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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just had brunch as my morning bath was a bit late due to having to sort out the boiler. Fingers crossed that it isn't a leak but keeping an eye on it. The wind outside is a bit gusty and its come over a bit grey and overcast. Not that it bothers me as Railway Bylines has dropped onto the mat together with a couple of other magazines so I know what I will be doing for the next couple of hours.
  2. Apologies, its a wood mouse not a field mouse.
  3. I read that as well. Getting rid of the junta was the one benefit for the Argentinian people of the Falkland war.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Heating/hot water was off again this morning so it was a climb into the loft to top up and restart the boiler. I bled the radiators and found a lot of air in the radiator in my bedroom . When I came downstairs there was a damp patch on the carpet in the hallway directly beneath the radiator. At least the affected area is accessible, without moving any heavy furniture. I shall keep an eye on it, the damp patch was very small and has since dried up so might have been from when I bled the radiator. Q mentioned a bus in the line of traffic that was overtaken. Many buses nowadays have cameras so there's a good chance that there is a recording. It might be the bus operators policy to pass such recordings on to the police. Just in case I would suggest reporting it to the police mentioning that there was a bus in the queue and time and place and possibly the car driver could find himself in front of the magistrates.
  5. Thats what I was suggesting, a cab at each end with a raised engine compartment. I envisioned the centre cab with the normal height bonnets.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. BIN day tomorrow so I'll put the bags out last thing before I go to bed. As it will be after midnight it will be quite legitimate as the rule is before 07:30 on the day of collection. Two pink sacks this week, one full of old magazines.
  7. A garden in Billericay today (borrowed from another forum). The field mouse has been around for a couple of weeks, there can't be too many real cats around.
  8. The cab looks as if its a few millimetres to far forward. If its glued together soak it in Dettol which will dissolve the glue and paint.
  9. I think there may have been problems with the loading gauge in the UK, we needed special contoured trailers when we experimented with piggy back trailers.
  10. I was thinking of a cab at each end with the radiators fitted at each end and a van body fitted between them. Similar in many respects to the Bermuda Railway No's 100/101.
  11. The idea came from the US, but there they continued with the idea using special bogies fitted with a fifth wheel and a pin that fitted beneath the rear of the road trailer. The system is still in use today.
  12. The cabs on the 20's always had the door on the right when viewed from the side. Perhaps stretching the length/wheelbase a bit would help. I was going to suggest a centre cab but Northmoor beat me to it. A model as such was built using a pair of Airfix 03's many years ago (50 years?) and was illustrated in the Airfix magazine. I was thinking of doing such a conversion but with a cab at each end and a higher (roof height) engine compartment.
  13. Volvo copied AEC very closely in the early years. When I saw a Volvo engine dismantled I at first thought it was an AEC that it was so much alike. I have been told that early Volvo diesels used Whitworth threaded bolts.
  14. Lithium is extracted from (sea) water pumped from former tin mines in Cornwall. It can also be extracted from the waste material from those mines created when they were operational.
  15. I purchased a small layout a week ago. There is a slight problem in that to connect the layout to the fiddle yard electrically I have to screw eight wires into connector blocks. Rather than mess about doing that I ordered a dozen plug in connectors, they arrived today and will be fitted tomorrow. Hopefully I will have the layout up and running by the weekend.
  16. After the demise of the Reliance (a much better coach IMHO) Leyland offered the option of the ZF gearbox which was very popular in the Reliance but many Reliance operators opted for chassis such as Volvo instead.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I felt a bit of eyelid inspection was required this afternoon, about an hour in my estimation... three hours later.... Reading the report it seems that discarded batteries are to blame. They are one of the things you must not put into the normal waste or recycling. One thing that we are allowed to put into the recycling is aerosol cans. They now use propane as a propellant following the ban on CFC's so I wouldn't like to be near one in a fire. Time for din dins, toad-in-the-hole, be back later..
  18. We need the GROAN button back urgently.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was hammering away this morning, Nurofen has been deployed and now he is in retreat. The problem with recycling is that in this country it is such a hotchpot. Each district has its own rules as to what can be or can't be recycled. For example I can put microwavable plastics into recycling but many cannot. Also they insist that such items are thoroughly cleaned but in doing so requires environmental resources (hot water and soap/detergents) in excess of the savings from recycling. Ultimately it will come back to manufacturers to take responsibility for the packaging they use. Sorting it after use is labour intensive and individual householders cannot be relied upon to sort the recycling themselves so its better if there was less to recycle in the first place.
  20. Apparently most of these early films were scripted. IIRC the lady with what looks like a sheet of paper in her hand is the film makers wife.
  21. Liverpool is largely built on sandstone. A few years ago the old southern terminus of the Liverpool Overhead Railway which was in a tunnel started to collapse. Houses above it had to be evacuated. The old station had been used as a garage and quite a few cars are still trapped down there. https://jalopnik.com/a-collapsed-old-railway-tunnel-hides-these-rare-cars-un-1495585003
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