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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I tried it just now and it worked perfectly. Probably a gremlin in the system.
  2. The easing of lockdown has bought out the cockwombles. Following a Chelsea tractor this morning, speed fluctuating between 24 and 28 mph with the woman driver turning and talking to her passenger. We caught up with a bus. The bus stopped at a bus stop and she stopped with it. It was quite obvious that she wasn't going to pass it despite there being plenty of room to do so. So I passed both her and the bus and several cars behind me followed suit.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A package arrived this morning with something for a model railway project I'm working on. A few details to work out first including where did I put that resin body? The suggestion that the road be closed came from the anti-car lobby so can easily be ignored. Not quite, see the above, they won't be in any cars but brightly coloured Lycra should be an easy target.
  4. Back to the A303/Stonehenge. They are starting to build a tunnel for the A303 where it passes Stonehenge. Some are still complaining about that, they want the road closed altogether, some hope.
  5. The links take you to Paul's site but no pics show. If the ramp wagons are the ones I'm thinking of (four wheels with a removable axle) they are not used for carrying anything and are just to enable the vehicles to drive off of the train if there are no facilities such as loading banks.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but a bit chilly out at the moment. Best wishes to Daves dad and I hope that he can have visitors soon. Still the stiff joints in the morning but little pain that is easily dealt with by paracetamol. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  7. Just watched Secrets of the Transport Museum. They found one of the cars, a 1928 FWD Alvis seriously infected with woodworm. But it appears to have been dealt with.
  8. Nearly forgot, the name Podimore is Anglo-Saxon in origin. Pody is an old word for a frog and more of course refers to moorland.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has gone quiet again hopefully he's gone to bed for the night. Time for a muggatee and then to tackle Farcebook.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is back again so a couple of paracetamol have been taken. Its just been announced that students will be able to return to campus in the middle of next month. When I stopped at Podimore I was on my way to Newquay where I had booked a long weekends B&B. I try to avoid the restaurant chains on major roads if I can.
  11. I had a colleague who had most of her liver removed due to cancer. After the operation she was sent to a hospice to await the inevitable, but the inevitable never happened. When they checked it was found that a tiny piece of healthy liver had remained and regenerated itself. The lady herself lived for another 18 years working tirelessly for the hospice.
  12. I used the A303 last time I ventured down that way. The reason I chose that route was that it passed by the village of Podimore. Podimore is where some of my ancestors had lived two centuries ago so I wanted to stop off just to have a look. I went to the local church St. Peters, hoping to see if I recognised any names on the gravestones but regrettably most of the gravestones had been removed and placed against the churchyard wall. Most if not all of them were unreadable due to weathering and erosion anyway. As it was also midway through my journey I stopped off at the local hostelry https://www.podymore-inn.co.uk/ for lunch. Glad to see that it appears to have survived the lockdown.
  13. That's why I am making sure that my collections are dealt with properly before and when the grim reaper arrives. I have even started giving some away to those who will appreciate them.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was at it hammer and tongs first thing this morning but a brace of nurofen is putting him in his place. I understand that New Zealand is opposite Spain on the globe and Australia is opposite the Sahara/North Africa. The only place that is opposite the UK is Antipodes Island south of New Zealand.
  15. Primark stuff was/is terrible. The shirts were so misshapen after only a few washes that they were impossible to iron.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have never been inside an IKEA store AFAIK but they keep sending me catalogues which usually remain in their plastic bags until they go into the recycling. I have never bought anything from them either. Time to put the kettle on.
  17. Had a letter from the pensions office today. My state pension is increasing by 50p a day, whoopee.
  18. Further to the above, apparently ants cannot fart. So some ant killers work by making gas build up in their bodies until they explode. You don't see bits of detonated ant laying around because they are cannibals. Just as well that hippo's can fart then, we don't want exploding hippo's do we?
  19. Wasps can be beneficial in many ways, some species of wasp can and do kill pests but some should be gotten rid of especially the Chinese hornets that have appeared in this country as they can devastate bee hives. Hornets and wasps are of the same family (vespidae) and their nearest relatives in the insect world are ants.
  20. Even more like a class 20 were the three metre gauge 450hp 1-B-B-1 locomotives supplied to the Eastern Railway of Brazil in 1938.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A successful trip to Tess Coes for a few essentials, bread, milk and eggs. I also made an appointment for a haircut, Thursday afternoon as I intended and it was also the earliest slot available, they were very busy.
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