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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Perhaps its the Toad that they want to push. Many will want the coach for its uniqueness but a GW Toad is a GW Toad. A rail vehicle that is in most manufacturers catalogues. As I said the one rail vehicle that is missing is the cattle truck that appeared in the first part of the film (together with the 14XX).
  2. I had one of the early models about 25 years ago. Plain panel van version not a Barbie version. Tough little machine but over 40 mph the noise and vibration was something else. Great fun to drive though despite that. According to the DLVA there are none left on UK roads but they are still being made in India by Mahindra as the Thule. PS its just been replaced by a copy of the Jimney.
  3. When that happens I click on refresh. It means that you have to then clear the editor and then refresh again before leaving the thread to make everything as it should be. If you let things run their course it still remains in the editor until you clear it.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No sign of Arthur Itis this morning but his mate Si Attica has tried having a go but he's been put in his place by Nurofen. Very frosty this morning, the car had a heavy coating, I'm so glad I no longer have to go to work for a living. I had my first jab mid February but no news as to when I will get the second one but I understand that supplies of the A-Z jab will be arriving later this month. Time to get on with the rest of RMweb, be back later.
  5. New Zealand used Suzuki SJ10 jeeps fitted for road-rail.
  6. They have a lot of Australian vehicles in New Zealand. The locomotive in the background looks like one of the Drewery? locomotives of New Zealand Railways that had been re-engined with AEC units. Also with such a small vehicle it must be narrow gauge which fits in with the NZ 3' 6"" gauge.
  7. Good news from Dave, goodnight all.
  8. I was taking tablets for high blood pressure when I had a blackout. It turned out to be a case of 'white coat syndrome' and my blood pressure was normal.
  9. Road-rail Mini Moke. I know no other details.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching Secrets of the Museum on the Yesterday channel. In the title sequence I spotted a familiar face. A chap I see at transport rally's and swap meets. He mostly trades in transport books and periodicals with some stuff that you don't often find in W H Smiths. Kettle has just boiled and there's a couple of hot cross buns to be eaten.
  11. Don't forget that the bus was in competition with the train so perhaps packaging them together is not such a good idea. Also bus enthusiasts will just want the bus on its own.
  12. Perhaps the (GW?) cattle truck that featured at the start of the film would have been better. However that would have involved extra tooling costs. On this thread alternative liveries for the W&U coach has been discussed eliciting a question from Rapido about some details so they are obviously looking at alternative liveries.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have yet to sign my will, thanks to covid its proving difficult to get the witnesses together but with the easing of restrictions over the next few weeks I should be able to get things done. I will start distributing a few items among friends and family over the next year or two. That way I know they will be with someone who appreciates them. I did get a call from the will company this morning asking me if I want to take out my house and contents insurance with them. I'm quite happy with my current insurers so I've no intention of changing.
  14. I assume the op will be under a local anaesthetic in view of his age.
  15. Not as bad as a fractured pelvis but better if it had never happened. Due to the risk they will probably do the op under local anaesthetic which means he won't be out for a long time and you might be able to talk to him soon after the op.
  16. There was frost on the roof of the car this morning it was that cold and its not that warmer now. I try to keep my books in subject order with a shelf for oversize books and those with odd shapes. Some of them are quite valuable but to look at them they don't appear so. In fact one of my most valuable books is a rather grubby old paperback. I certainly don't want some of my books to end up in landfill. Fortunately SEERS can handle the disposal of my railway items both model and literature, they have a legacy scheme similar to that mentioned above.
  17. It wasn't bidding items, it was buy-it-now. It was printed card buildings that turned out to be poor quality. I gave him a very low rating anyway.
  18. I've been caught by this postage for each item trick when everything arrives in one package. I will never buy anything from that seller again but I wonder if its possible to bring a complaint about the practice to E-bay or Pay-pal.
  19. I'd be inclined to leave it as it is as its part of its history.
  20. If anything like my library there's not enough shelves and I'm running out of chairs to stack them on.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot of fuss this morning from Arthur Itis or Si Attica, just the odd reminder that they are still hanging around. Heating and hot water is still in action so I will be running a bath shortly. No earworms have appeared this morning and hopefully none will appear. Weather report is in a word COLD so I will be staying indoors today.
  22. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Si Attica is keeping quiet at the moment but I might have to venture into the loft to top up the central heating system until I get the leaking radiator removed and the pipes capped. Just keeping fingers crossed that he doesn't awake while I'm on the ladder. And with that I bid you all goodnight.
  23. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Si Attica has just had a right go at me. I made it up to the bed to lay stretched out but that didn't make any difference so I came downstairs intending to sign off and switch off the computer. But before I could do that my bladder insisted on being relieved. So it was a crawl, literally, up the stairs for that. I then decided to take a rest before going downstairs again. I had just laid down when I rolled over and Si Attica decided to depart. As I understand it sciatica is caused by the sciatic nerve getting trapped so I must have moved in a certain way to un-trap the nerve. No doubt I'm completely wrong and Flavio will put me right. At least I have recovered quickly which is more than Daves dad can do and Neils friend will not be able to do.
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