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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I understood that the shingle ballast is to be replaced by stone. Or has that now been dropped?
  2. Back again. Breakfast has been eaten and second muggatee will be drunk shortly. This came into my e-mail this morning. https://heritagemachines.com/news/classic-steam-ship-la-palma/?utm_campaign=576502_March 21&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Kelsey Media Ltd&dm_i=5D8F,CCTY,3IHCIX,1EVKN,1
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Came down this morning to find that the pile of magazines has slipped and are all over the floor and I have to start tidying them up. But breakfast and a muggatee or two comes first.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorted some of the old magazines and filled one pink sack for the bin men. I looked at the dates on some of the mags, the oldest (so far) is 2004. Quite a few were a few months old when purchased from a stall in the market for pennies. Sadly the stallholder ceased trading some years ago as many distributors now just pulp unsold mags. Some are quite interesting especially some American railroad mags that are not normally sold in the UK. Sadly they lost all their pets as well.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit late I know, I thought I'd sorted the pile of old magazines, then when I went to draw the curtains I accidently kicked the bottom of one pile. The led to a repeat of what happened yesterday what with a domino effect. So that was the afternoon sorted. Not ready for dinner yet, lets see what the use-by-date lottery shows up.
  6. Just gave the radiators a check, no air when I bled them and bone dry beneath them.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A good few hours sleep last night but when I awoke Arthur Itis started playing his merry tune with a vengeance. A soak in the bath and a brace of Nurofen are keeping him quiet for now. Its only got really bad since I had the covid jab. I do know that some arthritis is caused by the immune system so I wonder if this is the same thing. Time for muggatee, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sitting on top of one of the piles of magazines were the remotes for the TV and the Virgin box that both went flying when the pile of magazines went over. I thought I'd better test them just in case. The TV one worked perfectly but when I checked the Virgin one there was nothing. I thought that I'll just have to wait until Monday to ask Virgin for a replacement but then I remembered that when the set top box was replaced with a Wi-Fi one the engineer had left the old remote behind so I put it in a drawer. I dug it out and compared it with the new one and the only difference that I could see was it didn't have a mute button. A quick try out and it works perfectly. The fitter didn't have to turn off the water supply to fit my new boiler, there is a stopcock fitted in what used to be the tank cupboard. Only thing is it also turns off the water supply to the loo (originally the cistern was concealed in the tank cupboard).
  9. The boiler fitter drained and refilled the system when he installed the boiler and as bear said its in the warranty that inhibiter is added.
  10. I would not be worried about breaking it as I was thinking in terms of replacing it with a piece of clear Perspex or acrylic and adding a laser cut overlay.
  11. Are the ends of the brake coaches easily removable?
  12. The radiators upstairs are only seven years old but the downstairs ones must be getting on for thirty years old. There is no evidence of leakage around either of them. However there is sometimes a noise coming from the pipes that sounds like rust or limescale going through. The system was flushed when the new boiler was installed so I assume the inhibitor was added at the same time. I'll keep an eye on it, luckily the two oldest radiators are easily accessible and can be easily replaced if necessary.
  13. I have a diesel locomotive body looking for a chassis, that seems ideal for what I want.b
  14. Even more disconcerting is if its behind you and has a triangular fin.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was sitting cross-legged doing the crossword earlier this afternoon but when I got up my legs went wobbly and I had an attack of pins and needles. I soon recovered but I did lose my balance and I stumbled against a pile of old magazines, one of several piles of old magazines that I am clearing out. Problem was that it set off a domino effect. I have just spent the best part of the afternoon picking up magazines. I can't find any evidence of leaks in the system and with a brand new boiler there should be no problems in that department. I did however bleed quite a bit of air from the system so I'll keep an eye on that.
  16. There's no evidence of any leaks or air in the system. The plumber put 1.3 bar into the system so it should be OK.
  17. I also had the links from CMSS, They also have 'The plank' which is not only funny but has a lot of 60's detail handy for model railways set in that period.
  18. No leaks, just at the end of the main and a lot of dirty neighbours having a bath or shower at the same time. The mains pressure does fluctuate quite a bit and the water company are replacing a main just around the corner and not before time.
  19. I understand that some of the poles went to the East Anglia Transport Museum. They also took some 1930's Art Deco lamp standards from Romford.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just before I went to bed last night I noticed it was a bit chilly, the boiler had shut down. Thanks to Arthur Itis I now cannot easily access the loft where the boiler resides. So first thing this morning I called the local plumber who soon got the boiler going again. It was only a drop in pressure that caused the problem, down to 0.3 bar. Used the last of the home made ginger marmalade for breakfast this morning. Only problem is getting some more as I purchased it from a stall in Gravesend covered market. I used to take the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry to do some shopping in Gravesend but I haven't done so for a couple of years, I hope the stall is still there when I go back later this year, they do great pickles as well.
  21. Making good use of the trolleybus poles for street lighting.
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