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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I had a UTI about 20 years ago and it does affect you mentally. I hardly knew what day of the week it was sometimes and not helped by some of the anti-biotics I took.
  2. I seem to recall one such incident, where and when I couldn't say.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just remembered its BIN day tomorrow. It would normally be today but we're still on Christmas catch up, back to normal next week. No protests from the sore foot today, its stopped raining is probably why. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Jaguar rear axles are based on American Spicer components. A few years ago an American hot rod magazine pointed this out and gave a list of Spicer parts such as seals and gaskets that could be used instead of the (very expensive) Jaguar parts.
  5. My drive is about one in six, and I park the car on it. I always reverse onto the drive for safety reasons but in snow and ice this can cause problems as the pavement in front of the drive is well used and the trodden down snow makes the front wheels of the car slip. The only solution is to have plenty of rock salt handy.
  6. Its actually St. Leonards not Hastings, in the background of the second picture is Marine Court, a listed Art Deco apartment block who's design was based on the Cunard Queens. My grandparents used to live in Norman Road, St. Leonards which is the road going uphill in the background of the first picture, in fact the bus is turning out of Norman Road. My grandparents house was (is) at the very top of the hill out of sight on the right. The bus in the background is climbing London Road which was and is a stiff climb.
  7. Its the most commonly used option. The very similar early Opel Kadett front end is popular as well in the US where Vauxhalls were not sold. The Volvo 7 series rear ends are tough enough to take the torque from the biggest V8's
  8. If your not a rivet counter its a very useful vehicle. Often used for things such as fruit and fish traffic and many lasted for a long time as tool vans etc.
  9. Some people still think it should have been rebuilt and re-opened, why? It was built to serve a ferry service that no longer runs and there is now no reason or need for the line.
  10. I too have never used Skype and it has also disappeared.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Overdid this afternoons eyelid inspection and it was getting dark when I woke up. A friend of mine, sadly no longer with us had what was the ultimate in British coaches. An AEC Reliance with an AH760 engine, ZF six speed gearbox and Eaton two speed rear axle. Its Duple body had initially 2+1 seating for continental tours but as he used it for more local work he had it converted to the more usual arrangement. It could certainly move very quickly and many a time gave boy racers a bit of a shock.
  12. Then there's the question of where to put the battery. Not a problem on brake vehicles but could be on other stock.
  13. Hello again from Estuary-Land. And a special hello to Foden our newest member. I must admit though that my favourite lorries are AEC, just don't mention the 'L' word. Is there such a thing as library envy? I didn't think so up until now. Mind you I tried to count how many books I had a few years ago but gave up when I reached 5,000. Indeed, books are HEAVY, in fact library floors come only second to machine shops when it comes to floor loading. I am fortunate in that my house has solid concrete floors so no problem there. Upstairs the bookcases are arranged around the walls and in one place above a dividing wall. Despite all the bookcases I still have books piled high on chairs, and I haven't even mentioned the fiction yet.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis relented last night but not so the sore foot which seems to come out with the wet weather and its persisting down. I did get about four hours sleep last night thanks to co-codamol. I have found that nurofen is best during the day (morning and afternoon) but co-codamol is better before I go to bed as it makes it easier to get to sleep. I don't take many pills and only when I absolutely have to. Now to run a bath, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching Channel 5's River Thames program with Tony Robinson. They were talking about Thames Gateway, I didn't realise that the place was as big as it was, its huge! Now to tackle a mug (or two) of tea.
  16. I don't have the baked beans either, sliced tomatoes (fresh) instead.
  17. The only major difference between the various Whitcomb locomotives was the cab, the shape of the bonnets was the same. As originally supplied to British forces for use in North Africa they had a full size boxy 'American' cab (and cow catchers). They also had a double row of vents on the hood side panels covered by wire mesh. Later when the war moved on to Italy the cabs were cut down to fit the Italian loading gauge. It was two of these locomotives that ended up in Longmore. For D-day initially the cut down version was continued with a slightly more rounded cab and the hood vents changed to a single row with louvres. Even this would not be able to traverse all lines in Europe so the cab was lowered by moving the compressors from beneath the cab floor and putting them in a box on the footplate (like the 08). The final version is the one modelled by Piko. The only drawback with this model from my point of view is that it is in H0 scale, I would prefer 00. There is an excellent 00 scale drawing of Tobruk in 'The Longmoor Military Railway Vol III'.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes lunchtime for the usual bread and milk and fresh fruit and veg. As I was about to leave the phone rang and it was the same scammer, this time supposedly from a local exchange. It looks as though they've got into someones address book. And the one further down the page about the Audi pulled at a filling station. Passenger fined for breaching covid restrictions and car seized and will be crushed most likely (no licence or insurance). And I've not had a full English breakfast for years because its 'unhealthy'
  19. There's a few on E-bay, but check prices and vendors rating. Also at the moment if your buying from China it will take some time for it to arrive.
  20. There was an update as I was shutting down last night. This morning there is an icon bottom right (next to the battery symbol) called 'Meet now'. It looks like some sort of zoom feature, has anyone used it?
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Although they were quiet last night Arthur Itis and my sore foot soon decided it was party time, at 4:30 in the morning. Just received a call telling me that my Amazon Prime Account needs renewing at a cost of £39:99. Problem is I don't have an Amazon Prime Account and I wouldn't have one even if they paid me. What is more, the call was from a mobile number. Now for a bit more eyelid inspection, be back later.
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