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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Watch out, some hand sanitizers are deadlier than covid-19. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/urgent-recall-potentially-deadly-hand-23332491#source=push
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The day seems to have disappeared again. Where it went I don't know.
  3. Backing out the way he did was also stupid, and probably illegal.
  4. I'm looking into the possibility of converting the four wheel brake into a GE example. The main difference is the guards lookout windows, six instead of four and shallower. It looks possible to be able to cut out the window aperture, file off the raised detail and fit an etched end to the coach. I will need to obtain an example first though to see if its feasible.
  5. The double deck bodies were supplied new in CKD form by Duple-Metsec who were later taken over by Alexander. Here is an example of one of the later (Alexander) rebodied Guy Arabs:-
  6. The purpose of the free wheel hubs was to save fuel. In normal road conditions using two wheel drive the drag of the front axle, diff and prop shaft increases fuel consumption, sometimes by as much as 5 mpg. The free wheel hubs disconnected all of that from the front wheels making it the same as any rear drive vehicle. The disadvantage was that to engage and disengage the free wheel the vehicle had to be stationary.
  7. If your talking about Hong Kong most if not all of the Guy Arabs were purchased new. Initially they were single deck with Gardner 5LW engines. They were relatively short for a single decker, only 26 feet long and only about 30 seats. Most were eventually converted to double deck and fitted with 6LW engines.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The rain has almost cleared but Arthur Itis is still banging his drum. In a while if he doesn't quieten down he's going to get the voltarol cream treatment. Now to decide whats for dinner tonight, bangers and mash or liver and bacon, decisions, decisions.
  9. I had to Google Goo Gone. Its for removing old glue, looks very useful. Should come in handy when I use this:- https://www.shapeways.com/product/F46ASBXLL/stra-szlig-enbahnschienen-walze-reihenverband-h0-1-87?li=marketplace&optionId=56479608&fbclid=IwAR2p0wRH7VL1ezPBDgUkekoQ1qs7OappuOf_h5gzM25GPuSvD1z_QlK596s
  10. Looking at the models (and the real thing) it is apparent that the door tops stand proud. Would an etched or laser cut door tops be feasible? Or even complete sides such as those made for the Ratio 4 wheelers.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and the sore foot were both banging the drum last night so that I didn't get to sleep until about four this morning. When I looked out in the early hours there was quite a heavy rime on the car but a couple of hours later it had almost gone so I'd thought we might miss the snow. Not so lucky as a bit of snow had settled when I awoke this morning but it was already being washed away by the rain. When I retired I had saved up just over two months leave. My leaving date was the 31st of March. HR had dragged their feet over getting everything ready and nothing got done until the third week in January. When they finally pulled their finger out and confirmed my early retirement there was only one day left before I had to take my leave to get it all in. When I informed them of that fact you could see the panic in their faces. In the end I agreed to stay on for February and to receive a months extra pay in lieu of my leave, effectively being paid double pay for my last working month. What's a goo one?
  12. A completely new car and a replacement for SV then?
  13. Wouldn't the door tops be wrong for the Metropolitan Railway?
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Time seems to have evaporated today, or I'm getting a lot slower. Probably the latter. No sign of any snow yet so with any luck it will give us a miss. If we do get it it shouldn't last very long anyway.
  15. But try changing the spark plugs, I've still got the scars.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Mrs. NHN on her new position. If there are any other vacancies in the same department I imagine Neils name is at least pencilled in. A visit to Fraggle Rock is still on my bucket list but seriously not until next year. Visited Tess Coes earlier, the Crimble leftovers were just some cheeses, Stilton and Ossau-Iraty, a Pyrenean ewe's milk cheese so I thought I'd try some. There was also BREAD PUDDING on sale so I had to have one.
  17. The Ford model Y and C were built in both the UK and Germany. Initially the German cars included British made components. This carried on until 1936/37 when each country started producing cars with their own styling.
  18. Seeing as there is a lot of low lying countryside subject to flooding hereabouts we have evacuation routes marked out. They consist of double red lines painted kerbside just like yellow no parking lines. Problem is that very few people understand what they are there for.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad nights sleep, didn't check times so no idea of how many hours. Neither eczema and Arthur Itis bothered me last night and are staying quiet this morning. I've found the film of the sliding bus, what seems remarkable is that the car that was in the line of fire the driver made no attempt to get out of the way. https://news.sky.com/video/bus-almost-slides-into-car-on-icy-hill-in-snow-covered-halifax-12187758 It looks as if the bus began sliding without any input from the driver, at least it stopped without any accident (not counting the drivers underwear). I have been in a similar situation myself. It was on a flat bit of road with a steep camber and a ninety degree turn. I was leaving the brakes and accelerator well alone but as soon as I declutched to change down for the bend all four wheels lost grip and I slid into the kerb.
  20. Also illegal, and a reason for getting the car crushed.
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