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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. And one for the Hippo's and bear's of this parish.
  2. As long as there is some sort of 'fixer' to bind it to stop it crumbling. PVA might help.
  3. Hello again from Estuary-Land. A bit of a will they/won't they over todays bin bag collection on social media last night but late in the evening it was 'on', so I then put the bags out before going to bed. However last nights unexpected snow has changed things and todays collection has been cancelled. As I mentioned my back garden has its own micro-climate. As soon as the sun appeared the snow near to the house rapidly disappeared but its still hanging about in the shady spots. A couple of years ago I had fences installed both sides at the front. The fence on the east side is only a foot or so from the drive. When I went out to defrost the car yesterday I found the drivers side of the car, which was only two or three feet from the fence was completely free of snow as was the drive beneath it so I have no worries about slipping getting in and out of the car. Belated birthday greetings to ChrisF's aunts and I'll be back later.
  4. I'm not a great lover of doughnuts but I've plenty of bread pudding in stock.
  5. Police escort for doughnuts? Isn't that like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank.
  6. As stated many nail varnish removers contain acetone that will cloud the glazing. I use T-cut rubbing compound on a cotton bud to remove paint from glazing. This does leave minute scratches on the glazing but a coat of Johnson's Klear and the scratches disappear.
  7. This popped up on my Farcebook. https://rapidotrains.co.uk/product-suggestion/?fbclid=IwAR0jfBMrVU-8KXnTSI5iUQC39kMPfcO6Uhi-0cYHTSTHzqy6AcndkrBmAso I'm going to suggest the class 502/503 EMU's, what would you suggest?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A couple of inches snow overnight, it was expected to be a clear freezing night but its still cold. Now back to bed before I run the bath.
  9. With Corgi models you will probably have to drill through the base as near to the posts as possible. This is the only way to release the posts. Be very careful levering the model apart as you can easily damage the glazing, best to ask someone who has taken this particular model apart.
  10. I think he used a paint for the tyres that gave a rough surface. It all depends on what the road was made of, IIRC Tony used plaster which would be more 'grippy' than perhaps card or plastic.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Which celebrity would I like to spend some time with? As I am a long time Queen fan with a passing interest in Astrophysics it has to be Brian May. I didn't mention before but on the fodder run I managed to acquire not one but two bread puddings, enough to see me through to the weekend. It should be BIN day tomorrow but the council had suspended collections after one of the operatives slipped over and was injured. I will have to check that before I put the bags out.
  12. I've seen Walford Arches in action including the B type bus and I asked Tony about it. He used the Kiel Kraft plastic kit which was 1/72 scale and utilised the wheels from the kit. The steering and mechanism was Faller and fitted in the lower deck body. The original kit was rather basic but IIRC he added levers and handrails etc. What interested me was he had a JCB from the Airfix Lowmac kit with a working backhoe powered by a mechanism beneath the baseboard.
  13. Thank you. That means you can alter the end to your preferred configuration. I would use a clear plasticard end to the same shape with a laser cut or etched overlay.
  14. I was going to suggest masking tape but Jamie beat me to it. Half inch masking tape also makes an ideal representation of roofing felt in 00 scale.
  15. Re-engined? The fixed head 500 engine was not the best example of Leyland engineering. Quite a few received Volvo engines and alternative engines were offered in the Greenway rebuilds. The Greenline 721 route went from RCL Routemasters to RP class AEC Reliances, comfortable if a little cramped to bog standard Nationals with shiny plastic seats. Some regular users of the route reckoned they were worse than the Utility Daimlers that preceded the RT's on that service. But in this case the intention was to drive the customers away so the service could be abandoned.
  16. Thats useful to know. How are the ends fixed in and are they part of the glazing or a separate item?
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Well it is afternoon here still as I have spent most of it on eyelid inspection. A successful fodder run and I now have sufficient fodder to take me into next week when according to the seaweed twirlers this cold snap will be over. As I mentioned earlier my back garden has something of a micro-climate. This is because it is surrounded by brick buildings and 6' brick walls on two thirds of the sides and the other third by a 5' fence and evergreen shrubbery. It is basically L shaped with the entire foot surrounded by brickwork. The back of the house which faces almost due south forms the sole of the 'foot'. As you can imagine it creates quite a suntrap and what with todays sunshine much of the snow and ice has disappeared. Even in front of the house which gets very little sun this time of year the ice melted quicker than I expected, it only took me fifteen minutes to de-ice the car this morning rather than the expected half hour. So Ian has another string to his bow, horology. I don't know what it is about pendulum clocks but I've always wanted one. I always wanted one like the one that was on the wall of the 'Emmerdale' farmhouse forty years ago. (My mum used to watch Emmerdale.) Do other ER's have other hobbies? apart from the obvious one that is never mentioned. We are aware of a few, mine is collecting and studying old maps, especially of areas that are familiar to me were traces of what is on the old maps are still visible.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Colder than ever this morning and the possibility of the temperature staying below zero all day. Its an absolute necessity to go shopping today or its a diet of porridge, made with water for the next few days. I've just remembered that the screen washers on the car are empty, just as well really as it means that they wont be frozen. I'll be giving the car a thorough defrost anyway, at least twenty minutes before I move off. There will still be idiots driving about in mobile igloos to watch out for. In this weather! I'm keeping my clothes on.
  19. When I visited Malta back in the 80's they had just introduced the Ex London Transport AEC Swifts. Up until then the longest buses on the island were thirty feet long and most of the islands roads were narrow with very sharp corners. I watched one negotiating one such corner by having to shunt backwards and forwards. The Swifts were more successful than the subsequent ex London buses, the Bendibuses.
  20. Here's something for the covid deniers to ponder. https://www.bionews.org.uk/page_152485
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Talk of radio communications reminded me of when our model railway club were taking a couple of layouts to our twin town in France. As we were using two vehicles someone came up with a couple of walkie talkies (legal in the UK) so we could keep in touch if we ever got separated. Travelling south from Calais it was decided to check the walkie talkies but after a few minutes chat a lot of angry sounding French came over them. One of our French speaking members told us to switch off and hide the walkie talkies. They just happened to use the same frequency as the police in the area we were passing through.
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