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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Result! the lad has got the car up and working. Apparently he tried to charge it with the switch on when it should be off. Its now racing around the kitchen floor, much to the annoyance of the dog.
  2. Tony, what about a cheese omelette?
  3. Please tell us more, such as what sort of novel and is it going to be published?
  4. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Just had a call from my friend, the pressie I bought for his lad can't be made to go. The destructions are apparently rather vague but I found some more detailed ones on the net and I will try to deliver a printed copy soon as. Then I found an 'open-the-box' revue on you tube that shows how to set up the car. As the lad uses YouTube he soon found it but watching it myself I think I've spotted the problem. There is a thin plastic battery cover that isolates the battery that has to be removed first. Whatever it is my friend hasn't called back so I assume that the problem is sorted.
  5. I'm glad that I done the 'big shop' yesterday. At one time going to Tess Coes on Christmas Eve to get a few bargains was the usual thing but now I don't bother as there was already some empty shelves yesterday.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A genuine early riser this morning, though I might go back to bed for another hour or two. I gave my friend a call yesterday and gave permission for his lad to open his pressie. The reason was it was one of those things that has to be charged by connecting it to a computer which is something my friend does not have. However it can connect through an X-box so I hope to hear if it works later today. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The foot after being incognito for a couple of days is getting sore again so a couple of Nurofen before bed will be called for. Still bin day tomorrow and as I put the sacks out I could see the cloud was breaking up and its turning a bit chillier. Next bin day is Monday week. Now time to catch up with Farcebook, be back later.
  8. Then they went over to diesels, including the Napier Deltic (which was a marine engine). The Deltic also powered this, although its not credited:-
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes this lunchtime and it was heaving. What is it with mince pies this Christmas? On Monday they had them stacked up, this morning there were none to be had. I did eventually get some of the puff pastry variety and more like an Eccles cake. The young man was duly delivered of his Christmas present but won't be opening it until Christmas morning. For those ER's into mountain biking perhaps you'd like to try this:- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/833658581006078760/ Not for the faint hearted.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot seems to have gone into hibernation, still gives the odd twinge but not that often, hope it stays that way over the festivities. Got to do the last bit of shopping today, a few items that are not 100% absolutely essential (more like 1%) but I will need more milk and bread. If your still having turkey for Christmas there are plenty of bargains to be had and even my choice of Christmas dinner, venison has dropped in price so I might get some to freeze.
  11. They asked Ford to produce the Merlin but Henry Ford turned them down. I had a relative who was lost flying a Halifax III from an OTU. Many of the OTU aircraft had been 'retired' from front line service and some should not have even been flying. I have the details of the aircraft including engine numbers and that revealed it was fitted with three Rolls-Royce Merlins and one Packard engine. My relative had completed his training and was waiting to be sent to a squadron when they were sent at night to assist in testing a new radar system over Cardigan Bay when his aircraft collided with another Halifax.
  12. I'm looking at motorising one and fitting remote control.
  13. By 1935/36 when these engines were supplied they were already becoming obsolete. The Merlin went into production at about the same time. Junkers paid Rolls-Royce £20,514/2s/6d for their ten engines.
  14. Daily Mirror newsfeed, I've now deleted it unfortunately. Found it. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/gold-command-meeting-considers-birmingham-23208818 My mistake it only applies to more places being put into tier 4, possibly the whole country which will mean lockdown in all but name.
  15. Ten engines were purchased by Junkers but only two were used. Messerschmitt purchased four engines but used only two. That leaves ten engines unaccounted for but IIRC Junkers flew a prototype four engine heavy bomber in the mid thirties before the German air ministry dropped the idea of heavy bombers.
  16. I have one of these kits (as yet unmade). Its of the limber version and I agree the Hiab is a bit skinny and it needs replacing.
  17. I don't recall any 109's being fitted with Rolls Royce engines except for the Spanish Bouchon's that came after the war. The prototype Junkers J87 Stuka was fitted with a Rolls Royce Kestrel engine. Junkers purchased ten Kestrel engines but their own Jumo engine came on stream and that was used on subsequent airframes.
  18. I was talking about when 100mph + was legal on Motorways. That was more than 50 years ago!
  19. Breaking news, the government are considering a full lockdown starting Boxing Day.
  20. They have now decided to allow EU lorry drivers that have tested clear to cross. Just lets hope that it clears quickly.
  21. https://www.morris-commercial.com/new-je-van/
  22. Legally a speedo must not under read at all and only over read by no more than 5%.
  23. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. As I drink very little alcohol I have no need for any extra supplies in that form. In fact I can get by with what I've already got in stock. I will be going to Tess Coes tomorrow for bread and milk plus a few luxuries if there's any left (mince pies, cream) but I can get by without them and it will do no harm to my waistband anyway. I had a letter from my bank this morning, they have for many years offered free travel insurance for account holders. They informed me that it was being renewed for 2021, I haven't travelled abroad for the last ten years now and my passport has expired.
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