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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. One thing that puzzles me. I recall that there was a proposal to send some of the 1984 tube stock to the Island when it was withdrawn. The 1984 tube stock was the tube gauge version of the D stock that is currently being rebuilt for use on the island. The main reason for rejection of the 1984 stock was the single leaf doors. The new stock has single leaf doors. So why the change?
  2. There are several different variations of that on Farcebook. Whether you agree with her or not some of the comments have been pretty nasty and unpleasant.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit chilly this morning but Arthur Itis has been put back in his box by a brace of Nurofen. BBC news as usual goes OTT with such happenings. For your information World War III has just started, only joking of course, or am I? Just about to play Nina Simone for the third time, be back later.
  4. Seeing as they are second hand as such it might prove difficult in later years to source extra cars or units.
  5. Interesting vehicle, a Latil 'Traulier' tractor. A French vehicle built under licence by Shevloke and Drewery. The British built ones were fitted with a Meadows petrol engine or a Gardner 4LW diesel. They were four wheel drive and four wheel steering with a ten foot wheelbase making them very manoeuvrable. All of the big four operated examples and many remained under British Railways into the 50's.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dare I mention that Arthur Itis and his sidekick Si Attica seem to have gone into hiding. I'm certainly not going to look for them.
  7. It can be spelt either way, my name is spelt with two L's. That is referred to as the 'royal' way of spelling it as thats the way the royals always spell it. Its the official announcement that is wrong, it should be two L's.
  8. No wonder the 8F was struggling with all the steam leaking out.
  9. Just a little reminder, its Phillip with two L's.
  10. I thought this was the Hornby Lion thread?
  11. The current distance requirement is only going to be for a short duration. The crucial factor is line restrictions and capacity.
  12. All of the original cast have now passed away. The only survivors of those who took part were some locals recruited as extras who were children at the time.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Is it worth switching on the news or reading a newspaper for the next few weeks? Not that I read much of the newspapers (crosswords/sudoku) or watch much TV news (except for the weather) anyway. I'm neither one way or the other about the royal family but we could do worse. I was in Tesco's when the news was announced and didn't hear about it until I heard it on the car radio.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Something went wrong with Farcebook last night, it wouldn't even open at first then a lot wasn't accessible. When it did go back to normal a lot of users must have given up because there was far less traffic and I finished at the usual time. I noticed this morning that the yeast growth in the kitchen caddy is back despite a deep clean, at least its confined by the compostable liner. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just had an enjoyable Zoom talk by Jim Connor on the Princess Royal locomotives. Now time for a muggatee before attacking Farcebook.
  16. The best car I ever had was a Nissan Prairie, sadly it was written off after being rear ended by a truck. Very few if any on the road now probably due to lack of replacement windscreens. A few months before it was written off it suffered a cracked windscreen. It took Autoglass a fortnight to source a replacement.
  17. The D stock trains ran on the District line in six car formations that were the same length as the previous seven car formations. IIRC they were the longest Underground stock.
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