TV or Radio Times. The newsagent had sold out but credited me with the cost of the whole paper and I was able to get a copy at Tess Coes with the TV supplement. I seem to have something in my eye.
  6. Nearly forgot, in many busy junctions in London where trolleybuses operated 'pointsmen' were employed to change the route required. In some modern systems the driver just has to use his traffic indicator and that sets the frog for the appropriate direction.
  7. "The Old Layout" is for those using the app of that name to override Farcebooks new layout.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast here this morning but at least its dry and even Arthur Itis is sleeping. As Jamie said automatic frogs were quite common even here in the UK. Trolley retrievers were not used so much because the wires were at a greater height above the road. Twenty feet was the legal minimum except in special incidences such as under bridges. Also the ropes could interfere with the emergency exit on double deckers which was usually at the rear. As always there was exceptions such as Kingston-Upon-Hull that fitted retrievers to much of their fleet I have never had a problem with ear wax and I put that down to never having used soap to wash my ears just a flannel and warm water. My teacher in infants school told us never to use soap to wash our ears and somehow that stuck.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The junk mail from Royal Mail this morning included a brochure extolling the virtues of a trip to Canterbury in 2020! I suppose as they've been paid to deliver them they've had to. Now back to Farcebook, be back later.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sadly Sandtoft is now a bit too distant to do in a day. I did pay a couple of visits back in the 70's when the only route was the A1, how I managed it in one day I can't imagine. As well back then they only had one loop of electrified wire and very few buildings. Also there were no trees so it was very exposed that even in the summer it could be cold. I also went to Crich for the tramway museum a few times.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned about donating some old towels to the PDSA. When I took them down there the told me that they had been inundated with such donations and that they couldn't take any more, such is the power of social media. However a lady a few streets away has asked for similar donations for a *dog rescue charity and I'm going to drop them off today. It was a similar situation in Bradford our last trolleybus operator. More than half of their fleet was second hand and the majority of them had been rebodied. This was because the manufacture of trolleybuses and more importantly the overhead cable and fittings had ceased. *Rescue dogs from Eastern Europe.
  12. Yet cricket is the opposite with many British players of south Asian extraction. They certainly outnumber those of African extraction. Look at any sport and you will find a mix of ethnicities with only a few exceptions. But each sport has its own particular mix. Vive la difference!
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. There's still a few museums where you can ride on a trolleybus and I did about five years ago at Carlton Colville. The only time that I've travelled on a trolleybus in public service since I was a youngster was in Athens in 1978. They were ancient Italian vehicles obtained second-hand and not in the best condition. They had some brand new Russian vehicles in service but I never managed to get a ride on one.
  14. This is a joke but I just wonder if there's any truth in the first three remarks.
  15. Looks as if it was parked with the front wheels up against the kerb (dry patch between the wheel marks). Likely scenario it was left parked in gear and when the driver went to start he floored the accelerator. The rear wheels upon hitting the kerb would have bounced lifting them enough to clear the platform.
  16. Some pubs are so rough they have a few ears littering the floor after they close on Saturday night.
  17. My sister lives in Kirby Cross which comes under Tendring District Council.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I discovered that just after I made the post, we are going into tier 2 this weekend. Which district didn't agree? What with my maternal grandparents living in Hastings and my other grandparents lived on a trolleybus route in Abbey Wood I had plenty of opportunity to ride on trolleybuses including at Hastings the famous 'Happy Harold' the 1928 Guy trolleybus. Just on the evening news, though Essex is going into tier 2 Thurrock and Southend are not as they are unitary authorities. Quite honestly it won't make much difference to me as I contact friends and family by electrical means and now by zoom.
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