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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The roadworks saga goes on. Essex county council put down cones on the bit of road to separate the opposing lanes of traffic. They are now scattered across the road either by accident or design. It appears that no attempt has been made to any signage, like using a small sticking plaster on a gaping wound. Its a local initiative, the only similar one in the home counties is Luton IIRC. Its aimed at those in badly affected areas of the borough who haven't been called in for a test. Likewise the area I live in is not affected as much as the surrounding areas and those resident in those areas most affected are the ones being tested. They are only testing those from certain postcodes that apply to those areas but the area I live in shares the same postcode as one of the areas we are included.
  2. Traffic calming depends on what type. It was decided many years ago to install speed bumps on the road alongside my house. I put in an objection pointing out that chicanes would be a better idea coupled with a ban on right turns into the road where it meets the main road. That would have stopped it being used as a rat run. As it is the local petrol heads like to use the humps as launching pads.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. And yet another do nothing day. I seem to have got my appetite back so had to venture down to Tess Coes this afternoon. Unfortunately that is not even offered as an option, the only way to book is by phone. I haven't tried again today but as the lines are open 8am to 8pm seven days a week I'll give it another try first thing tomorrow. Apparently they are fully booked up until the week before Christmas now. There is also the question of getting to the place which in my case the only viable means is by car, as its right in the town centre with all the Christmas shoppers and the roadworks to contend with. I intend to ask if they are doing the tests at weekends and if so get a Sunday appointment when I may if luck be able to find a parking space.
  4. Shapeways do offer alternative processes and materials to the buyer so that should be up to them to choose their own preferences. Personally I use 3D printing as an aid to scratchbuilding rather than an end in itself. With that in mind I would prefer things such as coaches to have the body and frame separate or body only instead of one piece. That would make things such as adding interiors easy. I appreciate that making the items separately might be problematical and/or more expensive but a body only option would not be difficult or expensive.
  5. That's Frankie Howard.
  6. Hello again from Estuary-Land. I tried the Covid-19 test appointment number a little while ago. Normally I just got an engaged tone but this morning I got an automated voice message telling me that I was in a queue. However after waiting fifteen minutes I gave up. I will try again later or tomorrow morning, the lines are open seven days a week. My friend informs me that there is a case at his sons school and its likely to be closed but they are asking pupils and parents to take the test. If we are all tested and come out clear we can form a bubble which will be useful.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Only just woken up, the foot was a bit sore and kept me awake until the early hours when I went down and took a brace of Nurofen. I could feel its effect straight away and I went out like a light. Now to run a bath once I've had a muggatee and caught up on RMweb.
  8. No one thought of stuffing a damp rag into the air intake then?
  9. Oxford have now produced a diecast version.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick sarnie tonight, I seem to have lost my appetite. No symptoms or anything so hope it passes. Despite that I've put on a couple of pounds since Saturday.
  11. I'll have the one from the movie 'Prime Cut'.
  12. That makes the item I received this morning even more remarkable. I only ordered it on the 29th November and it arrived this morning from Hong Kong.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found an e-mail in my in-box when I opened my e-mails supposedly from DPD saying that they had twice tried to deliver a package and there was a fee for re-delivery. I've read somewhere about this particular scam and took the appropriate action, forwarding it on to report@phishing.gov.uk before consigning it to the spam folder and blocking the sender. Arthur Itis keeps coming out to play so the ibuprofen has been deployed. The package that arrived this morning contained another diecast from Hong Kong, a lovely little model and a bargain as well.
  14. Isn't it a bit risky posting that statement here on ER's. I can already hear the thundering of hippo hooves and bear paws.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. When I went to bed last night the foot was not troubling me too much but five hours later it woke me up feeling as if it was on fire. Its very sensitive at the moment and when I turned over I scratched the sore bit with my toenails, OUCH! I have found that walking about makes it less sore and now the soreness is less. If it is a combine harvester and it is to be used for recycling cockwombles please send it to the Essex Highways department. Several people have pointed out that just before you enter the road that has been changed from one-way to bi-directional traffic there is still a sign saying one-way. This can be seen in the film I posted a couple of days ago near the beginning below the turn left arrow, which itself is wrong as traffic can now also go straight ahead. Just arrived as I was typing, a package from Hong Kong that I wasn't expecting to arrive before Christmas. I've never actually been to Liverpool as such but I've travelled through the city on a journey from Blackpool to North Wales. That was via the Mersey (road) tunnel but as it was about 50 years ago I cant remember much detail.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The new road layout fiasco goes on. Another head on collision tonight near the railway station. What idiot thought it was a good idea to put the new layout into use before the signs are in place? I intend to venture into the town on Sunday and I intend to make a detour to avoid the road in question.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Apparently invites are going out for the Corvid-19 test. Its the quick test and will only be for those who have no other symptoms. Though I live in one of the post codes mentioned my own ward is not as badly affected as the ward(s) that share the same postcode. https://www.essex.gov.uk/news/basildon-residents-first-in-essex-to-get-fast-testing-for-covid-19-for-those I expect the test will have to be repeated at frequent intervals until one is vaccinated. I'm still trying to find out if there is an alternative to injection (needle phobia). I've tried Google but they keep sending me to a US site, even when I specify UK only.
  18. I wonder if it was insured and if the driver had a licence?
  19. Hello again from Estuary-Land. I'll have to check my weight as I think I'm loosing some, not that losing weight is a bad thing but I've done nothing to make me lose weight. It might be due to my being a bit 'loose' on Sunday, that lasted until yesterday. All I know is that I've had to adjust things like braces (suspenders* to our American cousins) to the extent of buying a smaller pair. BIN day today I can hear them outside. Basildon is one of the few places that is offering corvid tests for those who want them even if there is no contact with anyone with the disease but you have to telephone first but with only four numbers to call for an appointment all lines are busy. *Another word with a different meaning either side of the Atlantic. When I was a nipper I thought that many American actors were cross dressers when they spoke of wearing suspenders.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up early this morning as the sore foot has kept me awake. My own fault as I forgot to take a couple of Ibuforen last night. I've now taken a couple and the effect is almost instant. Now to catch up on that sleep, be back later.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've just been on E-bay spending my winter fuel allowance, there's still a bit left over. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.
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