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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've just been on E-bay spending my winter fuel allowance, there's still a bit left over. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.
  2. The letter Y used to be used as typesetters shorthand for 'th' hence "Ye Old Curiosity Shop".
  3. I seem to recall on a TV program many years ago (Tomorrows World?) an experimental warning device/lights that consisted of two triangular amber lights that illuminated when the driver removed his or her foot from the accelerator. The idea was that it would warn following drivers that the vehicle was about to brake. The lights were mounted either side of the rear number plate IIRC.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling cream crackered, so when I've finished my muggatee a bit of eyelid examination is in order.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a fairly good nights sleep last night no troubles from the sore foot or anything but I still feel as if I need a couple of extra hours in bed. To much to do today but I might be able to fit a bit of eyelid inspection in. How will he do that without SWMBO finding out?
  6. Yes, brake dancers. I was taught to use the gearbox to control the speed and leave the brakes alone. When I was learning to drive (53 years since I passed my test) there was no such thing as ABS and very few brake servo's and you had to treat the brakes with caution. Also drum brakes used to fade if used to often.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As I mentioned I had a haircut this afternoon and now I think my ears have just warmed up. Apparently Basildon has the highest Covid rate in tier 2 so we're only eight days away from tier 3 unless the rate decreases somewhat in the next week. Where do some of these people get their brains from, or for that matter whoever employed them. I've left a comment on the other point you raised as its not for these pages (politics).
  8. This could be a possible explanation. The horse had escaped the shafts which then dropped to the road surface. However the cart kept moving pushing the empty shafts ahead of itself until the shafts hit a solid object. The momentum of the cart then tipped the cart forwards.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went down to Tess Coes and now have sufficient dinners until Friday. Also had a haircut as there is a hairdresser in the store. I'm afraid cruise ships don't shake my tree, neither do to closely organised holidays, I much prefer to do my own thing.
  10. Or as some prefer, the Daily Wail.
  11. Tell it and we will decide if it is safe.
  12. I went on holiday to Corfu back in 1977. There is a point at the northern end of Corfu that is only 5 kilometres from the Albanian coast and we stopped there while the guide pointed it out. He also told us to smile as our pictures were being taken by the Albanians although we could see nothing.
  13. They seem to have disappeared as soon as Andy read them the riot act.
  14. Fortunately not. There is no hole and the shafts can be seen laying flat on the pavement. How the cart got into that position is anybody's guess.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot of fog around here this morning but very grey. Tony mentioned Maplins, as most of you are aware they closed a few years ago but the one here still has the signage up. No doubt you will be aware that they are wall coverings. They have one thing in common that they are a bu@@er to remove without damaging the underlying plaster. In dire cases people have resorted to re-plastering over the offending material. We have a recent case in the news re. a young transgender person* sued the clinic that performed the operation on the grounds that they were to young to understand the implications and that he/she was given puberty blockers that in themselves caused problems. This person won his/her case and received compensation. Almost immediately a transgender jihadist was up there saying that puberty blockers should be freely available, handed out like sweets. *(I can't now recall what sex they were before/after the operation). This reminded me of when my parents retired and went to live on a mobile home park near Peterborough. One of their new neighbours was 'John' who had a very odd figure for a bloke which was explained as he had been born female. I mentioned this in the office and it got round to how exactly the operation was done. Male to female was simple, snip-snip-snip and Bob's your auntie but where do you get the bits going the other way? During the discussion the office 'dumb blonde' pipped up with "Well they don't grow on trees.", well that brought the house down and the poor girl was getting redder and redder as the comments became more ribald. A bit of bad news last night, an acquaintance, Nigel Spate has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers. He might be known to a few here on RMW as he has had several layouts on the circuit in the past but due to his condition his layout Croxley Green has been mothballed for a few years now.
  16. I may have mentioned before that they are carving up Basildon town centre. This involves one-way streets becoming two way and other access roads being closed. Someone has very conveniently posted a video of driving around the new layout here. Even more convenient for me as it starts and finishes at the end of my road. Tony has mentioned going into Basildon so I hope this is useful.
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