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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The change in temperature has set the sore foot off but Arthur Itis is keeping quiet. It must have poured down last night by the amount of wetness around this morning but I slept through it. Now time to run that bath, be back later.
  2. Andy, not only tell the local paper about Sarah's vaccination but contact your MP.
  3. I had my jab today. Some people are taking other precautions.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been busy this afternoon as Adrian the builder I employ came round to look at a few little jobs around the house that I'm no longer capable of doing myself. That is replacing the couple of tiles that were dislodged by the stormy weather, repairing a small leak in the flat roof and installing, or re-installing the handrail on the stairs. This had been removed by a previous owner (over 30 years ago) and when I was younger it didn't seem to matter. But now that I'm a bit older and the legs are getting a bit wobbly I need something to hold on to when negotiating the stairs.
  5. That certainly sounds like fuel starvation. One way to tell is can you smell petrol when it stops? if you can't its fuel starvation, if you can its possibly flooding. Have you checked that the float in the carb is operating properly? Whatever it is fuel is not getting to the engine. I had a similar problem with a car many years ago and it turned out to be a sticking float.
  6. I can't see there being any shows or exhibitions this year and as and when they do start up again there's bound to be some fundamental differences. All participants will have to be masked and larger aisles provided for social distancing. Layouts will probably need some sort of screen with the top at least 1.6 metres above floor level. Traders would have greater problems, normally they display their wares on an open table but again they will have to be placed behind glass (or Perspex). Thats if the traders are still trading, I fear that many will have ceased trading especially those that do not have a physical shop and rely upon renting tables at shows, exhibitions and swap meets.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been jabbed, in and out in less than ten minutes, despite turning up early, and no after effects. It was the Oxford vaccine which IIRC is the one with the fewest side effects. Thats because they use an algorithm that takes a straight line from your address to the vaccination centres. To change my appointment last week I called my GP's surgery which just so happens is co-ordinating a group of local surgeries. It seems to be far more slick and efficient than the NHS one.
  8. In my yoof I was 6' 2.5" but I have shrunk to just under 6 feet. Our exhibition is pencilled in for 30th October but I think that social distancing and other precautions may still be in place and they might make it unviable. I'll write a bit more about it later but I'm off out for my jab shortly.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Any evidence of the snow has disappeared, its now just wet. The dampness set off the eczema last night, the itching was driving me mad until it was suppressed by a liberal application of aqueous cream. Today is the 50th anniversary of the introduction of decimal currency, it is also the 50th birthday of a late friend's daughter. Sadly we have lost touch but happy birthday anyway Jacquie. At the time it was quite a drastic change but as a colleague of mine pointed out at the time it would have been even more difficult going the other way. Time to get ready for the jab so its be back later.
  10. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Its raining! but it does appear to be washing the snow away. Arthur Itis was making a song and dance about it but now its stopped and so has he. Now to finish catching up on Farcebook but a muggatee first.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just finished dinner, poached salmon with the trimmings. Now to tackle Farcebook, wish me luck.
  12. Happy birthday Andy, (or whats left of it).
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The snow is disappearing, slowly but it is predicted than it will get warmer tonight. I do hope it does clear up before I go for my jab tomorrow. Time methinks for a mug or two of tea so its be back later.
  14. Hello again from Estuary-Land. It feels a lot warmer this morning and the snow is (slowly) melting. My sincere apologies for confusing you with someone else. Is Captain Sinister an associate or a competitor? The 'very rich and reclusive lady collector' intrigues me. It has always been my ambition to become a 'toy boy' but by now she will have to be a centenarian. Very sorry to hear about Bob Essery. I know of another railway modeller who has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers, he is still cognitive and the disease is being held back by drugs but the prognosis is not that good.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land (just).
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner as mentioned earlier has been consumed. Its the first time I've tried the sweet potato mash (ready mashed from Tess Coes). I will definitely be mashing my own next time. Sweet potato has a very delicate flavour but Tesco's insist on drowning it in pepper. Now time to put the kettle on and tackle Farcebook.
  17. Electric cars are OK for urban areas in developed countries but they still need a lot of development before they can be used away from any support structure or in conditions that affect reliability such as extreme cold.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The use-by-date lottery means tonights dinner is going to be liver and bacon with sweet potato mash and broccoli followed by bread and butter pudding. I suspect this is all part of a plot by Captain Sinister to capture a cake aficionado and hold him to ransom and the cake is the bait. I have nothing to fear as bread pudding is in plentiful supply.
  19. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Bathed, powdered and pampered but I'm not even going outside of the front door today. Plenty to do though like tidy up the spare room. Great to see Bill back, I can't imagine anything that can cause offence from Bill either. I am barred from the Forum Jokes Thread due to a complaint but I've no idea of what it is that has caused offence. I'm making no further comments on the matter and leaving it at that.
  20. Apparently some BEV's have heaters that keep them above a certain temperature, in fact warm enough to prevent icing up. You might think that it would drain the battery even more but if it put on charge most nights it shouldn't be a problem. He didn't say how old the batteries were, taking five days to charge even in those conditions indicates that the batteries needed replacing. I was looking into getting a BEV and as my bank account will not stretch to a new one I looked at the second hand ones. I was surprised at how cheap they were but all of the cheapest ones had the caveat 'requires new batteries'. New batteries can cost between £2,000 to £5,000 depending on make and model.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit nippy this morning but bright sunshine and blue skies. I'm not expecting it to move much of the laying snow as the wind is still strong (and cold). The item that I purchased on E-bay on the 9th of December is reportedly still stuck in the Middle East so I have requested a refund. Now time to run that bath, be back later.
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