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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Back again. I've replaced the dressings on my sore foot. Well its not so sore now but still a bit itchy but not as bad as it was. A visit to Tess Coes is in order shortly as I'm out of almost everything. Also I'll be checking the sell by dates on things needed for Christmas dinner, the more perishable stuff such as fruit and veg. Such items tend to disappear a few days before the festivities so it serves to get in asap. There has been mention here about contact with relatives. When I was a nipper there were plenty of relatives around, mostly from my mothers side of the family. Not surprising when my mothers mother was one of fourteen children (same dad, two different mothers). The house always seemed to be full of cousins especially during the school holidays. I have had occasional contact with some of those cousins through social media and my family research. Nowadays though its down to my brother and sister and my niece and nephew. I'm used to spending Christmas on my own, to be quite honest I prefer it. Its great to be able to eat what you like, drink what you like or watch what you like on TV or not as the case maybe. I will probably spend some time in front of the computer screen but generally the internet is something to avoid on Christmas day.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Went out like a light last night and slept through until eight, this morning the sore foot was not sore but the itching under the dressing is driving me mad. Can't complain though as it's preferable to the soreness. Now off to run a bath.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't venture out today but now the fridge is empty of dinners its a case of having to tomorrow. Yesterday there was no papers when I called the shop I was informed that they were closed but I did manage to get my papers elsewhere. There was speculation that they were closed due to covid-19 but the papers were there when I came down this morning. The newsagents is also a sub post office so the sudden closure might be something to do with that. The sore foot feels to have been on fire this afternoon but a cooling wipe with a damp flannel and a fresh dressing seems to have calmed things down.
  4. I have my tin foil hat ready.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Not had a lot of trouble from the sore foot or from Arthur Itis today but it seems they are both beginning to stir. Been too busy for eyelid inspection but thats next, be back later.
  6. The London borough where I worked used to insist on some staff being in in all departments between Christmas and New Year. It was only those departments that require manning 24/7 it should have applied to and then only with minimum staff. But the leader of the council insisted that all departments be covered. That was until someone revealed how much it cost in heating and lighting the offices that should and could have been shut. In the case of my department, payroll there was nothing to do as all payments due in December were paid by the middle of the month and we just sat around reading newspapers. It came to an end when the council leader retired and his successor was told of the heating and costs he stopped it straight away.
  7. A bit of T-cut on a cotton bud should get rid of the Chinese writing then a good clean and add your own transfers as required. FYI they also produce a minibus in HK police colours and a van in HK fire brigade colours. TINY HK are every bit as good as Oxford but can be expensive as they are intended for the 'home' market and do not have an importer so are only available via Hong Kong traders on E-bay.
  8. Hello again, muggatee or three has been drunk so I'm back again. Sorry about that Flavio, putting my R's in the wrong place. I was looking at various plans for the track layout for Romford brewery with a small industrial line in mind. Sadly the part of the Gotto Plan showing the Brewery and the adjacent High Street has suffered the worst damage over the years. Indeed, in Romford the only indication of the River Rom in the town centre is the hump in the high street. I came across this http://www.layersoflondon.org when looking for the Gotto Plan which is in there somewhere. However all the map enthusiasts should find it useful. I think that requires a microwave, something that Chris refuses to contemplate. In my case I will only be using the microwave to reheat some of the pre-cooked veg. The dry fryer will be used as a mini fan oven to do the root veg and the meat will be prepared either under the grill or in a pan. That way Christmas dinner will be prepared and on the table within half an hour.
  9. I saw a system where as the handles were lifted an anti-roll door slid down. IIRC it was similar to a sash window except whereas a sash window the sashes are independent on this they were connected so as the handles were raised the door went down. It was so designed with the handles on the outside that the cassettes could be stacked one upon the other. The builder told me though that they were heavy on maintenance especially in an exhibition status. The handles were an inverted U shape so in the down position stock could pass through.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot was making a meal of it last night and I didn't get to sleep until the early hours. If it wasn't for the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon I'd probably still be in the land of nod. Muggatee is calling so I'll be back shortly.
  11. Yes but note the date, 2010.
  12. I avoid people texting me because I don't have a mobile. And if I did it would be switched off when I'm driving.
  13. That could be the reason for the narrow bodies, to compensate for the oversize door runners.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just watched 'The Repair Shop'. Though it didn't say it was a repeat a couple of the items have featured before. It's obvious that the programs were made last year/before the lockdown so I imagine that there would normally be a new series in the can if it wasn't for corvid. Now to make some tea and do battle with Farcebook.
  15. Those J40 pedal cars fetch a lot of money for a good'un. £6,000-7,000.
  16. I know of a HGV operator who has a set of well worn but (just) legal tyres/wheels that he puts on the trucks when the limiter is calibrated and then changes them back to the usual tyres. This can give up to another 5 mph over the limit.
  17. There is also this model from Hong Kong. Item number on E-bay. 263803445899
  18. They're not Belisha Beacons. The globes are white and they were used to indicate a crossing refuge. They did not flash either, they were permanently lit.
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