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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I could hear the Muntjac deer again last night, but I've yet to see one. They are very shy creatures so thats no surprise. A package arrived this morning containing something that runs on two parallel strips of metal from E-bay, good going as I only paid for it on Friday. Best wishes to Dave's dad and Gordon, be back later.
  2. For the last few months there has been a strange barking noise outside that has some of the locals worried. They need not worry as I have identified the source.
  3. I've found one on YouTube and yes that is the sound I heard.
  4. Back in 1997 it was even suggested that Basildon could be used for a Formula 1 street circuit. https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/june-1997/5/moss-amon-and-hopkirk-head-star-turnout-for-basild However when the costs were worked out it was deemed to expensive. It stymied our model railway exhibition which at the time was held in the town centre and was on the same day.
  5. I am hearing a strange call at the moment. Its like a short deep bark but its not any sort of dog. I'm wondering if it could be a Muntjac deer?
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Earlier I noticed that someone had left a note under the windscreen of my car. I went out to check and found it said do I want to sell the car with a mobile phone number. The note is now in the recycling as I have no intention of selling the car and there are only certain circumstances under which I will. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  7. Not safe at any speed. https://www.today.com/video/are-stretch-limos-safe-watch-this-crash-test-footage-of-a-startling-crash-60390469724
  8. I have seen one locally stretched to about three times its length. Its been 'caught' on a hump back bridge at least twice (different bridge each time). I can understand an ordinary car being stretched but when you consider what a Hummer is designed for a stretched one is beyond all reason.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found another round tuit today, sorting out a pile of old magazines. Only problem was I spotted an article in one mag and started reading it so I ended up putting the round tuit away for another rainy day. Arthur Itis is banging on his drum so a couple of nurofen have been deployed. Tea is brewing so its be back later.
  10. Toasted Hummer anyone? This was the one loaded with cans of fuel.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see that my English breakfast omelette meets with the approval of ID. The reason for only two large eggs is that I only have a small frying pan. Those two eggs would not leave much room for anything else when placed in the frying pan. On/off on/off rain and sun today so staying indoors.
  12. https://www.thedrive.com/news/40596/hummer-erupts-in-flames-just-feet-from-gas-pump-after-stockpiling-fuel-in-the-trunk?fbclid=IwAR0GH0XyPXzvwrJah7RTUfQJ7jn4g_2iCrb-pC48TkATDsAZsacDvM0-3os
  13. Not forgetting the C and D stock the latter of which is being rebuilt and updated for use elsewhere.
  14. And Routemaster buses are almost entirely aluminium, and the oldest of those is more than sixty years old.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Time seems to have run away this evening. I still have my final muggatee to drink and to tackle Farcebook. Just as well tomorrows lay in bed until late day.
  16. No, it was the tramcar in the Ahern box marked 'box car'. I was unsuccessful in that. However the Bachmann Queen Mary brake van is mine for a very reasonable £20.
  17. I recall a golf tournament from the US being shown live on the BBC. About 20% action and the rest was from a camera focused on a pond on the course. I was annoyed because I was waiting for another program to come on that was delayed (and eventually re-scheduled) and afterwards it went straight to the following program, highlights of the golf tournament.
  18. I once belonged to the Reliant owners club (I had a quite rare Reliant Kitten van). The problem was that as far as they were concerned anything with more than three wheels they weren't interested in.
  19. Not forgetting that the A4's were light locomotives built for speed with trains built as light as possible.
  20. It may be painfully slow but any improvement is good news.
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