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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nipped down to Tess Coes this afternoon and found a packet of the venison steaks in the reduced to clear. So I'm going to experiment, there's two steaks per pack so the first will be pan fried as recommended but the second will be diced and prepared for the slow cooker together with a few mushrooms and root vegetables. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. That one's for the display cabinet. It's easier (and cheaper) to plonk down the Oxford Transit.
  3. If your modelling independent railways, Col. Stevens for example or even post grouping a mixture of styles would be better than one common style as in these coaches. If another manufacturer produced a similar but not the same as line they could well compliment each other.
  4. Efsi did not make a Transit. Are you thinking of their Commer Walk-Thru van? the Commer was spot on 00 scale.
  5. A similar situation in Malta and even more so in the neighbouring island of Gozo. Most front doors have the keys left in them. The only way to leave the Island is by ferry to Malta. This might change though with the proposed Malta LRT which will connect the islands via a tunnel.
  6. Seeing as its Stagecoach it can't be that rare.
  7. Not unless they have a Tardis. It takes years to develop a new range of stock, even a quickie would take a couple of years.
  8. And most of the strength is in the glass which being safety glass disintegrates when under stress. Either that or they are designed to be torn off rather than to cause a sudden stop. Buses often carry standing passengers and if one were to come to a sudden stop as in hitting a solid object the casualties would be greater.
  9. I've joined the watch too. That makes it 18 watchers.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Delivery drivers, around here they're not to bad. Royal Mail is the best despite their being short staffed due to Covid. I do tend to avoid the strong ladies, I will keep avoiding them for as long as they avoid paying taxes. However the best delivery service I've had recently I don't even know who delivered it. There was a knock on the door (I don't have a doorbell and as I opened it a parcel was thrust into my hands and the delivery person was off. The fact that it was after dark and persisting down probably was something to do with it. The item concerned was an object designed to run on two parallel strips of metal under its own power only ordered a couple of days earlier, well done Rails of Sheffield and your anonymous courier. Bright sunshine at the moment but predicted to cloud over later. Forecast locally is that its going to stay mostly dry but colder and the charts show winds from an Easterly direction at the end of the week, winter drawers on. Estuary Land is pretty well sheltered from most severe weather with the Downs to the south, the Chilterns and London to the Northwest/West and even a bit of shelter from the North and East. They will have to catch the one with the brain cell to stop it though. From pics I've seen its the usual rent a crowd seen previously supporting the BNP and Brexit. Noticed in the papers that the bookies are shortening the odds on there being a white C*******s as an Arctic blast is on its way. Didn't they say that last year, and the year before, and the year before that? There must still be plenty of mugs about.
  11. Yes, lets get the groan button back.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for that @White Rabbit, thats given me an idea. I have a slow cooker and I might just give that a try. The problem is to try to not overcook it so that you end up with venison stew. I'm going to Google cooking venison steak to see if there's any other ideas. Now to put the kettle on, be back later.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I switched on the TV to catch the BBC news and weather at one, as published in the TV program. Instead of what I was expecting it was 'Match of the day'! As it turned out the news/weather was moved to an earlier slot. Great if you have square eyes from watching TV but I will need Dr. Who's Tardis if I wanted to watch the news. My freezer is set at -20 C. and the fridge at 2 C. and I've never had any problems. I am leaving my C*******s dinner shopping not quite until the last minute, more like the last week before the shelves are emptied by the last minute shoppers. I have decided on venison for my Christmas dinner. Looking at the vacuum packed steaks in Tesco's I was pleasantly surprised to see that it is low in every department, fats, saturates etc, a complete range of 'greens'. The recommendation is that you fry it in a pan but I prefer the grill, I then give it a 30 second blast of microwaves to make sure its cooked through.
  14. Quite close to were I live there is a sharp ninety degree bend on a fairly busy road with a thick hedge to catch anyone who missed the bend. One morning there was a Transit van buried in the hedge with a sign on the back saying 'Well Driven? call 0800 ********. Someone dialled the number and it took several attempts to get through and when they did they were made aware that they already knew about it.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The foot wasn't that sore last night but I didn't get to bed until nearly two this morning. I did have a pretty good nights sleep and didn't wake up until gone nine. The reason I was up late was that Farcebook has finally pulled the plug on the old system. Two features that they have removed I have found useful over the years. That is the post count and an indicator when you have read all the new posts, and the icing on the cake is they insist on putting some groups in sh!t order. User friendly it is not.
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