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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just before I went to bed last night I noticed it was a bit chilly, the boiler had shut down. Thanks to Arthur Itis I now cannot easily access the loft where the boiler resides. So first thing this morning I called the local plumber who soon got the boiler going again. It was only a drop in pressure that caused the problem, down to 0.3 bar. Used the last of the home made ginger marmalade for breakfast this morning. Only problem is getting some more as I purchased it from a stall in Gravesend covered market. I used to take the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry to do some shopping in Gravesend but I haven't done so for a couple of years, I hope the stall is still there when I go back later this year, they do great pickles as well.
  2. Making good use of the trolleybus poles for street lighting.
  3. In the UK a polecat is a member of the weasel family (mustelids). Tame ones called ferrets are used for hunting rabbits.
  4. I have today had to change the name of one of my groups on Farcebook. The group was simply 'Code 3 models' but I have had to add 'buses, trucks and cars'. The reason for the change is there is an American range of fire engine models called 'Code 3 Models' and this has caused some confusion.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not done a lot today except hunting down some connectors to enable connecting the two halves of the layout together. The ones I had thought were right turned out not to be so but now I've found some by Tamiya intended for R/C models that come complete with wires attached. They have been ordered and should be with me by early next week. Now its time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  6. Is this the most far flung grounded BR van body? Its on Malta no less, used for storing fishing gear.
  7. Placed centrally like the APT power car? or perhaps as a freight locomotive?
  8. That increases the possibility of a W&U coach IMHO as it would increase the sales potential. And it will also go with the J15 (Tiptree branch).
  9. When are we going to get the groan button back?
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is misbehaving even though its not his kind of weather. Nurofen has been deployed and after a mug or two of tea its eyelid inspection time.
  11. Its the model of Locomotion with the cauldron wagon. In fact it is smaller than HO scale being nearer to 1/100 scale.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning and the forecast is mostly dry with a very slight chance of a shower and will remain dry for the next few days. I'm looking for electrical connectors, two pin low voltage plug in type but I couldn't find any stockist after the demise of Maplins. However I Googled what I wanted and found a similar company to Maplins that also has a local branch https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/ I have ordered what I need click and collect and will collect the order this afternoon.
  13. When I went to Greece for a holiday back in the late 70's the holiday courier had driven all the way there via Italy in a Mk. II Cortina. The tax on the Cortina was six months out of date.
  14. Perhaps it was something in the filling of the cream egg that makes you barf. IIRC as it gets older some chocolate gets rock hard.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The Zoom talk went well despite a few technical glitches at the speakers end. A very interesting talk and a discussion afterwards about more local transport such as the new Southend pier trains. Now to catch up on Farcebook, be back later.
  16. The 50's were developed from DP2, which used a Deltic body.
  17. But back in the 50's there was no sell by dates. There was no way you could be sure that wrapped chocolate items were fresh. I remember on a few occasions opening a bar of chocolate only to find it was stale and uneatable.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorting a few bits out for the layout, I've found that I have only one suitable controller with 16V AC output, fortunately it has never been used if the label over the AC terminals is anything to go by. I'll need a few connectors as its not designed for easy separation of the baseboard and fiddle yard, the wires have to be screwed into terminal blocks to connect them. Not much else can be done until tomorrow, Zoom meeting this evening which should be interesting.
  19. I thought at first that someone was confusing them with acrylics but apparently not. Perhaps Humbrol and other paint manufacturers have tried to make oil based paints quicker drying like acrylics forgetting that sometimes slower drying paints are better in some circumstances.
  20. Hello again from Estuary-Land. I have an Essex accent but its a bit shy and only comes out when it hears a similar accent. I have a friend, Jim Walpole, from the time I lived at Burnham-on-Crouch who is a local and speaks with a heavy Essex accent. He can often be found at Mangapps railway museum helping out. He speaks with the full Essex accent. He used to be a signalman and he worked the last shift at Southminster box before it was abolished. If it was bread pudding I'd only be to happy to volunteer but LDC is bit of an acquired taste. A few years ago I took my car in for a service. When I went to pick it up I noticed that a valve cap was missing. When I queried it the service manager just took one off of another car parked in the corner of the compound. The other car was only six years old and when I asked the manage he said it was going for scrap due to an engine fault!
  21. I don't like steak and kidney (or as its sometimes known, Kate and Sidney). But I do like liver and bacon.
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