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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit misty when I went to bed last night but that had cleared this morning. Thanks for that Chris. Quite a few useful tips in there especially the one about asking everyone to mute themselves though in our case the audience is usually respectful to our talkers when we have 'live' presentations. As for the e-burbler I think whoever is in charge can mute such individuals but perhaps they didn't want to cause any ill feeling. And Johnson is American slang for the male appendage. So we had a bag of wind in the White House and a p***k in number 10.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My freestanding electric cooker is now about 30 years old. Its lasted so long because the oven is only used once or twice a year though the grill and a couple of the hot rings get used more often. I only use gas for the heating and hot water, the standpipe for a gas cooker is no longer connected anyway as the gas supply has been re-routed to the attic where the boiler now resides.
  3. I was also going to comment on Johns typo but others have beaten me to it. Back to the scooter scrote. They've saved his leg but its going to be a couple of inches shorter when they've finished. He must have hit the van door with quite a whack as its been taken away with the door laying in the cab. The lad has just turned sixteen and my informant tells me that his parents had said no to a motorbike of any sort.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It was a bit grey this morning but now there's only a few fluffy white bits. No more news on the scrote but a neighbour who knows the family tells me that his knee injury is a bad one, so bad that at one time the word amputation was mentioned but they think now his leg can be saved. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF, I'm interested in your having a guest speaker on Zoom. We are discussing having a guest speaker via Zoom ourselves (SEERS) and I would be interested to know how things went. While I was waiting for the weather report this morning I decided to sort out my 'day out'* bag. After tidying the contents I spotted a strange looking insect crawling along the top of the bag. It was some sort of beetle about quarter of an inch long but a strange beige colour. I tried to pick it up for a closer look but it fell off the bag and I lost it. *My 'day out' bag is for visiting exhibitions and other events and contains waterproofs/umbrella, tote bags, notebooks and pens, first aid kit, spare glasses and a torch.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes this afternoon. They've shut off the upstairs (none-food) section but are now allowing people upstairs a few at a time. Problem is they won't allow trolleys upstairs so any large or bulky items cannot be purchased. And they might be in breach of disability discrimination laws. He won't be riding a scooter for a long time if at all. Word is that his knee is pretty badly smashed up and that he'll be in traction for some time. Sad thing is that such prosecutions take time and money and all he will get in the end is a slapped wrist.
  7. Just had a visit from the plod re. the scooter scrote. He won't be troubling the neighbourhood for a while now and they will not now require a statement. Saturday evening he was doing his thing when he ran into a van door. It was dark, he was dressed in dark clothing and the scooter was painted black and of course no lights. Herpes delivery driver in a hurry and you can guess the rest. Said scrote is now in hospital with a broken collar bone and fractured kneecap. They won't be prosecuting and when I asked if the scooter was going to be crushed the answer was it already is.
  8. I posted this on the joke thread but it made me think of Rick's neighbours.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit foggy first thing this morning but now its lifting. There was some rain last night so everything is soaked so not much can be done outside at the moment. Covid itself is killing off a lot of deniers. I Googled 'Covid deniers killed by Covid-19' and there were too many to count. Most seemed to be in the USA and a lot of those were apparently following the line taken by a certain ex-president. I can now see some of their families reaching for a lawyer.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Watched the final episode of 'Roadkill' this evening. I thought the ending would be a bit more exciting but it turned out to be a damp squib. Still a bit of catching up on Farcebook to do before bed.
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