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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Why you shouldn't use a mobile phone while driving.
  2. Heads up for those who may have a slight interest. Ch5 at 6 o'clock "The Wonderful World of Cakes".
  3. On the subject of tractors. Does any one know where you can get model draw gear for tractors in 1/76 scale?
  4. Where is 105 now please? Also note that the tow truck is a Commer TS3 two-stroke.
  5. Heads up for certain ER's, on Channel 5 at 6 o'clock, "The Wonderful World of Cakes."
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Well it was morning when I started. No sign of snow here but the clouds look as if they've got plenty to drop on us at any minute. You have to fly through the Russian defences, the SAM's will probably get you first. Must be a very rare book. There's one currently on E-bay for$750!
  7. Evening yet again from Estuary-Land. I have been on Virgin for about ten years and never had any problems. I was on Talk Talk but at the time their performance was abysmally slow. Another advantage of Virgin is that in my case the fibre optic cable box is only a few metres away from my front door. If I had to change it would probably be to BT as they seem to be the best of the rest.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a couple of twinges from the sciatica this afternoon. Not as bad as the other day but it still hurt. The loss of sleep due to the sore foot is catching up with me so now for a bit of eyelid inspection.
  9. And two police officers injured in the process.
  10. The tractors a Ferguson not a Ford.
  11. I have one as well, I also have the old Ratio early Victorian carriages to go behind it.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still trying to chase up my parcel from UPS. I'm getting the distinct impression that they deliberately make it difficult to contact them so that they don't have to answer awkward questions. The do have a telephone number that offers contact with a human rather than a computer. I tried it and what answered but a computer. Eventually realising that I wasn't going to go away the computer decided to let me in and said it would put me through to an agent. The phone then gave a couple of rings and then cut off! The UPS agent is only 15 minutes drive away so they can expect a visit. By the look of it it must double up as a muddy hollow when it rains.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I haven't looked out this morning so I've no idea of what the weathers like. Looking out to the back garden is not a reliable check on the general conditions as it has its own micro climate. The car in front of the house can be rimed with frost but none to be seen in the back garden. The postie has just delivered Railway Bylines so its be back later.
  14. As much as we try we can't forget them so easily.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been catching up on 'Death in Paradise'. It clashed with last nights Zoom meeting. Rick, well done, I have been with people in a distressed state but fortunately less opportunity to do harm to themselves. The packet was scheduled for delivery Wednesday 10:00 am to 21:00 pm. When I checked the website the "Deliver to another address" was only to a list of their agents and as I would only be out for an hour or so it wasn't worth redirecting. I then changed the delivery date to the Thursday as I was at home all day but it didn't turn up. Now whenever I try to find out where my parcel is I'm told its awaiting delivery. Every time I contact UPS I end up talking to a computer and end up where I started. Oh dear. I hope its one of those covidiots who thinks the rules don't apply to them.
  16. This is the rub, in your soporific state you only dream that you have all the lemon drizzle cake you can eat. When you wake up the craving for LDC is overpowering. One question, doesn't all that LDC make poly bear fur sticky?
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes earlier and it was heaving. It seems at least though that every adult was wearing a mask. I've been trying to catch up with the parcel that UPS should have delivered yesterday. I had to change the date from Wednesday as I wasn't able to stay in all day. One option which would be the simplest easiest is 'leave with neighbour' but that was not an option offered and when I asked that question the answer was 'We don't understand the question' FFS what do they not understand of 'Please leave with neighbour'.
  18. This discussion is about the level crossing at Revelstoke. You've both got the wrong thread.
  19. At the moment E-bay is the only option AFAIK.
  20. My dad drove for Eastern National out of Brentwood garage in the early 60's. He was driving a front loading FLF and waiting for the passengers to load when his conductor gave the emergency signal. A car was embedded in the back of the bus but my dad had never felt a thing.
  21. But he might sweat a bit.
  22. Or CCTV that is triggered by anyone approaching the junction to fast. That way you will have the evidence to prosecute those who break the rules.
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