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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Back again, As I started this whole 'have we met other ER's' thing I realised that I have also met NB and Natalie. NB at the Peterborough show several years ago and Natalie last year at Warley but I didn't have the opportunity to introduce myself. My problem is that I have a terrible memory for names so I've probably spoken to many others. In the news about the explosion in Nashville, the vehicle containing the bomb has been identified as a camper van and to quote 'traces of human remains have been found'. What has struck me as unusual is that no organisation has claimed responsibility for this. When it came to cooking Christmas dinner it took me 20 minutes at the most. Simple, pan or grill for the meat, air fryer for the roast veg and microwave for the 'boiled' veg. I wish the washing up afterwards was just as easy.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot flared up again last night and despite an earlier night didn't get off to sleep until about four, I then didn't wake up until almost nine. Muggatee is ready so I'll be back shortly.
  3. Goodnight all (stone cold sober).
  4. Evening yet again from Estuary-Land. Normally this time of the evening I would be ploughing through Farcebook but this evening its very quiet on Farcebook as many are enjoying the festivities. Christmas or not there's household chores to do and I've just put the washing on. Run it overnight and empty and hang the washing out in the morning.
  5. Its not my thread its someone elses though I have contributed I hope in a positive way. If I do motorise one its going to be a bit basic with skid steering, at the moment its still unmade in the box. At the moment I have a R-T-R radio controlled car and I have given similar to a friends 12 year old son and the next project is something to run them on (Both are 00 scale).
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Christmas dinner went down well and there was no disasters in preparing it. The venison came out well, very succulent and melt in the mouth. I used the dry air fryer as a mini fan oven to do the roast veg, just a sprinkling of oil and they were done in 12 minutes. Once the dinner was on the plate a quick dash of microwaves to make sure everything was hot and that was it. The Christmas pud was a ready made one that had been in the cupboard for a couple of years, not a problem as the use by date was March 2021. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. It's a white Christmas, official. Well thats what the met office say anyway. It appears that they no longer wait for it to fall on their roof before it becomes official. Now to prepare Christmas dinner.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Lunch was a corned beef sarnie followed by a couple of slices of stollen. I hope your prepared for the after effects.
  9. In Japan N is the most popular scale whereas in most of the world HO is the most popular. Except the UK of course with its almost exclusive 00 scale.
  10. It takes a lot to culture* that image. The unwashed jeans, the moth eaten jumper both with evidence of meals past. *And a lot of culture on the aforesaid jeans and jumper.
  11. Just my luck, someone mentioned on Farcebook yesterday that Tesco's Pitsea were selling turkey's at 50p each and giving veg away for free. Normally it goes to the local Salvation Army who give the homeless a Christmas dinner but thats not happening this year for obvious reasons.
  12. A good Christmas morning from Estuary-Land. Baz mentioning meeting ER's set me thinking (steady on there, before lunchtime as well.), which ER's have I met. I met Baz himself just over a year ago at Warley and of course I've met Tony on several occasions, not surprising as we are almost neighbours. I've met GDB, Bill Bishop and ChrisF and probably a few others that I wasn't aware of. Apologies if you have met me and I have left you off the list. ChrisF mentioned this and I hope this goes a little way to easing the loss of his usual Christmas. As I mentioned the young man appreciated his pressie and is even now playing with it. Not having any kids of my own and therefore no grandchildren I treat him as if he were my grandson.
  13. That reminds me, I have a stollen in the cupboard that remains untouched (but not for long). Down here in Estuary-Land we have plenty of mud but by the time HH gets here from Hipposhire it will be GONE.....
  14. Thats another thing that many drivers do not practice, anticipation. As you so rightly said by reading the road ahead you can keep up your pace without any stress. Many a time I have come across a car driver 'in a hurry', weaving in and out of traffic and tailgating anyone he considers to be in his way. I let these sort of drivers pass ASAP so that I can see them. Often when I do I can watch them for miles at a time and sometimes draw level or even pass them.
  15. I've just come across this:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-55422884?fbclid=IwAR2ma4gNMvQ5AmsiMJ6vneVDKGh2jPzg_VYWLaBLwhEcqrBuNo-wt2WPu8Y Must have been quite a bang. Fortunately there were no fatalities but some of the crew were badly hurt.
  16. I've just come across this:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-55422884?fbclid=IwAR2ma4gNMvQ5AmsiMJ6vneVDKGh2jPzg_VYWLaBLwhEcqrBuNo-wt2WPu8Y It must have been something pretty big.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A happy Christmas and sincere wishes of peace, health and happiness to all RMwebbers in the coming year.
  18. Yes, and the driving schools. Both on a franchise basis.
  19. I have given a friends 12 year old one of these as a Christmas present:- He's over the moon with it, its great when a present is appreciated. Looking at the video and the actual model it shouldn't be difficult to swap an alternative body on to it.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear of your gastric issue Rick. Not a very nice thing to happen even more so at this time of year. Alan, as others have said, give putting your book in the public domain, it might surprise you. I have a few ideas for a crime thriller but I've yet to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard for that matter. The young man is still happily playing with his RC car I'm pleased to say, its nice when you hit upon a pressie that hits on all the right buttons (no pun intended). The items for tomorrows Christmas dinner are now lined up ready to go, when I was younger and living at home Christmas dinner seemed to take ages to prepare. Mum and dad were up getting everything ready sometimes before us kids were up opening our pressies. Today it was just a case of lining everything up on a shelf in the fridge and tomorrow it will only be half an hour between getting it out of the fridge and sitting down to eat it.
  21. Germany has one of the toughest roadworthiness regimes. Failures are often shipped to Poland that has a less stringent test and when they fail that test they often go further east to Ukraine.
  22. Some countries have bi-annual tests, Malta for example.
  23. You don't have to have an 'official' MOT.
  24. Same as trains, lorries have to keep to a very tight schedule. And what with driving hours limitations they can be very tight indeed.
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