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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. So thats what Dave Hunt keeps in his shed.
  2. The GWR machinery wagon would be nice as well. But I'm hoping for the W&U coach.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin day today, started as usual by the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon as its the every other week that it appears. Blowing a hooley but dry outside, I heard my garden wheelie bin go over earlier so its going to remain where it is until the wind drops. Got to go and run a bath now, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My census reminder arrived this afternoon complete with code to access the on-line form. Although its a bit early I opened the site and filled in the details, not difficult as its only yours truly to record. As a point of interest theoretically there should be no visitors or anyone visiting another household due to covid. The other item that arrived in todays post was next years council tax bill, an increase of £20 per year over last years.
  5. I was looking for it on the woman passenger.
  6. Dettol will not only remove any paint but it dissolves super glue as well.
  7. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I might will be buying a micro layout, one of two on offer. Fortunately I might be able to purchase both layouts. My gas/electric bill arrived this morning showing a credit of £600 so I've asked for a refund. I pay a fixed sum by direct debit so therefore the account at this time of year should show a small deficit.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Interesting talk about boilers. As I mentioned I had a new boiler fitted last September. The new boiler is a Valiant and is a lot quicker in heating the water up than the old one which was an Ideal. Wet and windy outside and that seems to have started Arthur Itis off playing his merry tune so a liberal coating of Voltarol cream is in order. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My quarterly energy bill arrived in my inbox this morning, more than £600 in credit! It took a bit of finding but there is a facility to request a refund so I've asked for £500 back. I expect them to reduce the monthly DD as well. There is a noticable drop in my gas consumption since the new boiler was installed in September but that is only a small part of the £600. I'll be keeping an eye on it over the next few months I was going to suggest Sally, as in 'Harry met Sally'. I concur about the M name as they would be likely to fly off to Canada. Its not that simple. If someone cannot look after their own affairs someone else (usually a relative) has to apply for power of attorney. It might be someone, relative or not who you might not want handling your affairs and whatever the outcome its your money that pays the lawyers. The lasting power of attorney allows you to choose who takes over your affairs if you are incapable of doing so. Its one way of making sure that no one can pocket your LDC fund.
  10. If anyone does produce the Wisbech and Upwell coach are they going to produce it as built or as it is now preserved? As built the coaches had special bogies and small wheels as they were boarded at ground level (except at Wisbech where there was special low platforms). As preserved the coach has larger bogies and wheels to allow access from normal platforms. I suspect manufacturers will go for the latter especially if fitting NEM pockets.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Time seems to have run away again but at least I know where it went. Over an hour sorting out my will and nearly as long talking to my sister. Not only have I started the process re. my will I am setting up a lasting power of attorney. Which means that if I am no longer in a position to manage my affairs I have designated someone to hold power of attorney, in my case my sister and my niece if my sister is unable to take it on. Its not cheap, about ten times the price of doing the will but a lot cheaper than if for some reason you can't manage your affairs and someone has to step in for you. Also you can choose the person to manage your affairs. Its split into two parts, property & finance and health & welfare which are self explanitary.
  12. I was pointing out that only two lamps illuminated three compartments. Something that was discussed on this thread some time ago.
  13. The system used for the Euro elections you only voted for a party not an individual. It did mean that the lunatic fringe parties had a better chance but that was because there was only 73 seats. Between five and eight times that number spread over more constituancies should counter that.
  14. Cake tin, what cake tin? And I didn't know bears ate bread pudding.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent a little over an hour sorting out my will. Its not as simple as I thought. Basics are quite simple, apart from a few simple bequests its all distributed between my niece and nephew. Problem comes with the disposal of my books and models, few if any are of interest to my heirs. Some items will be distributed among friends and family but I don't think I will be able to catalogue everything unless I live another 30 years.
  16. Note that the brake third in the top picture has only two oil lamps for the three compartments.
  17. Thats my thoughts on the matter. The same as we did with the Euro elections with a few tweaks. Either the same constitunencies with more members or preferably more constituencies each with about a maximum number of members. A rigidly fixed term as well of either four or five years. We had 73 Euro MP's, obviously a second house would have to have more, between five and eight times as many thats why I suggest more constituences.
  18. Not fatal, well not to the drinker. Alcohol derived from pine resin (wood alcohol) is lethal.
  19. I agree its a chaffinch, I was going by a drawing rather than a photograph.
  20. Any vegetable matter can be used to produce alcohol. Though I wouldn't like to drink some of them.
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