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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Mine was the same, not so sure about the back of the bike shed it was an all boys school.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun has burned off the frost this morning and its warming up nicely. Its Captain Tom's funeral today and I'm reflecting on the connection with my friend who died on Thursday and my late father. All three served in the XIV Army and held the Burma Star. What we owe that generation is uncalculatable, as one of the next generation who benefitted the most from their sacrifices we should honour and respect them.
  3. Thats why I chose Ipswich, it has very good public transport and other facilities. In the end though I decided to stay put for the reasons stated.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've never thought of Frinton as somewhere to retire too, I'd rather go somewhere where there's good public transport and other facilities. When I retired I did consider Ipswich but the more I looked into moving the more I felt like 'why bother'. Also I have many good friends locally and where I live there is good access to all the facilities I need so I decided to stay put.
  5. Every now and then they offer free fitting when you buy a dashcam from them.
  6. I don't have hundreds of £££ stuffed under the mattress (only if) but I intend to make sure that anything left after relly's and friends have had their pick and received their bequests is dealt with by someone honest like the local hospice who do house clearances. They were asked to clear a house by someone I know and they discovered some valuable items so they contacted them and asked them if they wanted them returned. I'm quite sure that the boss who kept the cash was committing an offence.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Simon. Even if I was able to turn the clock back to when I was younger I'd probably make the same mistakes all over again. Just as well there wasn't that many of them. Just went to pour my tea and found that the milk that was open in the fridge was off, checked the date and it was the 24th. I have two dash cams that have never been fitted to the car, the reason is that they both came without any instructions. The first one when I took it back to the shop the shop refused to help as I did not have the receipt but what I did have was proof of purchase by means of a click and collect. After a bit of toing and froing I eventually got a refund and I was told to keep the dashcam (it was a model being discontinued). The second one ordered on-line also had no instructions and when I tried to contact the vendor they had ceased trading. I am tempted to fit them to the car as dummies and wait until Halfords have a 'we fit them for you' offer.
  8. I like the Mini pick-up burger bars but I wouldn't want to drive one in a strong cross wind.
  9. I find that very interesting. I used to follow the geology lectures on the Open University and considered taking it up but I never found the round tuit.
  10. Some* might say thats in spite of the army sorting the delivery logistics. Apparently the country that produces most of the vaccines is India. I can't imagine the logistical problems of delivering a vaccine to everyone in that country but they seem to be doing quite well. *Including some ex-squaddies.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. News this morning is that NO cases of flu have been recorded in the UK this winter. This is reckoned to be down to the wearing of face masks and use of hand sanitizers. It has been suggested that the wearing of face masks if not compulsory should be encouraged. I have needle phobia but I gritted my teeth and took the covid jab and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be and I am considering taking up the flu jab, which I have never had. To be pedantic, 00 is 4mm to the foot which works out at 1/76.2, therefore 1/4 of that would be 1/304.8 or 1/305 if rounded to the nearest whole number. I would say 1/300 and be done with it.
  12. One down under. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-26/women-killed-when-car-struck-by-express-train-at-level-crossing/13198344
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I know of someone who sounded his horn at a van driver who had cut him up. The van driver took offence at that and tried to force the other driver off of the road. When the van driver returned to his base he was called into the office and handed his P45. The other driver just happened to be the owner of the company who's van it was and employed him as a driver.
  14. Not sure about the redwings but that was a pied wagtail. They are quite common in springtime and summer.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sad news this afternoon, my friend who I mentioned earlier passed away at lunchtime. Ray Palmer 1924-2021 RIP. Sounds as if he has mental health issues, perhaps calling the police would have been a good idea, he's probably got 'form' for that behaviour.
  16. The 'breadvan' minibuses were once quite common. Pity no diecast maker seems interested in producing a model.
  17. I'm also needle phobic, but I'm also phobic about catching covid so I've had the jab. I was pleasantly surprised how the needle was barely noticeable.
  18. LSWR six wheel coaches were hired/loaned from 1916. There was also a four wheel ex LSWR passenger luggage van with spoked wheels that may have been classified as goods stock.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus has begun as usual with the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon and only the stone deaf are still asleep. There was a bit of overnight rain last night, Arthur Itis woke me up to listen to it but I soon went back to sleep again. Had a card through the door saying that the census is coming, reminding me of when I worked as an enumerator on three consecutive censuses. That 'inside knowledge' helped when doing my own family tree.
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