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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Apparently they are considering moving it to the UK.
  2. When I went to Tess Coes this afternoon there was half a dozen juvenile starlings making the most of the skin of a jacket potato in the car park. They were picking out the remains of potato but leaving the skins.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit late as I've been doing some of those little jobs that needed a round tuit and I forgot about the time. Its still twilight so its still afternoon in my opinion. I discovered this recently, Taylor Mitchell, a talented young lady who suffered a horrific death at the age of 19.
  4. The CIE quickly dropped the idea of single cabs and all subsequent orders were for double cabs.
  5. I voted but I didn't get any flyers from one major party. Not like a few years ago where in a previous local council election when that particular party put up a candidate in every ward. I asked why they bothered and the candidate for a ward they had no hope of winning pointed to the few votes they had obtained (about 125 IIRC) and said "There's 125 reasons to put up a candidate.".
  6. Or possibly fit it with a 'hood' style body?
  7. We had a Zoom talk last night on the subject of rail accident investigation. The presenter was Alan Clark who is a retired BTP Inspector. He was involved at a high level in to the investigations of Potters Bar and Great Heck accidents and gave us quite a few insights into what happens after such incidents. I feel sure some of you will have heard of Alan and possibly even know him.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As usual I was woken by Arthur Itis this morning but he soon went back to sleep so did I. Reading through ER's this morning I feel there's fewer posts than when I started so perhaps Jamie's post wasn't the only one to disappear. Bright sunshine this morning but not predicted to last. Rain is a bit of a mixed blessing, it washes out the pollen in the air thus easing the hay fever but Arthur Itis loves doing a rain dance.
  9. There used to be several brickworks in the county. I know of at least three within about ten miles from where I live. One of them only ceased production this century (there is a film of its narrow gauge railway in use on YouTube).
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just had a very interesting Zoom talk on Railway Disasters. The talk was by Alan Clark a retired BTP Chief Inspector. Its possible that several here on ER's know him or know of him as he was Assistant Chief Investigating Officer at several notorious train crashes such as Ladbrook Grove. A very interesting evening and a good insight about what happens after a rail crash.
  11. I can just imagine them trying to catch a French onion seller on a pushbike, and failing.
  12. Mention of the Bedford TM suddenly shortening its wheelbase reminded me of when my B-i-L was test driving the then new Ford Cargo trucks at Boreham. When they were first introduced the Australian army took a batch and being their newest trucks were used in a display for the top brass. Part of the display was putting one of the new trucks on suspended tow. Despite Ford's advice to unload the truck before putting it on suspended tow they done it with the truck fully loaded. There was a picture of the truck with the cab leaning back about 45 degrees but the frame behind it parallel with the ground.
  13. I like tandoori chicken but there's no Indian restaurants locally that I know of that does a good one. When I lived in Romford there used to be several very good Indian restaurants but I understand a lot of them have gone now. As tandoors are usually made from clay perhaps if your FiL had lived in Essex the garden soil clay would have been more suitable.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I am avoiding the news today for obvious reasons. All the hype but counting will not all be completed until Monday. I've actually voted twice (by post). Last week I called the electoral registration as I hadn't received my postal vote. They said that they'd put them in the post for me. Ballot papers were received the following morning, filled in and posted. I then received a second lot of ballot papers on Tuesday! I called the electoral registration who confirmed that those were the replacements. The ballot papers that I had received first (and filled in and posted) were the missing originals and they had been cancelled and I should fill in the second ones.
  15. Yes indeed, I looked him up, quite a CV.
  16. If you've come across the German traffic police you'll know exactly what he means.
  17. A bit worrying leaving all that on your front porch, in many places that would have disappeared in minutes.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and his sidekick Si Attica were busy this morning. Some exercises and a couple of Nurofen have quietened them down and a hot soak in the bath will put them in their place. Another Zoom talk tonight, about railway accident investigation, sounds very interesting. Thats it for now, be back later.
  19. The TNB was apparently built as cheaply as possible and that was a contributing factor. That I didn't know about until I listened to the commentary. Neither did I know about the dog that was in the car.
  20. It was explained in the film what actually caused the bridge to behave in the way it did.
  21. Reflective number plates became compulsory part way through the L suffix registrations but very few vehicles with that suffix went on the road with white on black number plates. There are always exceptions, London Transport were allowed to carry on using white on black even into the reversed year letter (prefix) era. I was told that this was because of London Buses being rebuilt every few years at Chiswick and in doing so the identities being transferred from one bus to another. As the rebuilt bus left Chiswick it took the identity of another identical bus that was going into works. That identity depended on registrations being painted on and/or using transfers, if they had to fit reflective plates they would have to be transferred over from one bus to another. The use of white on black plates continued even after Chiswick closed.
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