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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Now thats better. I don't know of any suitable venues between the N/S Circulars and the M25. The Excel Centre like Alley Pally is only just inside the North Circular. My car is exempt from CC but as it is now over 12 years old I wouldn't be surprised if the exemption was removed.
  2. They caught the driver, spaced out of his mind by drugs by all accounts.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing this morning headed by the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. I see now that 66% of the population think that putting the clocks back should be done away with. I am one of that 66% and I consider it an anachronism in this day and age. I too am getting used to Zoom meetings, the problem with holding our AGM by Zoom is about 25% of the membership are not online. Time to get on and run a bath, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The new Farcebook/old Farcebook saga goes on. I mentioned that group admins and mods can keep the old layout for 48 hours. I was looking for something that I'd done when on the new layout so I went into new layout as I still had old layout on Firefox. Then I noticed the button for the extra 48 hours was still showing so I clicked on it and it went back to old layout. I just wonder if it counts the 48 hours from the first or the second click? I'll have to wait until Friday morning to find out.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just had a message re. an E-bay purchase from Hong Kong. The item concerned had been returned to them 'Due to the Corvid crisis.' The company concerned was able to send stuff within three weeks rather than three months. They achieved this by sending stuff via Berlin of all places. I suspected that this also circumvented customs duty as their prices were generally lower. I have re-ordered the item from another trader at about £12 more. Thankfully there were some available as it appears production is limited and they sell out quickly.
  6. Talking of profanity filters.
  7. Its the same with crossply vs. radial tyres. If crossplies loose grip they do it gradually but if radials the loss of grip is instant (though they retain grip for longer).
  8. In the aerial shot what vehicle is that with the clerestory roof behind the bus?
  9. Back in the 70's I knew someone who fitted a Ford Pop body to a Vitesse chassis (only half an inch difference in the wheelbase). It made the perfect sleeper but as it used the Vitesse chassis it was registered as such not as a Ford Pop. This resulted in his being stopped a few times by the police to check the car details.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I quite agree with Flavio about profanity filters, they can be a pain in the rear orifice at times. As many used to operate in American English you found that you couldn't use a three letter slang word for a cigarette but you could use English words such as b0ll0cks. Back in the 80's an Englishman living in California actually had the b word as his licence plate. Farcebook allows the most appalling language as well as racist/Islamophobic/Homophobic remarks but try posting a pic with a female nipple and they come down on you like a ton of bricks. Speaking of Farcebook. Its fixed for now if your using Firefox but Google Chrome will take some time, as they apparently do with everything. I use both browsers and Farcebook are offering 48 hours on the old layout (but you've got to find it first). It pops up when you go into a group (top left).
  11. Based on but not derived from. The cylinder bore and stroke might be the same and it might have other features of the B series but it was a complete redesign. I once had a Reliant Kitten that someone insisted had an Austin engine. He thought that because the Reliant engine had the same capacity as the early Minis, 850 cc notwithstanding the fact that the Reliant engine was all aluminium.
  12. I've just discovered that Farcebook will allow another 48 hours on the old system then thats it. And with that its goodnight all.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Farcebook have been and gone and done it, turned off the old Farcebook. I've been trying to make some sense of it and I've found a few bits that are helpful but most of it is carp. There is now no indication of any new posts on a group or how many new posts, and of course everything has to be in their beloved sh!t order. Now to see if I can make any sense of it.
  14. The O was a new engine. The B series could not be made to comply with the newest American emission laws so they tried to develop a cleaner OHC version but that was unsuccessful so they restarted with a clean sheet of paper. It wasn't so much a development as a completely new design.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. To late for bread pudding at Tess Coes, it had all sold out . I've had to settle for a pack of fruit buns instead. Now to read Polly's short story, be back later.
  16. A member of my model railway club passed away about 18 months ago at the ripe old age of 80. On the back of the funeral notice his widow had put their wedding photo from 60 years previously. He was dressed in full teddy boy gear.
  17. Thanks for the reminder that the Dart used the TR3 chassis. IIRC it also had the Moss gearbox as used in the Morgan.
  18. The Daimler V8's were nothing to do with Triumph. Daimler made two V8 engines from the late 50's, 2.6 and 4.6 litres. Both were all aluminium with hemispherical combustion chambers. The smaller engine was put in the Dart sports car and the larger engine in the luxury cars. When Daimler took over Jaguar replacing the XK engine with the Daimler duo was considered but it was realised that Daimler would not be able to produce the number required. They ended up only putting the small V8 in a Mk II bodyshell as the Daimler 260. All subsequent Daimler models were rebadged Jags with extra trim and for limousines (and hearses) a stretched Mk X. Until the Rover/Buick engine became available and in some quantity the smaller Daimler engine was very popular with British hot rodders. This was because it quite closely resembled the American Dodge 'hemi', a popular choice of American hot rodders.
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