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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. And that particular GBL model has also been quite rare.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I mentioned yesterday that I will be getting jab # 2 tomorrow week. Quite some time since my first jab (15th Feb) so I wonder if it had somehow slipped through the net. I found this series on YouTube and very interesting. It covers such disasters as Zeebrugge and a few railway disasters, very interesting.
  3. Looks like a juvenile, possibly a goldcrest.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Overdone the eye lid inspection again this afternoon but I vaguely remember the rain mentioned by Tony. So nothing much done today but what with the rain the G word was out anyway. At least the car is a bit cleaner and I was only thinking of cleaning it. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  5. Not three, or four or even five but NINE. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-woman-becomes-mum-9-24039916#source=push
  6. Looks more like a Christmas turkey, perhaps he was trying to play that.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was going at it hammer and tongs this morning but has now quietened down. Breaking news, Prince Philip died of old age, I expect the media will be making a song and dance about it as if its unusual for a 99 year old to die of old age. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Rick mentioning Aspergers reminded me that I'm autistic, and I had only become aware of it a few years ago. A lady who I know was with her young son who was amusing himself playing with some old carpet samples. She said to me that his behaviour was because of autism. I used to and still sometimes do behave in exactly the same way and other things that I do also indicate autism. Its not a handicap in my case in fact it has helped me get through the last almost 73 years. A feature of my autism is that I see somethings in a different way to none autistic people and this has resulted in a 'talent' for mental arithmetic that has seen me through my entire employment life, never being unemployed from when I left school until retirement.
  9. Pity they don't do any undecorated. Many diecast makers offer their models in plain white for the buyer to add paint and decals.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The TV remote control I ordered arrived this afternoon. But it was a completely different type and make to the one I ordered. I've e-mailed the vendor and waiting for his reply. I called the surgery and fixed an appointment for my second jab, Thursday week so I'll be ready when the shackles are taken off.
  11. There was an item in Practical Classics a couple of months ago. They tested several conversions, some using components from electric cars such as the Tesla, and others simply replacing the petrol engine with an electric motor retaining the original transmission. Amongst the latter were a Morris Minor and a Land Rover. The Morris had the boot as well as the bonnet stuffed with batteries (Li batteries are very light in weight.) making it more of a commuter car. The Land Rover as well as having batteries under the bonnet had them in place of the fuel tank under the front seats. The Land Rover had a range of about 180 miles on one charge. Provided that the batteries are maintained and are not punctured fire isn't a problem, and it takes a lot more to puncture a battery than it does a petrol tank.
  12. Case explained, for some reason I'd paid by debit card instead of PayPal. IIRC the vendors may not have done PayPal.
  13. Just received my bank statement this morning. On it were two charges from e-bay totalling £117. I have no idea what they are for and there seems to be no way of getting in touch with them. I only buy on e-bay and pay using pay-pal so I've no idea what these charges are.
  14. There was a film on Farcebook showing a far eastern gentleman restoring a large lead acid battery. To begin with he pulled the terminals off with a pair of pliers. Then he eased the lid off of the battery and then proceeded to pour the liquid contents down a drain. No protective gear, not even gloves. He then removed the lead plates for cleaning and then re-assembled them in the battery case, re-attached the lid and terminals and refilled it and put it on charge. If I find the film again I'll post it on here.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Usual stiff joints this morning but not too painful compared to some recent mornings. Not good news from Mexico City this morning, thoughts are with the casualties and their families. Time to run a bath, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still blowing a hooley outside but it seems to have stopped raining. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  17. The rain has finally arrived and is now rattling on the windows but I'm smug and dry indoors with the curtains drawn and thats how its going to stay. Breaking news there's a massive fire at Platt's Eyot on the River Thames in a boatyard. IIRC thats the old Thorneycroft boatyard. Not that far from the Hill of Strawberries either.
  18. In our case the paving was tarmac. The cable company made a proper job if it with proper tarred joints etc., they can't be faulted. Within a few months though both water and gas companies had dug up the pavement leaving it looking like a patchwork quilt.
  19. When I lived in Romford I tried growing broad beans. The first year the blackfly massacred them then I was told to pinch out the tops of the plants and when I did so the blackfly infestation was far less and I got a better crop.
  20. If the cabling company had put the cable in first they wouldn't have had to pay for the reinstatement of the footpath.
  21. The red locomotive that you can glimpse in the film is a good representative of the Alco switcher.
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