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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I'm not sure but you might find some pics amongst those of the Great Train Robbery. I took a look and the vehicles there after the robbery were a Ford Zephyr Mk. II, an Austin A35 van and a Standard 10 van.
  2. I have tool kits from several Japanese cars. When I had my Nissan Prairie for some spare parts I went to a specialist Japanese car breaker. At that time (25 years ago) you were still allowed to root around the yard. Quite often you would find a tool kit in a wrecked car and as most of my tools at the time were imperial it made an ideal way to get a few more metric tools. I always made a point of paying for them, it was very rarely more than 50p or a pound and on a couple of occasions they said I didn't have to pay.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. We seem to have missed an anniversary? Ian and Sherry's fifth a couple of days ago. Belated good wishes to you both. It's still dry outside but a bit blowy so no outdoor stuff will get done. I'm with Mike with regard to turkey's. The way they are interbred to produce something that mother nature would abhor makes the Kennel Club look like a paragon. I've found that Tess Coes still stock venison, as steaks or burgers would you believe so a venison steak is pencilled in for C*******s dinner. I have had venison before, that was in a restaurant at a family celebration. I quite liked it and as I recall it was a bit like beef but sweeter and stronger. That was forty or so years ago though. Welcome to our newest ER, jafcreasey, you will find us a friendly lot but guard your cakes if a certain Polybear and HH are in the vicinity.
  4. All this talk of car bits 'rescued' reminded of this:-
  5. I posted that here a couple of weeks ago.
  6. Russian cars used to come with a comprehensive tool kit.
  7. Back in the day motorists had to be self sufficient. In the Edwardian era garages were few and far between. Not only a comprehensive set of tools but spares as well were carried.
  8. That reminds me of an object that was found in a scrap yard many years ago. It was the size and shape of a one gallon can but with a plain top, a door on the front and inside a shelf with a tube running beneath it at the bottom, the tube was open at both ends so that something could pass through without entering the body of the container. The door was stamped with the Ford logo. It turned out to be an oven! It was designed for the Model T to fit in the exhaust system close to the manifold using the heat of the exhaust to cook the contents. I don't think it was very successful as it would be impossible to regulate the heat.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Oops I got it wrong about Diwali. If the weather forecast is anything to go by the weather next Thursday will be ideal for bonfire night, cold crisp and clear. However I am of the opinion that fireworks should not be sold to the general public and any firework displays should be left to the professionals. I've just seen a notice about the 'new' Blue Pullman. Basically an IC125 set painted in the original colours, a class 43 looks odd without the yellow end. At other times I would have liked to have arranged for our oldest MRC member to take a trip on it as he was one of the first drivers of the original Midland Pullman. Alas it won't be this year as it appears that its first run in a couple of weeks time will be scuppered by the forthcoming lockdown.
  10. I recall back in the 80's Fords had a warehouse facility at Aveley (and may still do). It was reputed that if you knew where to look and what you were looking for you could find the parts to build a complete brand new Model T.
  11. Not a problem if it was the indicators.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A lot of fireworks going off. I suspect given the direction the noise is coming from its neither Guy Fawkes or Halloween but Diwali. What with the impending lockdown they're making it a bit early. Perhaps you could get a few tips from Gomez Addams:-
  13. With regard to 'safety critical' components. The Japanese have or had a law saying that only components supplied by the manufacturer were to be used for repairs. This is why there were so many 'grey imports' a few years ago. These grey imports didn't all come to the UK, many went to Africa and the Indian sub continent and other countries that drive on the left.
  14. One way of keeping them away
  15. Or modified to look like a top end version, Fords in particular.
  16. Breaking news, Sean Connery has died at the age of 90. Farewell 007.
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