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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When looking at the films of the human rocket launchers I can't help thinking some of them must have had some painful injuries and one at least is likely as not lined up for a Darwin award having removed himself from the gene pool, even if he is still walking about albeit in a peculiar way. Arthur Itis is making himself felt so there might be a bit of rain/sleet/snow on the way.
  2. If as you said the Irish potato famine hadn't occurred the Irish railways would probably now be standard gauge and possibly a bridge or tunnel across the Irish Sea.
  3. Neither would fit on the Merritt Parkway as the bridges are only eight feet high.
  4. You can never have too much jam. You just share it with those around you when you take a bite.
  5. Thanks for reminding me Rick. My statement is due in the next day or two and there should be a refund payment on it. I spotted it on the last statement and the company concerned said they'd refund it. I had not authorised the payment but they were using the old 'You have to cancel the payment, its in the (very) small print' trick.
  6. When I popped into Tess Coes today they had left over chocolate logs (family size) at a pound each.
  7. Even more stupidity:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAnkqQFaRw4
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. First of all best wishes to ChrisF's aunt. Went down to Tess Coes today as I needed some bread and found the place practically deserted. At least there was some bread left and of the sort I required. Now its muggatee time, be back later.
  9. A little bit of pre-season fun. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/60831/f1-new-year-quiz-how-much-do-you-know-about-2021/
  10. By the way, this is one of the stretched suburbans.
  11. I didn't have to pay a toll, but then it was fairly late in the evening, about nine o'clock. Its possible it was toll free after a certain time. I may have used it shortly after the toll booths closed as it was certainly very busy but traffic was moving quite fast, about 50mph.
  12. Oops, nearly forgot:- 2021 When Corona is a drink. When Donald is a duck. When tiers are on a wedding cake. And when the only bubbles are in champagne.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was actually in bed by 12 last night, the earliest I have gone to bed since before Christmas. There was a brief flurry of fireworks at the witching hour then it went quiet. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  14. Did she say "I knew I recognised your face."
  15. Happy new year from the battle of the Somme.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Well thats another year over so just to wish you all a happy new year.
  17. I've got my ticket for travelling for the next few weeks.
  18. Apart from the ban he will also have to retake his driving test plus extras. Thats if he can get insurance, the insurance companies are not happy at forking out one third of a million.
  19. It was quoted in the Sun, poor and sloppy reporting even by their standards. Oops sorry, they don't have any standards.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have heard the odd firework going off over the last few nights but I expect the onslaught to begin in about seven hours time. Southend have closed all their car parks near the front and blocked off the street parking. I hope that Castle Point (Canvey) and here in Basildon (Wat Tyler country park) have done likewise. Only downside is the cockwombles will be roaming up and down the A13 looking for somewhere to go. I might still be up at midnight but not celebrating as such, just trying to struggle through Farcebook.
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