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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. No evidence of the scrote today. hopefully perhaps he's had an accident. All I've done today is an eyelid inspection that took longer than expected. Time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  2. Stolen from the jokes thread:-
  3. 3.5K votes for on YouTube and only 617 against. PS worth waiting for.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Seeing as I started the broken biscuits debate, I last saw them on sale a couple of years ago in a £ shop. They came in a sealed half kilo bag but that was the problem, you couldn't view the contents. In my day they used to come in square metal boxes some of them with a glass panel in the top so that you could see the contents. I do remember being sent to buy a bag of broken biscuits, quite a few didn't make it home . On the subject of the scrote on the motor scooter. He does wear a full face crash helmet thats why the plod are having difficulty catching him. A nice suggestion from bear about the wire stretched across the road but a) its too obvious b) there are very few lampposts opposite each other and c) I don't fancy going to prison at my age. In fact my preferred method would be for my walking stick somehow to get entangled in his front wheel resulting in a sudden halt.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. On another forum which has a 50/50 UK and US membership the American proprietor of the forum said that he didn't vote in 2016 because he didn't like either candidate but he voted for Biden this time to get rid of Trump. I notice that several senior republicans are making a point of not supporting him.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear of your loss Robert. Nearly did for an idiot this afternoon. A young fellah has been riding around the estate on a motor scooter with no lights or number plate. I was just pulling off of my drive when I nearly hit him as he rode past with one hand on the handlebars and the other texting. He only just managed to keep his balance before he gave me the finger and riding off. I have notified the local plod and they're coming round on Monday for a statement. They know about him but its a case of catching him in the act. He usually ventures out at night, you can hear his scooter from several streets away. Just as well I didn't hit him seeing as he probably has the same attitude to insurance as he has to lights and number plates.
  7. If you thought the Presidential election couldn't get any crazier:- https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/fox-news-pundit-tucker-carlson-22972933#source=push
  8. The answer to Flavio's question in my case was beef dripping on toast. It has to include a good dollop of the jelly from the bottom of the dripping bowl and the toast* hot enough for it to melt through. Followed by a slab of mum's bread pudding. Unhealthy? well I'm still here 60+ years later. *Toasted with a toasting fork over an open fire.
  9. That can be said of many organisations other than the FIA. But thats for discussion elsewhere.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Where do all these Covidiots come from? We've had them protesting in London as well. My theory is that they are aliens from the planet Covidia and Covid-19 is their secret weapon and they are using us as guinea pigs. Their mind numbing idiot ray has not been successful however. They tried it on the orange one not realising that you have to have sufficient mind to numb and they have now numbed what little there was. On to other things, bright and sunny at the moment but fortunately no frost. Now off to run a bath, be back later.
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