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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. On Farcebook there are still people who think its an April fool's spoof.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I had only one promotion when I worked for the council, that was when I transferred from the rents to the weekly wages department. All other regrades were the result of reorganisations. Having said that there was a reorganisation whereby the wages and salaries departments were merged into a single department. We all expected a regrade but none was forthcoming but the pensions department which had been part of the salaries department was made a separate department with a jump of no less than four grades leapfrogging the payroll department as it now was. A few years later another reorganisation happened, the pensions department got a regrade straight away and when we were offered just the next grade. This time though we argued our case and took it all the way up to the council committee. They were appalled when they found out that we hadn't received the previous upgrade and not just awarded us the grade which we should have received on that reorganisation but the next grade up. That was handy for me as I was to retire only a few years later and it helped boost my pension.
  3. Jamie, don't let these two anywhere near your hens.
  4. I hope Jamie doesn't let these two near his chickens.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I wish PB luck on his shopping trip tomorrow as few supermarkets will be open as its Easter Sunday. Unless of course its a small 'local' Co-op. Arthur Itis is making a noise again so before I go to bed a couple of co-codamols will be taken to keep him quiet.
  6. The van version of the A35 was replaced by a re-badged Minor van which itself carried on a few years after car production ceased, mainly at the behest of the GPO.
  7. I recently mentioned the film 'Carry on Screaming' and remarked that the film was 55 years old (1966). The thought occurred to me that if you go back another 55 years brings you to 1911 and the Edwardian period where the film was set in.
  8. Brand loyalty was quite a big thing up until the 60's then it seemed to peter out. The Austin A40 and the 1100/1300 range gave a choice of front or rear drive but front wheel drive won out in the end. The Morris Minor was already an anachronism but people wanted to buy them nevertheless so BMC carried on making them. The 1100/1300 (ADO16) often outsold the Cortina, it was only due to the different badges and that sales were recorded by make that it wasn't apparent. When the Mk. IV coffin nosed Z cars were introduced the Corsair updated with the V4 engines fell into the gap created by the increasing size at the top of the range. Problem was the V4 wasn't Ford's greatest engine.
  9. Arrived today, Radley models LT locomotive L11 all made up and painted and decals added and with a Tenshodo spud £101 on e-bay. The price on the box (just for the unmade kit) was £80. The motor bogie has a fault but if its not fixable I have a spare.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped down to Tess Coes earlier, Found some sea bass fillets and some green veg for tomorrows dinner, no carbs with that just a double portion of green veg. Shortly I will be preparing tonights dinner, I just fancy liver and bacon, with onions of course. A package arrived this morning containing an item that runs on two parallel strips of metal. It needs a little work but seeing as the bank holiday is going to be cold its something to do.
  11. Just as I was reading this thread another arrived containing a model locomotive. Purchased via e-bay, genuinely kit built. Unmade kit was £80, I paid £101 for it built up and painted, only the pick ups need sorting before it can run on the layout. (Tenshodo spud but I've got a spare of the same wheelbase).
  12. The Volvo and AEC engines were not that different. Both had wet liners and the AEC's had split cylinder heads, each for three cylinders.
  13. Hello again from Estuary-Land. When I moved to Burnham-on-Crouch the first winter 83/84 we were snowed in for a week. Fortunately there were few shortages although towards the end of the week there was no bread or cakes to be had as the flour had run out. Back then there was two or three bakers shops together with greengrocers, butchers etc. all have now gone. I was wondering what would happen if the town was cut off for a week today without any local suppliers.
  14. I have a pile of empty cardboard boxes. Should I keep them or sell them at £15 a pop?
  15. Pairs of class 20's so no heating of the coaches then.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is banging on his drum, paracetamol has been deployed and a bath is about to be run for a good long soak.
  17. As I said no one claimed the money I found. I have my suspicions though it was one of the builders doing work on the building at the time. They were sub contractors and at the time many subbies were on what was known as 'the lump', paid cash in hand without the tax man being involved. I don't know how much £60 in 1979 would be the equivalent today but it was a lot of money back then.
  18. I once found £60 outside the door to my office, three £20 notes screwed up in a ball. I handed the money into our cash office they took a note of where and when I found it and put it in the safe. Six months later they told me that no one had claimed it so the money was mine. Came in handy as I was just about to go on holiday and the extra spending money was useful. It was quite a sum 42 years ago.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I will be finishing off a pack of apple and cinnamon hot cross buns shortly, as soon as the tea has brewed. I enjoyed watching 'Carry on Screaming' for the umpteenth time. One of the best of the genre, and its 55 years old! Part of the background music included the themes from Z cars and Steptoe and son. Thats it for now, be back later.
  20. I'm not particularly concerned about the livery of the coach. I will be running my layout as a preserved line applying rule 1 in spades.
  21. Quite a few GE locomotives were dispatched to Scotland by the LNER where they proved popular.
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