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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. A colour pic of the test train. The identity of the match wagon is not known.
  2. Or perhaps in the class 43's, Deltic powered IC125 anyone?
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis started grumbling about an hour ago but has now quietened down. The California lilac is in full flower but still no sign of the bees that are normally swarming all over it by now. Hopefully its just a delay caused by the recent cold weather and they'll be out in a couple of days. Still a bit blustery which might also be keeping the bees away. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  4. I ordered a new TV remote from E-bay. It arrived in a flimsy plastic envelope with absolutely no padding. It was then posted through my letterbox falling three feet onto a concrete floor. I am waiting for a replacement.
  5. Austin were developing an opposed piston two stroke diesel engine with Junkers in the late 30's. They fitted a two cylinder one in a K2 lorry as a test bed but development ceased at the outbreak of war.
  6. I'm even bidding on a couple of items. Including the one thats in the wrong box.
  7. I posted this a couple of hours ago but it seems to have disappeared (or I didn't click Submit Reply). Could be a female black cap (females have a brown cap). Hard to tell from the angle of the pic.
  8. Depends on the size of the room as well.
  9. There were 18-cylinder Deltics used in marine applications.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was quieter this morning so no need for chemicals to put him in his place.
  11. This shows how the Deltic engine works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napier_Deltic
  12. Our local council has just changed political colour. Now the priority for pot hole repairs will go to the wards that supported the party now in power.
  13. Rick its probably tree pollen, mainly ash trees. I went out in the car today which is fitted with pollen filters which are very effective, as long as you keep the windows shut. Wearing a mask does little to alleviate the hay fever it seems.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Despite the rain today the pollen has set off my hay fever. I strongly suspect that it is ash tree pollen. At least it should only last another week or so. Happy anniversary Dave before I forget. Now to catch up on RMweb, be back later.
  15. The Deltics were also opposed piston 2-strokes. They managed to fit two such engines in a locomotive and keep it within the British loading gauge.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just back from visiting the emporium(s) of unmentionables (here on ER's, not those sort of unmentionables). Two emporiums (emporia?) in fact, first at Battlesbridge and then on to a well known one at Chelmsford. I purchased a few items at both establishments which were both surprisingly busy for a Monday until I remembered what Andy Ram was saying about business picking up. Nipped into Tess Coes for bread and milk but when I got home I realised that I should have got some eggs, just as well I have enough for tomorrows breakfast. Now off to play with my new toys.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in as I'm off out shortly to visit a certain emporium. This will be the first outing since Warley 2019! Muggatee first and then I'm out.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I am going to visit a model railway emporium tomorrow and if there is enough time I will visit a second such emporium. I have made a 'bubble' with my friend and he will be coming with me, that will be the first time I will have anyone in the car with me in fifteen months. Now time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Bright, warm and sunny out at the moment so I've actually been out and tidied up the patio. A few weeks ago I got the weed killer out and zapped the weeds that were sprouting. I also cleaned out the moss so a stiff broom was all that was required to sweep it into a pile which is now in the composter. Now for a muggatee, be back later.
  20. Its landed, in the Indian Ocean to the west of the Maldives.
  21. Even worse if its a double decker and there's a low bridge.
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