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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. This from Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/316johnjin/videos/183874123360687/
  2. Especially as he has 'form' for this. He popped up on the Hatton's generic coaches thread bemoaning the fact that they were nothing like NER coaches. He didn't have the groan button to play with then so I and a few others resorted to extracting the urine. It took a few days for him to realise and then he has only appeared there a couple of times since.
  3. I was going to suggest (on the forum jokes thread) to see who could get the most groans and then I found it had gone. If ever Andy deems fit to re-instate it perhaps it could be used against the likes of Black Hat and used every time they start shooting off. There is the problem of course that they are so thick skinned that they won't realise that the urine is being extracted.
  4. There is a world wide shortage of round tuits.
  5. I wonder if that was the same person who kept moaning about the Hatton's generic coaches not having exclusive North Eastern features. A bit of urine extraction seemed to have no effect, but everybody ignoring him seemed to give the desired result. Come to think of it that was before the introduction of the groan button, perhaps if it was available he would have plenty of groans on all of his posts.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I'm glad that I have not had to endure most of the medical procedures described here. The one exception was an endoscopy about twenty-twenty five years ago following a urinary infection just to check that everything was OK (it was). They began by squirting anaesthetic up the 'eye' with what looked like a water pistol. It must have been effective as I didn't feel a thing. In fact I was feeling quite comfortable and I was told I could go home. Home is only ten minutes walk from the hospital so I started out. What I didn't know and was never told was that the effects of the anaesthetic would wear off quickly, like as in switching off a light. I was half way home when it happened and it felt as if my bladder was suddenly full of razor blades. I was told that the best thing to do was keep drinking plenty of water to flush things through.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a great nights sleep last night as the eczema was playing up but I did get over 3 hours sleep from about 5 until quarter past 8. Will probably have a bit more eyelid inspection after my bath. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. It seems a shame that one individual has misused the groan button resulting in its removal. I have noticed that some members cannot give or receive ratings usually having the facility withdrawn for some inappropriate use. I have 'rediscovered' the choice of groan buttons on Google and will use those instead.
  9. Fed-X drivers have the same reputation in the US as Stobart's drivers have in the UK, not the brightest jewels in the box.
  10. Now that does require a groan button.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A trip to Tess Coes apart another do nothing day. Spent some time on eyelid inspection this afternoon and woke up with a sore throat. I have a wunny dose and I must have rolled over on my back and it ran down into my throat. A couple of slices of dry bread cleared it and the soreness is disappearing. A bit of sad news, one of the SEERS members has passed away, not Covid but the other big C. He was in his late eighties so not to bad an innings.
  12. I was thinking that about flooding, especially as the bridge installation was disrupted by soft ground.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much sleep last night due to the eczema. The sore patch is very sensitive and every time I moved it touched something. I might be going back for a touch more of eyelid inspection shortly. He can't deny very much as the scooter he was caught riding had bits from at least two stolen bikes. The same applied to the first one who had the accident. This is just word on the street of course, the plod are keeping tight lipped about it.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had some rain rattling the windows a while back but it seems to have stopped now but the winds still blowing a hooley. Not much else to report, be back later.
  15. On past form the answer is yes and no (in that order).
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've done nothing else today except watch the FI highlights. Given the track conditions and the weather the result was no surprise. Time now to put the dinner on, chicken hot pot today.
  17. Indeed, but not unexpected from the master of wet conditions.
  18. Back again. At the moment we have wall to wall blue sky but still a bit blustery. We seem to have had our share of the wetness last night and then some, when I looked out the street was a virtual river. What with the sun and wind today there's now no sign of any rain.
  19. When it comes to paying taxes as long as none of his income does not come from the British taxpayer I don't see a problem. It's when certain very wealthy people* who do not pay any tax profit by providing 'services' to government departments such as the NHS avoid taxes. If they want the business they should pay tax in this country. *RB is a prime example.
  20. The new bridge appears to be as low as the old bridge. I assume the road surface will be lowered under the new bridge.
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