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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. There is a Minx in the Minix range that can be made into a decent model.
  2. I can make a pot of tea while the ads are on.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. An item on Farcebook, a surgeon talking about the things he's had to remove from peoples bottoms, door knobs, hard boiled eggs (with and without shell) but to top it all a table leg complete with castor.
  4. I would say so yes. If they had removed the patient and that patient had died of covid would they be charged with murder? As it is if the patient was injured as a result they are liable for a charge of GBH at least.
  5. Also mentioned on the news is that the Astra Zeneca vaccine is also produced in the UK. It looks as if a very large mountain is being made out of a very small molehill.
  6. The Rootes Arrow cars are the most obvious 'missing link'.
  7. I received one of the vans just before Christmas and was impressed enough to order two more.* I intend to keep one 'as is' for a collection. One I intend to Anglicise by removing the Chinese characters, new number plates and a blue beacon. The third is to become a rally support vehicle with a large roof rack carrying wheels and tyres. *They are somewhat overdue, somewhere in the postal system between HK and the UK. The vendors have done no more than send me two more. I might end up with five in all. If I do I will offer payment to the vendors and start looking at other liveries.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have now received a reply from both vendors in Hong Kong re. the delayed parcels. One is sending a replacement to my order and the other explained that though it was sent by air mail it was not by a direct flight to the UK and is now stuck in Abu Dhabi awaiting an onward flight. About the vaccine situation. If a European company is contracted to supply X number of vaccines how can they make them break that contract? Hopefully this is just sabre rattling by some European politicians that has been picked up by the anti EU press in this country and it will soon blow over. The difficulty is that the second dose has to be of the same vaccine so if supplies for the second jab are stopped what happens?
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A dull grey morning this morning and rain is predicted by the seaweed twirlers about now. They were right about last nights rain as was Arthur Itis but nothing from him about this morning. I am waiting for a couple of parcels from Hong Kong, ordered before Christmas so I e-mailed the vendors. One has replied saying they are sending a replacement. Another item that I ordered from a UK supplier is on its way but there shouldn't be any problems but I mustn't say any more as it runs on parallel strips of metal. The rain that Tony mentioned has just reached here about ten minutes later. As for my parcels from Hong Kong I saw somewhere that a few weeks ago that a container ship lost a few overboard, thats a possible reason for the vendors readiness to send a replacement, just needs to claim insurance..
  10. There is an agreement on postage rates within the EU that means that the postage would be the same for sending post throughout the EU as it was within a given country. Now we are a none EU country international rates apply.
  11. The prototype you showed was the Mk. II. There is an excellent model of a LWB Mk. II recently released by TINY HK. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-76-Tiny-42-Hong-Kong-FSD-1980-s-Light-Rescue-Unit-F311-ATC64877-/124518718579?hash=item1cfde4dc73 Its also available in minibus and Wadham Stringer ambulance versions.
  12. They do produce some very good modern cars. The problem lies with licencing agreements that restricts what can be produced and to what scale.
  13. Postage between the EU and the UK has increased considerably since we left the EU. An item that would normally cost £3:90 to post is now in the region of £15, thanks a million Boris.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Peter BB mentioned the traveller problems we had here in Basildon. The land involved has not been built on since as it is designated green belt. The travellers were claiming legal aid and then it was discovered the the woman in who was named as the defendant owned a property in Ireland valued at £300,000. The defendant was switched to her 18 year old son who didn't own any property so they carried on getting legal aid. Why the court didn't take action over this I don't know. It was an open and shut case anyway, they had built on green belt land without planning permission and in the end the site was cleared and compulsory purchased by the council. The major cause IMHO was the travellers legal representatives milking the legal aid system. Back in the mid 70's legislation was passed making it compulsory for all councils to provide sites for travellers. The London borough that I worked for did so. The first tenants were genuine Romanies, the surnames were either Smith or Lee and for about six months everything was OK. Then there was an altercation and it turned out that another group of (none Romany) travellers had tried to take over the site and the caretaker, one of the original tenants, was in hospital having shotgun pellets removed from his leg! The site was so badly damaged that it had to be closed for repairs and it was never re-opened.
  15. This photograph was taken not long after grouping. The locomotive appears to still carry its GC number on the cab side. The LNER inherited the greatest number of four and six wheel coaches at grouping.
  16. First film of Schumacher (senior) since accident. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/formula-1/michael-schumacher-health-update-documentary-23403160#source=push
  17. I don't see a three pointed star anywhere?
  18. It appears to happen when the 'Dukedog' locomotive is in use.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A new covid test has just been announced. Its been shown to be 99% accurate under test and only requires a saliva swab. I just don't like automatic gearboxes although I have driven automatic vehicles. The first was when I went to the USA on a fly drive, they simply didn't offer manual gearboxes. I soon got used to it as soon as I learnt to put it in neutral before trying to start. The second was a Transit minibus, the selection lever was floor mounted where the usual manual lever would be, I kept looking for a clutch pedal with my left foot.
  20. Interesting list. The exchange of the D class Utility Daimlers with brand new RT's is evidently almost complete. Odd ones out are the RLH, the RF, the STL and the TF.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Well it was morning when I started reading ER's three pages ago. Like Andrew P I hate injections but it looks as if there's no choice with the covid jab. I've tried to find out if there are alternatives for the covid jab such as an oral dose or patches. There is but at the moment they are not ready to be rolled out yet. He exploited the fear of another conflict to get his way, hence appeasement. He thought that the same would happen over Poland but he thought wrong. It was people like Chamberlain and Daladier who didn't want another conflict and tried desperately to prevent it. The fact that they failed has overshadowed their enormous efforts to prevent war.
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