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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have heard that snow chains are illegal in the UK.
  2. I've never changed the tyres on my cars according to season and there was never any mention of doing so in the service manuals?
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching the program on WW2 defences on the Yesterday channel. I'm a bit disappointed as the whole lot could have been condensed into half the time and was a bit shallow. I might watch it next week to see if there's any improvement. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. There is a drawing in Brian Webbs book on Armstrong-Whitworth diesels of the loco. With the main lines electrified and the AEC diesel railcars operating branch line passenger services these locomotives would easily be able to handle most branch line freight. It would only require a handful of larger locomotives, diesel or electric to cover most diagrams.
  5. Intended for trip working rather than shunting hence the bigger drivers.
  6. Armstrong-Whitworth designed an 0-4-4 Diesel electric locomotive for the GWR. It was very like their 0-6-0 shunter with the rear drivers replaced by a four wheel bogie. It never left the drawing board though. The A-W shunter. The driving wheels were a bit larger and the bonnet a bit lower with a small copper capped chimney.
  7. I seem to recall the first Wimpy bars having the 'e' in the name.
  8. The Wellington bomber nickname is spelt Wimpey with an 'e' and is probably derived from a different source. The early Popeye cartoons date from the late 30's, Wimpy bars from about 1950.
  9. As I mentioned above the burger bars were named after the character Wimpy in the Popeye cartoons. The hamburger is so named because it originated in the city of Hamburg, nothing to do with the contents.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went down to Tess Coes earlier intending to get some more glue, and I forgot! Not to worry as I have to go back there tomorrow as they were out of my preferred bread. I very rarely if ever venture into fast food restaurants nowadays, the only time I made serious use of them was when I visited the States on a fly drive in 1978. I remember that Pizza Hut and KFC and some other fast food outlets were offering all you can eat for $2.99 over the lunch hours (11:00-14:00) so I made the most of it. I knew that Wimpy was an American company, named after a character in Popeye the sailor. I never liked salad cream or mayonnaise and neither do I like cold cooked potatoes but combine them in a potato salad and I love it. Tea has brewed so I'll be back later.
  11. Robert, are you sure your 'cold' isn't hay fever? I went for many years thinking that sniffles and sneezing this time of year was a cold until they started adding the pollen count to the weather forecast. It was then that I realised it was hay fever.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My usual breakfast is either porridge or a couple of cold hard boiled eggs and wholemeal bread. I do occasionally have a full English when I'm going out for the day and I'm not sure if I can get a main meal. Not having had a day out since November 2019 its a long time since I've had a full English. Some of the supermarkets with restaurants do a full English and some are quite good but they have all closed their restaurants during the pandemic. Glad to hear that Daves dad is improving and hopefully he will be soon nearer home. Time for breakfast and muggatee, be back later.
  13. Its a Toshiba, probably could be taken apart but if I take things apart I can never get them back together again.
  14. At £5:34 post free I'd rather get a replacement. It seems to be sealed anyway, the only thing accessible is the battery compartment.
  15. I looked at them but then I tried E-bay. I put in the type number and set the search for 'new' and got one for £2 less than remotes2U post free and delivery by May 1st.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've ordered a new remote for the TV set. Luckily brand new replacements are still available. The on/off switch didn't work unless you pressed it on the side and some of the other buttons are a bit 'soggy'. The set is now seven years old so I was quite pleased to find that replacement hand sets are still available.
  17. Talking of BMC vans. If you've ever wondered why there wasn't a J3 van well there was. They got as far as building test models but then it was dropped. They used the same body as the J4 but fitted with the 1275 cc A series engine. As you can imagine the performance would be abysmal but probably better than the Standard Atlas.
  18. There was also a BMC diesel based on the B series engine as fitted to the A60 and Marina cars. It was offered fitted to those models for taxi fleets. It was initially only 1500 cc and delivered only about 40 BHP and was offered in the J2/J4/JU vans. Later the capacity was increased to 1800 cc when it was fitted in the early Sherpa vans. This is the engine most likely to have been used.
  19. That reminds me of the bridge at Battlesbridge. Though that isn't quite as long its even narrower. There is an old mill alongside that houses mainly small antique businesses but also a model railway purveyor.
  20. Fitting a Perkins P6 was a common conversion on the six cylinder Humbers. They used to drink petrol like it was going out of fashion is the reason why.
  21. They are the ones most likely to report you.
  22. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Started on the stock trays, first a dry run to check everything fits. I then worked out a construction sequence (dividers to base, then add ends and then sides). Then I got the glue out only to find it was a solid lump as air had got in. There wasn't much there anyway so I would have had to buy some more anyway. The cardboard box they came in is to be converted to another stock box as its just the right height and is held closed by two 'ear-flaps'. Now time for a muggatee.
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