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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Both narrow gauge and standard gauge versions were built. Commonwealth Railways operated in both gauges but were in the process of making all their lines standard gauge. These locomotives were delivered with spare standard gauge bogies to facilitate the changeover
  2. Taken on a mobile, all he had to do was hold it sideways.
  3. A similar situation around here, one person was buying up all the properties that came on the market for letting out. Mostly to eastern Europeans and in one two bedroom house she had three couples, two with young babies. Then suddenly the tenants moved out of several of the properties and they went back on the market. I know the elderly gent who lived next door to house where the three couples were and he told me that HMRC were involved. The woman who had owned the properties apparently skipped off to Lebanon from whence she came. One of the houses she owned was opposite me and has found a private buyer.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris mentioning mayoral elections reminded me that although I live just outside of London and can't vote for the London mayor we still get inundated with news and interviews of the candidates. One in particular stands out for sheer stupidity, he wants to stop all covid restrictions and to quote "Go back to normal". What a pi1lock. Arthur Itis was again in full song but the Ibuforen soon quietened him down. I'm beginning to notice another effect of the Ibuforen, I needn't worry about constipation. Postie has just delivered my postal vote so alls well in that department, it will be in the post later today.
  5. Almost 70 years ago when I was attending infants school the teacher told us that we should never use soap to clean our ears just use hot water. I have never used soap on my ears since and I've never needed to have my ears syringed. PS my hearing is better than many half my age.
  6. The house that I'm currently living in is the first house that had full central heating when I moved in. Mind you I've lived here for more than 32 years. My previous home, the cottage at Burnham was so small and with the two downstairs rooms opened out into one that the one fireplace virtually heated the whole house. Upstairs the main bedroom was warmed by the chimney breast passing through the room and the smaller bedroom by leaving the door open was warmed by heat rising up the stairs. The only room that needed heating was the bathroom but that had a wall mounted electric fire with a cord switch. The fireplace was open burning coal but when left damped down overnight the fire could still be revived in the morning. Being a mid terrace it didn't require a lot of insulation, only the roof space.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been sorting out some old magazines, some titles I'll be keeping but the majority are going to be binned. Oddly the heap of magazines seems to have grown rather than diminished, probably because I'm placing them in neat piles rather than a heap.
  8. That depends upon whether it is wiped off with a sponge or just hosed off.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorted out my postal vote and it should be with me by Monday. Not only had I not received the ballot papers I hadn't had a poll card and I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't on the electoral roll. Fortunately the young lady in the electoral office confirmed that I was and put the necessary papers in the post. Property values are going up hand over fist apparently, some of it is reckoned to be due to the lockdown and people working from home.
  10. I have quite often driven on the continent where outside of the major ports and cities all the signage is in the local language, and I don't speak any language other than English. However I do understand what the signs mean and if I am uncertain I take extra caution.
  11. The speed limit on that bit of road is 50 MPH. A heavy truck would not be able to swerve to avoid him. Heavy truck at 50 MPH meets motorbike at 50 + MPH = SPLAT!
  12. The speed limit on that particular piece of road is 50 mph. A truck would be unable to swerve like the car did in the article. Truck doing 50 MPH vs. motorbike doing 50 MPH+ = SPLAT! Before or after the SPLAT!
  13. I thought sandpiper at first but the markings don't look right. It could be a juvenile though.
  14. Just needed some other scrotes in a stolen Beemer going the other way, game of chicken anyone?
  15. I looked up plovers and there's dozens of different variants. The one that it most resembles is a sand plover but that is usually found in India and China. Its very hard to judge the size of the bird from the photograph, a gestimate of the size of the concrete block it was standing on would help.
  16. Under the current H&S legislation more of the onus for safety has been placed on the employer. However on a level crossing it is the responsibility of the operator who in this case has complied with their statutory obligations with regard to H&S.
  17. The D78's were restricted due to their length (outswing). Has done so for years with London Transports own TC set which was the one used on the main line.
  18. Someone determined to get a Darwin award. https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/19265959.motorbike-speeds-oncoming-traffic-a127/?ref=rss&IYA-reg=bb90737e-d6c0-449b-a4c2-694f121acce4 No helmet or protective gear (and almost certainly no licence or insurance).
  19. Someone definitely looking for a Darwin award. https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/19265959.motorbike-speeds-oncoming-traffic-a127/?ref=rss&IYA-reg=bb90737e-d6c0-449b-a4c2-694f121acce4
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry, sunny but cold this morning. I will have to check with the local electoral office as I haven't received my postal vote yet but I fear that if somethings gone wrong its a bit to late. Item on the Breakfast Show about some scrotes phoning up people who's dogs have gone missing and demanding money or they'll kill the dog. In almost every case they do not have the dog and are just scammers. Some are so confident stupid that they gave their victims their bank details. I thought that if I have their bank details and they want money put into it I'm sure there's some Nigerian gentlemen who will oblige .
  21. Beyond belief. https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/19265959.motorbike-speeds-oncoming-traffic-a127/?ref=rss&IYA-reg=bb90737e-d6c0-449b-a4c2-694f121acce4 No helmet, no protection and almost certainly no licence or insurance.
  22. There is a bit more film of the incident. The crew escaped unhurt and you can see in the film other vessels quite near, indeed in the longer film is footage shot from one of those vessels.
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