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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Sadly one of the last things that will return after Covid IMHO. Imagine trying to keep a swap meet table sanitized?
  2. In my case its toy fairs and swap meets. At least you can see straight away that its junk and move on to the next table.
  3. My BiL was a test driver for Fords, firstly test driving the trucks at Boreham and when that closed he transfered to Dunton test driving vans and cars. The management decided that the drivers would have a go at an advanced driving test and they brought in an ex police driving instructor. To start with the instructor demonstrated what he called progress. That was enough for my BiL, driving around those country lanes around Boreham at speed is not for the faint hearted. Taking the advanced test was optional so BiL opted out.
  4. Hello again and many happy returns to Neil. If I went in for a Viking funeral all my worldly goods would probably sink the boat before the fire took hold. I am an inveterate hoarder and like Black Rat end up taking more back from the tip than I leave there. I doubt my estate will be large enough to attract death duties, the equity release will see to that. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still blowing a hooly this morning but no wet stuff. I like watching these, there's quite a few to watch. What I find interesting is how much still remains from many years ago such as field boundaries. I agree about the 'train', not up to their normal standard. Now time to run a bath, be back later.
  6. I have named a modeller friend as one of my executors. The principal executors will be my sister or niece but as neither would know whats what with my models my friend is there to look after that part of my estate.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When it comes to disposing of assets I will ask for anything that my relatives do not want such as furniture be disposed of via the local hospice charity. They do house clearances free of charge and if they find cash stuffed into a mattress or any other overlooked valuable item they will inform the family. My model railway items will be placed in the hands of SEERS who will auction them off for a small percentage.
  8. I am in the process of writing my will. Before I shuffle off this mortal toil I will be disposing of a few models and tools to a few friends who will appreciate them. Luckily I belong to a railway group that offers a service to members of selling of their models and other things such as (railway) books.
  9. I thought it was plastic. I use UHU on resin, not the cheap stringy stuff you find in the £ shops but the one that comes in a plastic bottle.
  10. A hearse would be great for transporting a layout.
  11. Despite his favourite weather Arthur Itis has been quiet today with one exception. He has discovered a bunion which I have had for years that I hardly have ever noticed, he has just bought it to my attention.
  12. Thats why they invented liquid poly.
  13. I've rebuilt a couple of engines, in the garden shed. First was a B series (Austin A50) second was a 100E. Both had holed a piston.
  14. And the Hornby ones as well, the four wheelers anyway.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes earlier and bread pudding was being put out on the shelves . I quite agree, my friend of the speeding hearse used to regail us with some stories. I won't repeat any here but when he got caught for speeding he had an empty coffin in the back. He said that that elicited quite a few remarks from the police officers.
  16. Happy anniversery NHM and Debs. A former colleague of mine had previously worked for the Co-op funeral service. He was once booked for doing 100mph through Epping Forrest, in a hearse. (Daimler 420G, basically a Jaguar Mk. X.)
  17. Indeed, the WC&PR locomotives were IIRC ex-LNWR.
  18. Going by the old Triang track around it it appears to be not far off of 00 scale. The WC&PR had a pair of similar locomotives but with different cabs (from each other as well as the model). The only thing is it appears to be moulded in one piece including the wheels.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine first thing this morning then it hissed down but now the suns back. At the moment I am just waiting for the first draft of my will and I'll have to compose a couple of 'letter of wishes', one for specific family items and one for my model railway stuff. Whoever drives that must have forearms like Popeye the sailor, even with power steering.
  20. Impressive fuel consumption for the time, most of the Austins competitors could do little better than the mid 40's.
  21. Thanks Mike, I bank with Nationwide so I'll have to look into that.
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