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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. As long as you are not to close behind him if there's any pot holes.
  2. Thats the stuff, whats the best way to cut it?
  3. Its no surprise that roo meat tastes like venison. They share a common ancestor and both with camels as well. I wonder if you are getting served 'roo meat' in Australia your not getting camel instead.
  4. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Breakfast/Brunch has been consumed and now on second muggatee. Many happy returns to Dave H and I hope his dad can be moved nearer home soon. As has been said Koala's are not good to eat. Apparently underneath that fur they are all skin and bone, eucalyptus is not all that nutritional. Job for this afternoon is assembling some boxes that will then contain items that run on two parallel strips of metal. To line the boxes I found some packing that is like sponge rubber but stiff like expanded polystyrene. It cuts like the ep but without the mess.
  5. So it looks like Liverpool just might get a place in the Champions League after all.
  6. The problem then is that nothing can move and you get gridlock. I've had the problem when drivers move on to the hatched box even if their exit is blocked. In the end I had to do the same myself otherwise I would have been stuck there for ages.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Lie-in and soak-in as its Sunday morning. Tea has brewed so back in a mo.
  8. And with screw couplings and vacuum pipes to disconnect/connect and close to live third and fourth rail.
  9. My mum's was plain white with no fancy bits.
  10. Even today some areas of the Western Front are no-go areas due to the vast amount of unexploded ordinance just inches below the surface and considered to dangerous to remove.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been making a few rumbles this evening but Ibuforen has put him in his place. Went into Tess Coes this afternoon, not that crowded and I only needed a few bits so I didn't stay long. While I was there they were putting out a display of garden furniture. It was so light that even a gentle breeze would pick it up. Time for muggatee, be back later.
  12. I suspect it was photoshopped though its hard to tell.
  13. When I watched the ceremony at the Menin Gate it was on the 11th of November and it was freezing. Luckily I was given a recommendation for a restaurant which served a nice hot meal and the best coffee I have ever tasted. FYI it was called Sante. From the Menin Gate walk past the Cloth Hall and its about 100 metres up the road in front of you on the left. Ask for the Flemish stew, delicious.
  14. I notice he's included a picture of the damage as well. It looks as if was attacked with a saw or Dremel. The only question is why?
  15. I visited Ypres and watched the ceremony at the Menin Gate several years ago. Tyn Cot really blows you away with its size and the number of graves. What struck me was that a large number of headstones were marked unknown. Its something that should be on everyones bucket list is a visit to such sites.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Something was up with RMweb and it wouldn't let me post earlier but it seems OK now, also I could only rate any post as like, any other option wasn't available. Talking of ratings I was checking posts on Farcebook and all of a sudden I couldn't rate anything, apparently I use the rating button too often. I use it so that I can identify posts that I have read as there is no other means of identifying them. Another Farcebook annoyance is that as you go down your list of favourite groups instead of saying something like 'last post 6 hours ago' you get a message saying 'Selected especially for you' when you open it its more often than not a post that you read and rated days ago. Thats enough rant for today, be back later.
  17. That is the prerogative of the German equivalent of the War Graves Commission. There are memorials to the German missing in places such as Langemark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langemark_German_war_cemetery However after the Great War the Germans were forbidden to build any memorial higher than two metres. Also their practice was to place their dead in a pit instead of individual graves with a black granite slab bearing the names of those interred beneath. These pits also usually contained bits of bodies recovered from the battlefield.
  18. I slow down when approaching a traffic jam but not to the extent of creeping along but just to make sure that I have enough braking distance. Once in slow moving traffic its sometimes a bit difficult to know if the traffic in front has moved two, ten or a hundred yards if all you can see is the back of a Transit van. Another bugbear is Chelsea tractors and other cars with blacked out windows, almost as bad as vans.
  19. In Germany's Black Forest a local delicacy is an open tart made with plums similar to a Tarte Tatin. Another one is baked red cabbage which also originated in the region. Black Forest Gateau is more recent only dating back to the early 20th century
  20. There is also the enormous craters from the massive mines exploded under the WW1 trench systems. https://lochnagarcrater.org/visit/
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Pies, pork pies in particular are food of the god's. Mind you it has to be a properly made one and not over seasoned unlike some of the factory made ones you get in the supermarkets. I have also known those without a pastry base as pot pies and IIRC they were made in WW2 due to shortages and rationing as most of our flour and wheat was imported. I remember my mother and grandmothers having a ceramic device that looked like an eggcup but without a base and a hollow stem and two cut outs in the rim. This was placed stem uppermost in the baking dish, the meat and then the pastry top was added leaving just a little of the stem showing. This allowed the steam to escape and the pies contents from overflowing in the oven. They were also used on things such cottage pie or suet puddings with a 'soft' topping which doesn't have a pastry base.
  22. Wasn't there some mention of reinforcing it with concrete.
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