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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just had a bit of eyelid inspection, laying flat out on my bed. When I went to get up I was hit by the most excruciating pain in my right hip, far worse than anything Arthur Itis can dish out. It was even a bit of a struggle to get downstairs to take a couple of nurofen. I suspect sciatica but I'll have to try to get an appointment with my GP to make sure. The nurofen is beginning to kick in now and I can move a bit better but it still hurts.
  2. The best of the tension lock couplings IMHO is the early Airfix ones, both compact and reliable. The worst are Lima, oversize and unable to couple to some other tension lock couplings. Even worse the crossbar is often moulded in situ with the chassis.
  3. The information about V1 strikes was 'doctored' to make them fall short so SE London and Kent got the majority. The V2's could not be directed so easily as they could be affected by high altitude winds and were fired indiscriminately at the greater London area. As the Germans retreated London became out of range so the last British city to 'receive' a V2 was Norwich but the accuracy was so poor that many fell into the surrounding countryside doing little harm.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad night last night, no interventions from the sore foot or Arthur Itis. The sore foot was giving a bit of notice this morning but a fresh dressing soon sorted that out. I had an e-mail from UPS yesterday telling me that there was a package due to be delivered today quoting a four hour window only half of the times quoted were convenient for me. They gave a list of options if I was not at home to receive the package but 'leave with neighbour' was not one of them. There was an automated query section so I typed in "Can the package be left with neighbour?" but it answered that it couldn't understand the question, WTF! In the end I changed the delivery date to tomorrow. About childhood memories, the only teacher who's name I remember was my second year infants teacher, a Miss Whitaker. One thing that she told us was never to clean our ears with soap, just use hot water. I have always adhered to that advice and have only once had to have an ear syringed and that was because one of the ear canals was coiled in stead of straight, a congenital condition only discovered when the ear was syringed. I do remember when I was about four spending Christmas in hospital, what was thought to be tonsillitis turned out to be a quincey. About the only food I could swallow was ice cream. The only other child in the hospital was a small baby but there was still a visit from Santa Claus, apparently as I don't remember that as I was probably very groggy. One thing that I was pleased about was the number of toys I received, not so pleased when I got home my parents made me share some of them with the neighbours kids.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Peter BB's V2 could possibly have been a V1, the last V1's arrived about September 1944, after that the advancing allied forces had overrun the launch sites. The sites where both missiles struck are well recorded so it would be easy to check. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  6. As long as we don't end up like the oozlum bird.
  7. My car has thick A pillars that can easily hide a cyclist or motorcyclist. So I take extra care when pulling out of a junction leaning forward to make sure it is clear before going ahead. Also my car has very thick B pillars which makes looking over your right shoulder impossible as all you can see is the pillar. I actually avoid certain junctions because of this and at other junctions I have to place the car at an odd angle just to get a clear view.
  8. I bought one off of E-bay for £5 a few months ago. Minus couplings and a bit tatty with a hand fist painted finish. As I intend to fit better couplings and give it a decent paint job anyway.
  9. I will be buying the unlit coaches as I am going to repaint them to go with my Oxford rail gun and any light would not be visible outside.
  10. The train at the start of the film had mis-matched coaches, both in style and roof profile. So a mix of Hornby & Hattons coaches would not be unprototypical.
  11. But putting them 2500 metres apart instead of 400 metres saves money.
  12. On top of another car? Preferably on someones manhood extension.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I agree with Stationmaster, do not dump comics. I am looking for a particular copy of Railway Bylines, Vol 9 issue 5 April 2004. I lost my original copy when I loaned it out and it was not returned. I need it because I am building a model of one of the loco's featured, The Fords 1932 BTH diesel electric Bo-Bo shunter. Better go now before the awls start arriving, be back later.
  14. Hornby produced such a coach as above. Usually referred to as the 'R733 Swedish coach' it can often be found on E-bay.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot has been banging its drum for most of the night and now Arthur Itis has joined in the chorus to welcome Storm Christoff. Nurofen has been deployed and shortly I will run a bath. A bit of good news the number of corvid cases locally has dropped by 46% but still a long way to go so not dropping my guard just yet.
  16. Now there's an idea, a camping coach, any one of the six wheelers and even one of the four wheelers depending on period. (Though perhaps not the full brakes.)
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Finally got my friends e-mail address so now to twist his arm into joining RMweb. He depends on his young lad to show him what to do though but thats not a problem. His lad is Jenny Kirks number one fan, he watches her You Tube films on his X-box. Time to put the kettle on and then tackle Farcebook which is running dead slow atm.
  18. Not a lot of difference, the Pound and Euro are almost level pegging now.
  19. Isn't the Oxford Rail GWR brake van from the Edwardian period?
  20. I have just ordered an item from Shapeways (Netherlands), the postage was £7:80p!
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