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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Yet another re-enactment of the battle of the Somme tonight only a lot closer than last night.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just come across this on Farcebook. Woolworths toy counter just before C*******s 1951. And biscuits as well. And who remembers these:- And of course the fruit jellies sweets that were so loaded with sugar that its a miracle we had any teeth left.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday to Aditi, hope you have a great day. Due to the internet going down last night I've got a lot of Farcebook to catch up on so I'd better get on with it.
  4. A few more races in the Southern hemisphere would be better than some of the current ones.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning as my internet went down late last night and I've only just caught up. I looked up the link to Grand Designs, most if not all are not to my taste if I was honest but there's some interesting and unusual structures used including a concrete reservoir and a cave. If you scroll down you will find about eight to ten of the subject properties available as holiday lets including the aforementioned cave. There are similar properties in Granada, Spain. Seeing a few disused railway stations in the area shown on Farcebook I was curious as to whether they were for sale and at what price. I didn't find any railway stations but I came across the caves which were dirt cheap, 55,000-70,000 Euros being typical for a two bedroom cave with all mod cons. And if you wanted to start with the cave only its 5,000 Euros, (man made cave with door and window openings cut out). The US elections rumble on and I think I can see Trump's strategy in calling for the count to be suspended. In a couple of states, Georgia in particular he is only a few hundred votes ahead. If counting is stopped there can't be a recount which Biden would be almost certain to call for. As has been said though his tactics could backfire on him.
  6. But as we all know Viagra is only temporary but a flash car is a permanent extension to one's manhood. (Thats if you need one that is.)
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. After the weather news at seven I haven't watched any TV so I didn't see Grand Designs. I have watched it in the past but most of the projects are way above my bank balance. There was a case a few years back where a wealthy property owner had a house built in secret on green belt land. As it was on a farm he disguised it by building silos and other agricultural buildings around it. They got him in the end and after the court case the planning department revealed that it had been spotted on Google Earth. Time for another muggatee, be back later.
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