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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I put the bin bags out last night, they are still there now. I had forgotten that they are running a day late due to the bank holiday. At least they haven't attracted the attention of the local cats and foxes. I haven't drunk anything alcoholic for a long time, usually only at Christmas but for the last two I haven't touched a drop. Mind you the drinks cabinet is well stocked but hasn't been opened for gawd knows how long. Perhaps he likes LDC with a crust?
  2. In the UK Bell End is slang for a stupid person.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather forecast is for the possibility of snow over the weekend or at least wintery showers. Its going to be cold whatever. Arthur Itis woke up this morning but soon went back to sleep again. I remember Pan Yan pickle but I don't remember ever tasting it so I didn't remember it until Chris mentioned it. It met its demise in 2002 but there is a recipe on the internet, I was going to post it here but pH beat me to it. My preference in pickles is for the sharper end of the scale such as piccalilli but one of my favourites is pickled walnuts, great with a crumbly white cheese.
  4. I mentioned use by dates recently.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been a bit busy, had an old bed to get rid of so I mentioned it on a local Farcebook group. Someone's coming to collect it tomorrow so I've been clearing the stuff thats been accumulating around it for the last few years. When I went to Malta for a Holiday in March one year the weather was quite warm with temperatures in the low twenties Celsius. However the locals were wearing scarves and overcoats whereas the tourists were in shirtsleeves.
  6. I was forgetting, they don't do irony.
  7. That brings back memories but not pleasant ones.
  8. You do not want to see the remake. The word dire seems inadequate.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Cold hereabouts as well, not helped by the letter flap sticking open every time something is delivered. The last item through the letterbox was election literature for the forthcoming local elections. That it was from a party that I would never support in a month of Sundays just increased the niggle factor which even putting it unread into the recycling didn't satisfy. Toad in the hole for dinner tonight with broad beans and chips, that will keep me warm.
  10. This might have something to do with it. https://www.ft.com/content/f17a406e-021a-11ea-b7bc-f3fa4e77dd47
  11. As explained below (from the Hornby Lion thread).
  12. Such nuances are lost on the target audience anyway. The only RTR Toad that stands out is the Oxford 6 wheeler.
  13. That depends on the 'Hype' that the 70th anniversary of the films release receives. If Studiocanal intend to 'push' the anniversary of the film it will affect sales of models and other ephemera associated with the film.
  14. Perhaps its the Toad that they want to push. Many will want the coach for its uniqueness but a GW Toad is a GW Toad. A rail vehicle that is in most manufacturers catalogues. As I said the one rail vehicle that is missing is the cattle truck that appeared in the first part of the film (together with the 14XX).
  15. I had one of the early models about 25 years ago. Plain panel van version not a Barbie version. Tough little machine but over 40 mph the noise and vibration was something else. Great fun to drive though despite that. According to the DLVA there are none left on UK roads but they are still being made in India by Mahindra as the Thule. PS its just been replaced by a copy of the Jimney.
  16. When that happens I click on refresh. It means that you have to then clear the editor and then refresh again before leaving the thread to make everything as it should be. If you let things run their course it still remains in the editor until you clear it.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No sign of Arthur Itis this morning but his mate Si Attica has tried having a go but he's been put in his place by Nurofen. Very frosty this morning, the car had a heavy coating, I'm so glad I no longer have to go to work for a living. I had my first jab mid February but no news as to when I will get the second one but I understand that supplies of the A-Z jab will be arriving later this month. Time to get on with the rest of RMweb, be back later.
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