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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Or it was close to knocking off time.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Stiff joints this morning but they soon unstuck and Arthur Itis was only present in his usual haunts. A brace of paracetamol soon put him in his place. I've only had the stiff joints since I had the jab, I wonder if there's a connection? About the same time we were having a new server installed at work. Then one night the place was raided, three members of staff were tied up and the server stolen. We never heard of any outcome, there were no arrests. The suspicion was that it was an inside job.
  3. The Thames E83W is a perfectly legitimate vehicle for that period as many were supplied to the GPO during the war. Also in that period the GPO used ex military vehicles but usually modified somewhat. They also used ex NFS Austin auxiliary towing vehicles as post vans. You could convert one of the Oxford models to one.
  4. Do you really need to convert it to Royal Mail? If not you can paint it in any colour you like. Langley's have a range of suitable transfers.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a fair bit of rain this afternoon, soon got rid of the lingering bits of mist. If it had touched the overhead all nine lives would have gone in a flash. There's one way they could have moved it . That reminds me of when I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch. My cottage was a Victorian terraced two up/two down with a single story scullery at the back. I was sweeping the yard one day when I espied a ginger tom cat on the roof of my neighbours scullery. He was sunning himself with his back end overhanging the roof displaying his boy bits. In my hands I had a stiff broom and I couldn't resist giving him a nudge with the bristles. I didn't realise a cat could jump six feet in the air from a laying down position.
  6. No thats a Morris, if you compare the two they are the same except that the first picture you posted was of the upgraded one that was placed in service in the late 1930's. IIRC Springside produced a white metal kit of the Morris. Until WW2 the GPO only purchased the bare chassis and had bodies fitted to their own specifications. Duple among others built the bodies.
  7. Its not an Austin 7 but a Morris 8. Morris/Morris Commercial were the principal supplier of light commercials to the GPO from the 1920's to the 1970's. They even continued the production of the earlier 8 chassis at the behest of the GPO but upgraded it with the later radiator grill and 'Easiclean' wheels of the current car model, as in the illustration. Several makes were tested by the GPO in the 1920's before they settled on Morris and there may have been the odd Austin 7 among them but they would have been disposed of quite quickly once the chosen vehicles were in service.
  8. The sparrows started building their nests in the shrubbery next to my house last week. Yesterday the council came along and pruned the shrubs. Fortunately the nests weren't completed yet and were deeper into the shrubs so most remained untouched. They've virtually shredded a piece of old carpet for nest material.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Neil, I had exactly the same symptoms after my jab, sore arm and stiff joints. The stiff joints didn't last very long but the sore arm took a couple of days to go away. I remember driving through Norfolk when we caught a whiff of fish and chips, or more accurately the beef dripping they were frying them in. We just had to stop and try them, just as well they were as good as the smell.
  10. During the war right up until the early fifties they would have been very useful for the longest and heaviest trains. A version with smaller drivers but not as small as the P1's would make an ideal mixed traffic locomotive. Thompson made a big mistake in converting them to pacifics IMHO. Preferably by a train.
  11. Quite often, and so do many of the other parcels delivery companies. You just have to leave your wheelie bin out for emptying and thats where they put your parcel and its on the way to the tip before you know it.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. In the news this morning, Fraggle Rock is back in quarantine I see. No doubt Neil will fill us in on the details. As Tony said its bit foggy hereabouts, hope it clears soon before I go out. I have my heating on low all the time but having a new boiler fitted last September has reduced my gas consumption as well. When I was working I had the central heating on a timer as the house was empty during the day. Since I retired I've had it on 24/7 at a set temperature but I've never noticed any change in gas consumption. The house is well insulated and I had the loft insulation topped up only a few years ago. Muggatee to be drunk so its be back later.
  13. And the P2's remain as 2-8-2's with a few more built.
  14. I'm normally a tea drinker but I will drink coffee sometimes. The best coffee I have ever tasted was in a small restaurant in Ypres, and the food was good as well. The restaurant was called Sante and if you are ever visiting Ypres I can highly recommend it. Now to get on with Farcebook, be back later.
  15. What about a cab forward 9F? It would have to be an oil burner of course with the tender attached to the smokebox end.
  16. I'm inclined to agree, I thought at first it was a Renault 4 but it didn't have the quarterlight windows behind the doors so I dismissed that idea. I had forgotten that the early or the basic models didn't have the quarterlight windows.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Ian. Done absolutely nothing today except for some eyelid inspection, and the sudoku and crosswords in the paper, now to get dinner ready, tandori chicken.
  18. But would you drink cyanide if it were free?
  19. Hope so soon as its a lonely job on my own (boring everyone else with daily drivel).
  20. Thames Trader with Hawson body, almost certainly brand new going by the fact that the seats appear to be in pristine condition. Not before 1962 as there is a Mk. I Cortina present. Can anyone identify the white car top right?
  21. When my name is abbreviated it is usually with one L.
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