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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The system used for the Euro elections you only voted for a party not an individual. It did mean that the lunatic fringe parties had a better chance but that was because there was only 73 seats. Between five and eight times that number spread over more constituancies should counter that.
  2. Cake tin, what cake tin? And I didn't know bears ate bread pudding.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent a little over an hour sorting out my will. Its not as simple as I thought. Basics are quite simple, apart from a few simple bequests its all distributed between my niece and nephew. Problem comes with the disposal of my books and models, few if any are of interest to my heirs. Some items will be distributed among friends and family but I don't think I will be able to catalogue everything unless I live another 30 years.
  4. Note that the brake third in the top picture has only two oil lamps for the three compartments.
  5. Thats my thoughts on the matter. The same as we did with the Euro elections with a few tweaks. Either the same constitunencies with more members or preferably more constituencies each with about a maximum number of members. A rigidly fixed term as well of either four or five years. We had 73 Euro MP's, obviously a second house would have to have more, between five and eight times as many thats why I suggest more constituences.
  6. Not fatal, well not to the drinker. Alcohol derived from pine resin (wood alcohol) is lethal.
  7. I agree its a chaffinch, I was going by a drawing rather than a photograph.
  8. Any vegetable matter can be used to produce alcohol. Though I wouldn't like to drink some of them.
  9. I went for a goldfinch going by the shape of the beak, broader at the base.
  10. This could be the future for all preserved steam if fossil fuels are banned.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. HB Johnny777. I didn't watch that interview last night, I had better things to do. I'm no royalist but the last four years of what was happening on the other side of the pond certainly put any thoughts of republicism aside. I do think that we should have an elected second house, we are not a democracy until we can choose directly over who rules over us. Stiff joints again this morning but it soon cleared up but the warmer weather has set the eczema itching off again.
  12. There's some anniverseries coming up such as 70 years since Titfield Thunderbolt was released (2023).
  13. Bognor 1890. No other details I'm afraid.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I went into Tess Coes today there was the smell of bread pudding wafting through the store. Only thing was it had just been removed from the ovens and it would have been a few hours before it went on sale. Just as well as it would play havoc with my blood glucose which I have managed to keep out of T2 territory so far. Now back to Farcebook.
  15. Not so much the old bill but the Inland Revenue, he didn't pay all of his taxes.
  16. Grape or grain? You forgot fermented.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I will not be watching the Meg and Harry show tonight, I don't like whining noises. Some of us still hold doubts as to whether he (H) is a royal or came from the other side of the blanket. Perhaps their sprog not getting any titles is telling us something. Thanks for that Bear, it will be handy as I am using a will service rather than a solicitor. I went to Tess Coes a little earlier and I had to go to the customer service counter and while I was there I checked in my Euro-lottery tickets and I won £3:80 whoopee. Yesterday I went to pick up an old map of New York city that I had agreed to purchase for £10. It is enormous, about 2' by 3' in a nice frame 1/20,000 scale. I had a good look at it a little while ago and I realised it was printed on velum! I don't know how old it is but it shows all of the elevated lines and streetcar lines that had gone by about 1960.
  18. Yet diesels are far more efficient than steam. The reason is simple, with a steam engine energy is lost between the boiler and the cylinder. With any form of IC engine the energy is confined to the cylinder.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No comment about THAT interview except perhaps. Will have to sort out some paperwork as tomorrow I will be sorting out my will (on-line). My old one is a bit out of date now and I can't even find the copy I have somewhere. Newspapers have arrived so there's sudoku and crosswords to do first, be back later.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Well thats the bread pudding finished, the last piece with a muggatee this evening. No use-by-date lottery either for dinner, poached salmon. I can take my pick for the next couple of days as well. Now back to tackling Farcebook.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations Dom, Hope that mum and baby are well. Nearly finished the book that I found yesterday, interesting story with a twist at the end but still not at the end yet. Now back to the reading. I don't know what happened to this post, I thought I'd posted it a couple of hours ago.
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