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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Foxes are a bit noisy tonight, in the back garden but its too dark to see anything. The cold spring seems to have put everything back a month or so. Now to carry on ploughing through Farcebook.
  2. Made quite an impressive bow wave as well.
  3. Just had a look in to the Hitachi thread, things are getting a bit heated as in handbags at five paces.
  4. I didn't have any problems when I went in for my second jab this afternoon. In fact it was better than when I had the first jab. On the first jab I felt the pinprick of the needle going in but this time I felt nothing at all. It might be because I was injected in a different spot to the first one. It was higher up almost to the shoulder. The nurse asked me to remove my shirt as my shirtsleeve could not be rolled up far enough, last time I simply rolled the sleeve up.
  5. Not necessary with disc brakes and modern disc pads. The old drum brakes however didn't like getting wet.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been jabbed for the second time this afternoon. In and out in no time but it took longer to get out of the road where the church being used as a vaccination centre. The problem is that the road is very narrow with a lot of parked cars and the vaccination centre was very busy. Not helped by it being turning out time at a nearby infants/junior school. On the subject of qualifications the one thing that doesn't or didn't have a formal qualification is health and safety. This of course has delighted the little Hitlers who can make up what they like and use health and safety as an excuse. I do have a piece of paper saying that I've completed a course in H&S courtesy of my trade union. The course was very good, so good in fact that some employers actually sent some of their management staff on the course (and were duly charged by the union). Not long after I completed the course an HR person tried to pump me for advice but that soon stopped when I asked how much they were going to pay me. It comes in handy when confronted with "It's health & safety y'know." when you ask them what part of health & safety legislation they are referring too.
  7. Molasses has largely been displaced by corn syrup in many food applications.
  8. I notice that one particular make, BMW seems to suffer the worst. Not a criticism of the drivers, it could be electronics in a vulnerable position. The worst drivers IMHO in that clip seemed to be those that knowing their vehicles are high enough to be unaffected by the water deliberately power through creating a large wave
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was going hammer and tongs this morning so much so that I could barely move. Almost certainly due to the change in the weather its cooler and damper than the last few days. Second jab today, first was back in February, I was told that I would be contacted re. my second jab but I had to call and fix it myself. Now time to run a bath be back later.
  10. Won't those bells on the caps give them away?
  11. Sounds very much like bread and butter pudding. Only the bread is layered in the dish with dried fruit between the layers. Then an egg, sugar and milk mixture is poured over so that all the bread is covered and left to soak in. Then it is baked in the oven until the top is a golden brown.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was making a bit of fuss this evening but Nurofen has silenced him now. Did you ask for the recipe? It sounds delicious, perhaps with some onions and mushrooms in a casserole? What about an English breakfast casserole?
  13. The I-o-W has a history of recycling former London stock. Starting with the rigid eight wheel stock from the Metropolitan railway in the 1900's, some are still in use today as beach huts. Then two generations of tube stock (Standard and 1938 stock) and now the rebuilt D78 stock.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The Californian lilac is attracting the bees at last. Not as many as usual but hopefully more will come. Also I spotted a young fox sunning itself in the garden, possibly one of this years cubs. There was also something hiding in the shrubbery that could have been another fox but more likely a ginger cat. You forgot the fried slice. I would suggest a ring of croutons in which to place the egg. Best to cube the bacon and treat the sausage the same as the black pudding. As for the pastry, its a toss up between the short pastry and the puff pastry, whichever proves the best at mopping up the egg yolk.
  15. I'm surprised the origin of van hasn't been identified as the horizontal boarding is quite distinctive.
  16. Didn't they offer free delivery?
  17. If you have a dog, any dropped foodstuffs will often not even reach the floor.
  18. A well known furniture problem, the chest has dropped into the drawers.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope Dave's dad and Gordon S continue to improve though its going to take some time. Arthur Itis was making some noise this morning but I dispensed with the pain killers and as I suspected moving about is just as effective at putting him in his place. For those interested in recipes and CAKE here is one for namoura, a middle eastern dessert traditionally served up after Ramadan. https://www.cookinwithmima.com/namoura/ Its made with semolina flour and as semolina was one of my favourites when I was a lad I would like to give it a try. A full English in a pie sounds great, as long as they leave out the baked beans. Some supermarkets do 'Full English' sandwiches. Some are not too bad but some are awful (main ingredient tomato sauce).
  20. Had a quick look in on the Hitachi thread.
  21. I know of several female railway modellers, there's quite a few here on RMweb. We currently have none in our model railway club but over the years we have had a couple of female members.
  22. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear that Daves dads endoscopy has not found anything untoward and the nutritionist can get things sorted. After yesterdays trip out I will be planning a few more with my friend and his youngster. The lad has only just become a teenager and he must spend some time sitting in a grow-bag the way he's shooting up. He's also on a see food diet, see food and eat it. Our local orange shed has a box of offcuts near the exit to which you can help yourself as long as you drop a coin or two into the charity box which I'm quite happy to do so. They also put in the box ex display items and other odds and ends. I found the lining panel from a cabinet unit, some sort of MDF with one side plastic coated, ideal for a backscene.
  23. More about the tube stock. https://www.bloodandcustard.com/BR-7VECTIS.html
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