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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I too have high level autism. I only realised that I was autistic within the last ten years. I discovered it when a woman I know apologised for her young son leaving a few things he was playing with in an untidy state, just as I do. Apparently there are a lot of people around who are on the spectrum but are undiagnosed and are not aware that they are. There is one case where a woman's son had been diagnosed as autistic and she realised that she had the same condition. I've managed to get through 72 years of my life with it including being employed from when I left school until I retired. Its helped explain a few things and other events have fallen into place when I realised I had the condition.
  2. It seems that Essex is the national C-19 hot spot. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nine-out-10-english-towns-23227522#source=push Although Basildon has slipped down the league tables it is still near the top. In top of the list Brentwood the rate has nearly doubled.
  3. So thats what happened to my stollen cake. It was much reduced by Christmas day and completely evaporated by the early hours of Boxing day. I used to get my pickles from a stall in Gravesend covered market. All home made and with plenty of bite. Unfortunately I was unable to acquire any this year due to C-19 making the ferry from Tilbury a bit erratic.
  4. Afternoon/Evening all from Estuary-Land. My brother is 16 months older than me but by the time we were 9 or 10 I was the same height as him and we were often taken for twins. Even later when we were in our teens I was taller than him and quite often people assumed I was the elder. The foot has been behaving itself today, it appears that Nurofen works best on it so a couple before bed will hopefully lead to a good night.
  5. I honestly didn't know what a 'Rampant Rabbit' was so I Googled it.
  6. I don't think anyone could mistake me for anyone else. (Think Father Christmas in mufti).
  7. No, on top of the tank, looking at it again I think its something in the background.
  8. That would be a major drawback, the cost of parking. Most redundant shops are in areas where the parking costs are high. A fact IMHO that has contributed to the downfall of many such stores.
  9. 16. She doesn't know what they are worth and she sells them for what you told her you paid for them.
  10. On the subject of exhibition venues. Over the next few years there's going to be a lot of unused retail space available on the High Street. A redundant department store would have the usual offices such as toilets, disabled access and maybe even catering facilities. The property owners are quite willing to let them out for a short period as shown by the number of pop-up shops that appear this time of year.
  11. You'll be sharing the same bed as the slugs for the foreseeable future then.
  12. Is that a toolbox sat on the front of the left hand tank?
  13. I can see there being far fewer exhibitions/toy fairs/swap meets after the pandemic for a multitude of reasons. Some have already gone and like the high street many more will go. One of my favourite events is (was?) the Ipswich Transport and Model Festival held in late June. I have attended this for more years than I care to remember. However I can't see it happening in 2021 even as it involves multiple venues and organisations so even in future years it will probably be very different.
  14. I don't know whats happening but what I've just written has disappeared?
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot kept me up last night, I didn't nod off until the early hours and consequently overslept. Bella emptied a lot of water onto us last night but this morning there is a strange bright object in the sky, but still a bit breezy.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Certainly wet and windy tonight but warm and snug inside and thats where I'm staying. Only had snacks today as I'm feeling rather bloated, yesterdays dinner was a bit bigger than I'm used to and was heavy on the spuds and other root veg. I doubt therefore there will be much change to the waistband. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. I can just imagine the smell of ozone and hot Bakelite.
  18. Re-listed at £48. I have one of these somewhere, I might have paid a fiver for it.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Despite oversleeping a bit of eyelid inspection has taken place. The sore foot is a little better helped by the application of voltarol cream. Just eaten the last of the stollen, I started it Christmas eve and it was not expected to last through to the end of Christmas day but it made it to Boxing day but has now expired.
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